E-mail from friend alerting me to emergency instruction from GB

by Wasanelder Once 61 Replies latest jw experiences

  • okie46

    I think this information is another way for them to intrude in your personal information and have more control over the members. A most interesting question is the one asking if you are baptized and for family contact numbers. I think it is just another way to stalk faders so they can spy on them, as we know they have been guilty of doing many times over and then disfellowshiping them. I don't believe they really give a rats behind about protecting the congregation during emergencies, (other than to put on a show for the "unbelievers"), because I have personally been inside of a kingdom hall as a Tornado Warning Siren was going off outside to warn us of an approaching tornado. Now when a tornado warning siren goes off, everyone knows it is time to find shelter or crawl into a ball and cover the back of your neck, because a tornado has been spotted approaching the area where you are. The speaker would not even stop giving his talk, they had a brother look around outside and he said he didn't see any tornado, so the speaker told us to remain in our seats and continue listening to the speaker. How idiotic! It is also ironic that this is one of the key events that helped me to see how ridiculous this organization and it's way of thinking is. I made up my mind right then, that would never happen again to me.

  • oompa

    See I once was an avid backpacker. and JW wife comes home a few week ago all hellbent on getting an emergency bag for several days of use. WT said so, but we just saw it the other day, the gov wants us to as well. But we do not live in a flood area, or a hurricane, or a volcano area...rarely tornados but we have a fort knox basement. So why do we need it...go no where so after like two week bying stocking stashing (and I mean 400 bucks) all put into a pro pack. It weighed 47 pounds! I also have super lite tents, bags, stoves etc. so I was not gonna haul a 47 pound pack....now we have two packs! more stuff two hand crank led flashlight radios! And we are at about 28 24. We could live at least a week and eat very well. I don;t know what the hell this is about but she bitched til I got it done....oompa

  • dinah

    When the end comes, I will put my head between my legs and kiss my ass good-bye without any intervention from the WTBS. It's a crash position I'm quite used to thanks to those ASSHOLES.

    I am perfectly capable of kissing my own ass, don't really need any others.

    Yeah, those of us born in are just screwed--in SOME ways (((katiekitten)))

  • LouBelle
    I had a gutful of making bean filled toys

    Wow KK - can't believe your mum made you do that as a kid.

    When I was younger I didn't particularly like the fact that peoples' tongues would rot in their mouths - that made me feel rather sick.

    Yeah I was also told that we could hide in the Kingdom Halls and we would be protected by Jeohvah, or that Jehovah would make sure that we were having a convention and then bring about Armegeddom.

  • lawrence

    Once again a perfect example of the faithless living by sight, not by faith! I'm sure a Dick Tracy decoder ring is a must!

    oompa- next week there'll be a demand for households to check their packs daily, so they are prepared - screw faith in the shed blood of the Son.

  • jgnat

    I helped my JW hubby fill out his some time ago. It did not look like the form listed here. It did ask for an awful lot of information, including everyone's cell phone numbers. I just left a lot of fields blank. No freakin' way on this planet were the elders gonna get my cell number.

  • Jim_TX

    Reading through the instructions from the KM that someone posted above, I think that this pretty well sums it all up...

    "Resume your theocratic routine as soon as possible."


    Jim TX

  • Mary

    What a load of shit......is this 'impending disaster' supposed to be for natural disasters or for the Great Tribulation which should be here any day now ..........Let's face it: If it's a natural disaster and all your 'contacts' live in the same area as you, then they're probably not going to be much help. And WTF do they need to know who in your house is baptized? Does that give them special treatment that an unbaptized person isn't entitled to?

    Like someone already mentioned: The WTS doesn't do squat to help anybody during a natural disaster, without ulterior motives. I'm guessing that this form is nothing more than another ploy to: 1) get as much information on you as possible, in the event that you decide to bolt from the Borg and 2) To give yet another vague but ominous warning that The End is nigh.........

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Ah - you put it so subtley Mary, lol. I too think it's a 'subliminal' (can't be too subtle as it'd go <whoosh>) message as the 'Worldly' are excluded.

  • oompa
    Dinah: When the end comes, I will put my head between my legs and kiss my ass good-bye without any intervention from the WTBS. It's a crash position I'm quite used to thanks to those ASSHOLES.

    Wooo Dinah....I want to be in your bunker when it's time!! LOL...............oompa......or sooner

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