Do People Truly "Love" Each Other On This Forum?

by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Well, if it is possible to love words on a page, then I guess it is possible to fall in love with people "here". Actually, there technically is no "here" on the internet is there? Where is "here". Cyberspace? There are no people here in cyberspace? The only thing really here, in this location in cyberspace, is a bunch of words and symbols and pictures representing people's stories about themselves. They are not the people themselves. The stories may or may not accurately represent people here. Trevor and Linda taught us that. Lots of people "loved" her. She didn't even exist. So was their love real or not?

    I think the problem is that "love" is not something concrete. It is really an abstract concept. A name we give to a feeling inside of us. When we have the feeling we call it "love". Many things can trigger the feeling in us. Flesh and blood people we can reach out and touch. For some, the feeling can be triggered with a picture, for others, the feeling we call love can be triggered by the right combination of words on a page that convey a mental image or ideal we find pleasing. For some, the feeling can be triggered solely by their own imaginations without any stimulus whatsoever.

    That's not enough for us though. We always want to attach this feeling to another object, or a person. I love my car. I love this person. I love my hair. Yeah, well, next week, you may hate them all. So what? Love is a state of mind, like any other. It comes and goes. We also always want to ask ourselves if it is "real". Well, yes, it is real. It is a real state that you have invoked within your own mind and body. It exists only there. Does that make it any less real?

    What may or may not be real is the stories about the people and objects we focus on to stimulate this state in ourselves. Well, the stories really exist, but they may not be based on anything that really exists. What it boils down to is this: When we think we love someone on this forum, we have really fallen in love with a story about them. In every case. What we love is the particular way they have strung words together to convey their own thought processes. Or we love the way we think they look judging by their avatar. Unless we met them in person, which some have, and then we can say we feel love and it is stimulated by seeing/smelling/touching/hearing the person themselves. That's based on a lot more than mere words but still, it's a state of mind and body within you and therefore subject to change as with every other state of mind and body.

    It is not really a deep, full intimacy in the way that being with someone in person is. For instance, if we read a book about a celebrity, every word of it true, of course, do we then say we "know" that celebrity. What if it is an autobiography? Do we know them better? Do we love them? Well some think they do. Is it the love real or not? Well both, the love is real, but what it is based on is a fantasy. The fantasy is the belief that we know the other person because we read words about them on a page, factual or not.

    Some people are a lot more open to this feeling we call "love" than other people, that's for sure!


  • trevor

    We attach the word Love to people or things that we have placed value on. Once this is accepted at a deeper level our emotions follow. This feeling when combined with the promise of sexual fulfilment or the opportunity to procreate with an ideal partner leads us to believe we are In Love. It is a hormonal driven need.

    The JWs are told they must Love Jehovah their God with their whole heart mind and soul. Christians Love Jesus. They have never met either and others debate whether they exist at all.

    It is possible to Love anything that we choose to value highly and come to depend on. Love is a trick of the mind and the mind is capable of accepting any delusion as real if it chooses to.

    I hope I don't sound cynical. I have loved deeply in my life and still do. Life without the illusion of love would be dull and empty.

    I may choose to love Minimus but am undecided at present!

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I don't know if I would call love a trick of the mind. I think of it as a natural process of the mind. One that encourages our attachment to help the survival of the species. The process can be based on delusions, but it doesn't have to be if we understand it with awareness. That's not really cynicism. That's reality.


    ps: edited to add more on hormones. Sexual attachment is a hormonally driven need, but we also have other loving attachments that are not sexually motivated. Attachment to our families and friends. I think they are driven by social needs though, for community, again as communal attachments usually benefit human beings and help ensure our survival needs are met.

  • LouBelle

    Xena: Though I have to say I tend to get a bit creeped out when someone who barely knows me professes love. Once I only knew a guy for 2 days and he told me he was in love with me - I pretty much told him he wasn't and to get his head on straight. **c r e e p y**

    I care for certain ones on here - I mean if anything were to happen to them I would be sad, I would cry. I don't know anyone well enough on here to love them.

  • R.Crusoe

    Every human brings love to this forum but whether another identifies with it is less certain. And whether such an identification is a real reflection of a 'live' interaction is still unconfirmed. So we are dealing with degrees of uncertainty and proceeding anyway. There may be posters who have used online communication, then followed up meeting a person enough times to be able to assimilate with a higher degree of certainty, whether there is a real bond, than one who has never or hardly ever done so. What is highly likely is that many people would love to find love anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    The reason it was "creepy" is because you know it is not possible to "know" another person well after 2 days at all. So when someone gets attached instantly we "know" instinctually that it really has nothing to do with us (how could it) and is mostly a fantasy the other person has concocted in their own head! We sense that this person is slightly delusional/unbalanced in their thought processes, not of sound mind (reasoning) and we feel aversion to them out of self-preservation.

    As far as crying for someone when something happens to them, well, I cry for people I don't know if a disaster happens to them and I see human suffering on the news. That is a love of sorts. A global love for human kind and a sadness when I see human suffering. I think that's a little different, a shared humanity most of us posssess, hopefully?

    As far something happening to someone on this board, how would you even necessarily "know" it had? People often assume an intimacy of love that doesn't really exist and I think that's when it gets into difficulty, becomes creepy, or people feel abandoned and betrayed by people they haven't ever met.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Great points RC. They fit well with my definition of love, which is probably a little different than most, which is an openess to others and allowing of "what is" or "what they are". I would only put one qualifier on what you said and that is "most" people on this board come in love. Some ( a few) come with hate, which would be the opposite, closed to others, not wanting to allow them to be who and what they are.


  • trevor


    You say that love is not a trick of the mind yet you state

    For some, the feeling can be triggered solely by their own imaginations without any stimulus whatsoever...That's not enough for us though. We always want to attach this feeling to another object, or a person.

    Sounds like a trick of the mind to me.

    Still - You make some interesting points and I would guess have studied social engineering and human behaviour.

    Good posts.

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Well, I think it is a state of mind produced by processes and it sometimes can trick us but it doesn't necessarily have to. Some people are easier to fool than others.

    When I said sometimes it happens with no stimulus whatsoever, just imagination, that was poor wording. I should have said no external stimulous. In some cases the stimulous is internal, our own thoughts, often based on old neural patterns that we keep repeating. Another survival mechanism which can go a little awry.

    Haven't studied social engineering. Have studied a little biology, neurobiology, psychology. Not much. Just enough to be fascinated.


  • Mary
    minimus said: I like a lot of the folks here but I don't think I love anyone that I don't really know.

    You mean you just used me for sex??!! You red BASTARD!!!!

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