Advocating Destruction of Religion Hate Speech?

by writetoknow 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • writetoknow

    So your beliefs are better? Thus, you take the right to condemn and destory religion because your ideology is better? This sound like the same old same old darkages manipulation. Would your ideology, require labling "all" the religous people as disease?

  • SickofLies

    Years ago there was a concentrated effort by scientists to expose astrology, psychics and other mystic idea's that the public was being suckered in by. People were losing thousands of dollars to psychic hotlines and becoming addicted to talking to someone who claimed to know the status of their dead loved ones.

    No one back then had a big fit over their efforts to dispel these myths by saying that exposing psychics is hate speech.

    I find it an interesting tactic by the religious fundies to make themselves into the victim here when religion has always been the oppressor throughout history. I think what these religious nut jobs fundies are really afraid of is people learning the truth.

    If all of the sudden you found yourself living in a world where you were the only one believing in some kind of divinely inspired plan you would suddenly find it very hard to be taken seriously by anyone, people would laugh at you behind your back, society would reject you because you would seem insane. People would probably try to encourage you to get counselling and try to come to grips with reality.

    Indeed, I understand why the religious are so afraid of this new movement, all of the sudden they must be feeling very lonely.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    I agree, you guys should stop insulting the Nazis.

  • serotonin_wraith
    So your beliefs are better?

    In my mind yes. And in your mind, your beliefs are better. Now if you're going to question my decision to talk about my opinion of religion, then you need to address all the people who try to spread their religion too. They are very obviously trying to change people's minds. If that stopped, so would I. What I do is a response. I'm not the instigator.

    For example, if I see someone saying evolution isn't true, I'll tell them they're wrong. I don't see why reality can't be defended.

    Thus, you take the right to condemn and destory religion because your ideology is better?

    Criticize. Not destroy. Unless I'm that powerful I can DESTROY all religion with my words!

    Would your ideology, require labling "all" the religous people as disease?

    I don't have a problem with religious PEOPLE.

  • writetoknow

    The topic is about hate speech - what it is and advocating the destruction of religion is it hate speech? Did I state that I thought religion is right or did you assume to label me?

    The people advocating because I was a slave the only way to right the wrong is to make those that made us slaves slaves is the same thing the only thing that changed in the power?

    So your staying that who ever has the power should control the beliefs of others and hopeful those in power have your beliefs?

  • writetoknow

    Who is a Nazi? What does Nazi mean to you? Can you prove that I am a Nazi and if not then perhaps you should understanding slandering a person you know nothing about otherwise you are doing what you hate about religion during the darkages.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Who is a Nazi? What does Nazi mean to you? Can you prove that I am a Nazi and if not then perhaps you should understanding slandering a person you know nothing about otherwise you are doing what you hate about religion during the darkages.

    These are Nazis:

    I didn't call anyone a Nazi. I didn't imply that you are Nazi. I'm talking about the ACTUAL Nazi group. But by this logic:

    Many seem to think all hateful speech towards religion is allowed because religion is deserving of that type of talk.

    Personally I don't think it should be allow against any group even if the current trend makes hate speech acceptable.

    Making snide remarks about Hitler or the Nazis would be considered hate speach. Some seem to think that the current trend makes hate speech against Nazis acceptable. Don't you agree that this terrible hate speech against Nazis must end?
  • writetoknow

    I don't understand your line of reasonings? I have noted on this forum relgious people are equated to Nazis! Why I don't understand if that were true we all be living in concentration camps not holding open discussion about hate speech on a forum.

    Moreover, I am against labeling that is sterotyping in order demean a group or person without knowing the person. We all want other to respect our beliefs rather they agree or not with them that is part of being a human that brings people up not down.

  • serotonin_wraith
    Moreover, I am against labeling ithat is sterotyping and demeaning a group or person without knowing the person. We all want other to respect our beliefs rather they agree or not with them that is part of being a human that brings people up not down.

    For the millionth time, disrespecting a person's beliefs is NOT the same as disrespecting the person. Why can't you understand that?

  • LtCmd.Lore
    I don't understand your line of reasonings?

    Start over then.

    Do you, or do you not insult the Nazis?

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