Self Deceit and Faith.

by hillary_step 208 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    1) In what way is faith not self-deception?

    Well, the moment I accept that faith by definition requires zero empirical evidence then that faith can be recognised as a reality inside my mind. The object of that faith cannot be proven to exist empirically (which is why I require faith), but my faith in that object cannot be self-deception because it really does exist in my mind as a thought.

    2) Is a person who has faith in a God that you do not believe in, say for example Siva, practicing a form of self-deception?

    Of course not! The above applies equally to them too! That’s the anthropogenic faith principle! Whoops…

  • hillary_step

    Mr Ben,

    1) In what way is faith not self-deception?

    Well, the moment I accept that faith by definition requires zero empirical evidence then that faith can be recognised as a reality inside my mind. The object of that faith cannot be proven to exist empirically (which is why I require faith), but my faith in that object cannot be self-deception because it really does exist in my mind as a thought.

    With this statement in mind, what you are suggesting is that anything, however ludicrous, that is believed by a person cannot be an object of self-deception if they have "faith". I cannot see the logic in this. A person believes in Santa with all their faith, therefore that have no deceived themselves into believing?

    2) Is a person who has faith in a God that you do not believe in, say for example Siva, practicing a form of self-deception?

    Of course not! The above applies equally to them too! That’s the anthropogenic faith principle! Whoops…

    So if a person believes that your 'god' is non existent and that you have been deceived into believing this God but that theirs is not, neither party are self-deceived about the matter? Surely one can seriously posit that both are not right, but that both parties are incorrect and both have been self-deceived into believing that their God is the right one.



  • belbab

    Self Deceit and Faith

    Continuing reading the pages of this thread I find a polarization arising on the one hand whether faith is all or in part deceptive, deceitful, misconstrued or superfluous; on the other hand that faith is an absolute godly necessity for the eternal welfare of mankind and his universe. Again I find the necessity of taking a flying leap over many excellent posts and but wish to express acknowledgement of them.

    In my previous post (page 6, post #12) Hillary asks:

    Does "faith" itself not demand certainty. Is that not what religious faith is. The more you have, the closer you supposedly are to God?
    If this is the case then surely you are agreeing with me that faith is a form of self-deception?

    I discussed this question with my wife and asked her to state briefly a reply to these questions. Her viewpoint is that faith is not in the realm of measurability. It is not a thing to be dissected, analyzed like a piece of meat. It is more in the artistic realm, the realm of emotions and intuition.

    My comments about faith are not only in the realm of religiosity, but apply to any endeavor of man to influence the future for the good. Faith also sprouts up in the present, for example holding to principles such as crime does not pay or caring for widows and orphans. One also has faith towards the past by not dismissing whole civilizations as backward, superstitious ignorant. Faith in the past leads us to a realization that myths legends, fairy tales have meaning behind them. The past has parented us, faith leads to honoring our parents.

    Faith is intangible: something that cannot be measured. It has been compared that an amount equal to the size of the smallest seeds would be enough to move a mountain. One can have little faith, be weak in faith, be steadfast in faith. One can have blind faith, credulity rather than faith. It can be shipwrecked. We are admonished to be constant in faith, to add to it. We can go to sleep at night in total despair and wake up next morning, without any circumstances changing and have an optimistic, gung ho attitude. Or it can be the contrary, we can hit the bottle. Or one may wait for centuries for the demonstration of ones faith. For me, faith itself demands uncertainty. Part of that uncertainty allows for self-deceptive crippled fenced-in faith to present itself.

    Hillary asks:

    Is that not what religious faith is. The more you have, the closer you supposedly are to God?

    No, I maintain that uncertainty presents itself here also, for why then the words: My God, My God,why have you forsaken me? Also the prophet’s words in a cry of despair, Take me away, Sovereign, for I am no better than my forefathers.

    I, more and more, am being led to the conclusion that uncertainty does not only dominate the atomic world, but everything, including the concept of God itself, comes into existence from nothing, remains in borrowed relative time, and then sinks back to nothingness. Just as we fall asleep at the end of a tiring day, we wake up refreshed in the morning and sing with the birds.


  • BurnTheShips
    In my experience those with the weakest faith shout the loudest.

    We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves-Eric Hoffer

    Just a creative BTT ;-)


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    In my experience those with the weakest faith shout the loudest.

    Case in point, hillary_twit.

    Has faith in self and his heroes (especially his favorite hero, himself).

    Won't accept that he does have faith in them (albeit obviously not much).

    So he attempts to redefine faith.

    Shouts loudly when proven he is wrong (nothing new).

    Repeats ad nauseum.

    BA- Lols.

    PS- Put faith in God, not men, you silly twit.

  • Rabbit


    Self deceit is described as a "misconception that is favorable to the person who holds it". My premise is that faith is a form of self-deceit - lying to oneself.

    1) In what way is faith not self-deception?

    Here's a very simple real life experience that revealed something about faith, misconception or self-deception to me.

    During the break-up of my JW marriage, I was doing all I could to save it. Although I was a WTB&TS doubter, I was still a Bible and God believer. We were both faithful. My then wife was and still is an Uber Dub.

    I went to Jehovah in the most serious prayer session...conversation, if you will, I'd ever had with my All-Knowing God of Love. I was so happy...He was there for my wife and I in this time of need. Jehovah 'told' me that my wife and I should not separate or divorce !

    Excitedly, I related this answer from Jehovah, to my equally faithful JW wife.

    She said, "Hmm...well, I prayed to Jehovah about the very same thing...and I got the opposite answer!"

    Self-deception ? Me or her ? Does it matter that I'm agnostic now and she's still a 'faithful' true believer ?

    Surely we would have gotten the same answer from the same god, whether Zeus or Jehovah, right ? Yet...we both arrived at the same answer that already existed in our own brains.


  • BurnTheShips

    He BA.

    I don't agree with HS either, but lets not call him a twit mmmkay? Its not nice.

    To know a person's religion we need not listen to his profession of faith but must find his brand of intolerance.--Eric Hoffer

    HS is a dolt. ;-)


  • Vinny

    Burn says:..."Hey BA. I don't agree with HS either, but lets not call him a twit mmmkay? Its not nice

    ****** Hello Burn. How about just a FEW fine quotes from Hilary, on this thread alone:

    Special quotes from Hilary headed for the Library of Congress:

    "Vinny, Come now, don't act the dumbass, surely you can do better than this?"


    "I think the diffence between you and I is that I know what words mean and you do not."


    "I am calling you a liar and ask for you to present what evidence you have for your bolded statement."


    "Please do not clutter this thread with your childish nonsense"


    "Another dolt who thinks he can read personalities from discussion Boards, Lord save us."


    "The loonie fundies, who have moved a bare squeak from WTS thinking and who regularly fill the Board with their narrow-minded drivel, make more atheists than a North Korean internment camp."


    "Streuth but you are thick-headed!"


    ...What a buf(f)oon.


    "You may be uninformed about the process of evolution, but you are certainly not stupid. BA is both."

    ***** Considering the facts presented above, from my good friend Hilary, I think "TWIT" is rather tame.

    What you say, Burn?

    Have you crossed over yet?


  • BurnTheShips

    As Christians we should occupy the higher ground. Lets set an example for these blinded depraved godless heathens, don't you think?


  • BurnTheShips
    Have you crossed over yet?

    What are you getting at Vinny?

    Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law.To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.


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