Advocating Destruction of Religion Hate Speech?

by writetoknow 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • eclipse

    writetoknow, you completely missed lore's point.

    It was tongue-in-cheek.

  • SickofLies
    For the millionth time, disrespecting a person's beliefs is NOT the same as disrespecting the person. Why can't you understand that?

    In writetoknow's defense I think either english is a second language to him or he is simply very young.

  • wednesday

    I think the saying" hate the sin, not the sinner" is just lip service. jws have used it to much acclaim in shunning those they consider sinners.

  • writetoknow

    For one it not the a million times so stop overreacting. If disrespect is so great why are you upset? Now if people don't want their beliefs respected then why all the killings in the name of respect?

    So how about treating others as you wish to be treated and perhaps these super complex subjects would just vanish. Now when you advocate something higher then what has been happeing on this earh since the start of the history of man we will move forward.

    Once again the subject is about "Hate Speech" how a group or person can advocate destruction of religion and it not be the same old hate speech? The same as regilion and other groups have uses to destroy nations, people and groups?

  • writetoknow

    Thanks for your support neither is true getting excited is factual!

  • serotonin_wraith

    writetoknow's profile says he used to be an elder, so it must be the language thing.

    If disrespect is so great why are you upset?

    I'm not. You're not disrespecting me if YOU don't understand something.

    Now if people don't want their beliefs respected then why all the killings in the name of respect?

    I know people want their beliefs respected and will kill for it. So? It doesn't mean the beliefs SHOULD be respected. If they deserved respect they'd have respect. They wouldn't have to threaten people to get it.

    So how about treating others as you wish to be treated and perhaps these super complex subjects would just vanish.

    I am. If I was being completely irrational and basing my life on nonsense I hope someone would tell me.

    Now when you advocate something higher then what has been happeing on this earh since the start of the history of man we will move forward.

    Start of history lol. Sure, if you now believe all the other gods worshipped before Yahweh were real!

    how a group or person can advocate destruction of religion and it not be the same old hate speech regilion and other groups have uses to destroy nations, perople and groups?

    This isn't the same because there is no force involved. If you don't like atheists speaking up, go do some worshipping and ignore us. You won't have your Bible confiscated or your church closed down.

  • writetoknow

    Once again the subject is about "Hate Speech". Does advocating the destruction of religion constitute hate speech?

    That is living in the United States of America not Iran. Thus, in a country that has freedom of speech should hate speech be allowed if so why?

    Moreover, should hate speech be allowed in a free society and at what point does it cross the line?

    And is hate speech productive does it open the line of communication between groups to solve problems?

    I retract my statement regarding respect I don't believe anyone on this forum needs me to tell them what respect is I apolgize.

  • SickofLies

    Once again the subject is about "Hate Speech". Does advocating the destruction of religion constitute hate speech?

    That is living in the United States of America not Iran. Thus, in a country that has freedom of speech should hate speech be allowed if so why?

    Moreover, should hate speech be allowed in a free society and at what point does it cross the line?

    And is hate speech productive does it open the line of communication between groups to solve problems?

    Many people have tried to answer these questions already, you just haven't been listening.

  • writetoknow

    Thank your for the final say on the subject...

    Living in a free society that allows open debate hate speech helps people to understand the nature of people. However, it is the rule of law that controls hate speech when it acts out the words against a group or a person.

    This country was founded upon the rule of law and religious freedom. Anytime a group calling itself by any name wants the destruction of another group our rule of law has with stood the test and brought our society back to sanity.

    Much of the justice upholding the law were created by people of faith. Good people from all walks of life have fought against bigotry in this country. To state that extreme views advocating destruction of religion or any group that act within the rule of law is freedom is simply an excuse to act on hate.

  • writetoknow

    I sure you do hate religion... Isn't it wonderful that we live in a country where extremist are controlled by the rule of law?

    It is more wonderful that either side of this war are not allowed to take their views to extremes and detroy the other group in the name of progress and enlightenment.

    Everytime this country has allowed people into power that where bigots they hurt thousands of people thankfully common sence won out and people came back the to rule of law and removed those hateful people from consitutional power.

    The war is on I think it great we have laws controlling hate speech, that is, when it is acted out in extremes.

    The founding fathers must of been truly wise in knowing the human nature.

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