JW's in Coffee Shop Using ME as a Lesson to their Children

by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 45 Replies latest jw experiences

  • *summer*

    JWs or not, this is terribly rude.

    Not to mention bad example for the children...teaching them to judge and denigrate people.


  • RisingEagle

    With parents like that im sure their kids will be on here pretty soon.

    That has to be the best thing I've read yet today.

  • Warlock

    This morning while I was out, my daughter (the one that lives with me) told my wife that I am a sexy dad.



  • flipper

    And we wonder why they have so many hangups about sex? Your experience explains it ! If the parents act like sex is a " bad " word to even visualize or talk about , then it is no stretch of the imagination to see why the organization has so many people wanting to explore sexuality, but getting in trouble for their curiosity ! They hold sex up as this" carrot in front of the rabbit", but something the rabbit can never attain. Sick. I think they should all get laid and forget about it.

    And, also the rudeness you were shown is pathetic. I experienced it the other day also in a coffee shop. The elder who was chairman at my JC appeal committee and told me I was off the hook and was clear and free and wouldn't be dfed, walked right by my table with his family on break from field service , looked two times at me staring, and did not say one word. How do you spell, " saving face " ? Weird people. Sorry you went through that sis ! Thanks for sharing

  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    I wonder what they would think if you went to the Feb WT about oral sex, with their children present, and just got up and left shouting about how disgusting to discuss oral sex with minors!

  • momzcrazy

    As most here know, I am frank and outspoken. I would have asked "I'm sorry, have I done something to offend you?" looking right at dad. No matter what the answer would have been I would have said something acknowledging the rudeness. Even told the boy that he would probably see worse than that in his life.


  • Maddie

    It's shameful and another way of indoctrinating their children to become emotional criples it's sad to say. Sorry you had to suffer their stupidity and disrespect.


  • nvrgnbk

    Social retardation at its best.

  • blueviceroy

    I believe some suffer from that great one "Moral Authority"

    " The definition of moral is what I say it is! "

    What a great life lesson.

    I have taught my son to know his part in all the actions of those around him.

    Other people aren't expected to be like us at all.

    I've taught him that we live an example not to be confused with arrogance or even being right.

    We accept people good or bad as what they are. Don't have to be around everyone one , but judging is just censoring yourself from reality.

    We can use all the reality we can get , life is a lesson and we need that information

    How can people let themselves be so mentally corrupted?

  • nvrgnbk

    How can people let themselves be so mentally corrupted?


    Love pushes out the fear.

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