Do People Truly "Love" Each Other On This Forum?

by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • erynw

    It is possible and yes I do.

  • undercover
    undercover about "really like"? "admire"? "tolerate"?

    Seriously though, I do get your original point and while being a member of this forum for a long time and do enjoy the posts of many of the regular posters and admire and like many of them, to say I "love" any one here on-line would be too much of a stretch.

    But then, I've always kept people and situations at an arm's length. I'm not saying it's not possible for some but for me, I don't allow myself to become too attached to anyone or anything in the cyber world.

  • wanderlustguy
    This is a therapy forum, not a love connection.

    That's not what you said to me last night...

  • undercover
    This is a therapy forum, not a love connection.
    That's not what you said to me last night...

    He obviously didn't respect you in the morning...

  • nvrgnbk
    NVR, I'm not mocking anything or anybody. I just have a hard time, personally, to feel this way. I like a lot of the folks here but I don't think I love anyone that I don't really know.

    Sorry if it came across wrong, min.

    I didn't think you were.

    Perhaps it has do with the way each individual opens up emotionally.

    Nothing right or wrong about it, just different personality types.

    Something good to be said for being "guarded" and detached.

    Something good can be said about being open and connected.

  • lfcviking
    I read how certain ones will profess their "love" for another poster---a poster that they probably never met in "real life". Is it me or does this strike you as almost impossible???

    Well i suppose you can say the same thing about God. You've never met him, spoke to him, seen him or be personally spoken to by him yet your supposed to love the dude.


  • eclipse

    What's so impossible about loving someone you never met?

    It's happened countless times, on here and on other forums...

    it may even happen to you! you never know

  • nvrgnbk
    I read how certain ones will profess their "love" for another poster---a poster that they probably never met in "real life". Is it me or does this strike you as almost impossible???

    Well i suppose you can say the same thing about God. You've never met him, spoke to him, seen him or be personally spoken to by him yet your supposed to love the dude.



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    My friend Minimus:

    01 Aug. 07, 07:44

    I luv ya, too!


  • mouthy

    I'm not mocking anything or anybody. I just have a hard time, personally, to feel this way. I like a lot of the folks here but I don't think I love anyone that I don't really know.When I said to you that you didnt love me ( I think it was you) you were hurt. Now you admit it !!!What am I going to do with MEN changing their mind ---only women are allowed to do that

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