CRIPES!!! The PO and CO saw my Chrismas Tree

by bluesapphire 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    why blame anyone? You could just tell them to mind their own business. Or, you could use the tactic manipulators use: when they say what they saw, you just look at them and say, "are you sure?" "Are you sure that's what you saw?" "Be careful now, are you SURE that's what you saw?"

  • lawrence

    The least you can do now is invite them both to your Xmas party.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    It works in my house. I take the blame for all of it, holidays, birthdays, arrogant Apostate attitudes and all.

    I DA'd and the ball-less elders here do not have the guts to approach her. If they ever do, I will meet them at the door, take the blame if it comes up and ENCOURAGE them to never set foot on my property again. I am the 'man of the house' and the little woman is defenseless against me making Christmas mandatory.


  • mkr32208

    Well your busted now, might as well have some fun. When they call for the JC have hubby go dressed as Santa and you as the sexy/slutty elf then COMPLETLY deny that your celebrating Christmas. You say we are NOT celebrating anything of the kind you didn't see anything your just loosing your mind!

    WTF you might as well!

  • mkr32208

    Besides don't they need TWO witnesses? Sounds like they only have one!

  • bluesapphire

    There are two witnesses. The PO and CO.

    My husband is still in.

    I don't want to call them or go to any meeting.

    I'm going to play dumb like I always do. I'm usually at work but if they happen to come by this weekend, I'll say the following:

    "Ohhhhh, the Christmas tree? Actually, I didn't give it much thought. It's been so long since I've been to a meeting I thought nothing of it when my daughters and their friends decorated ... I only went to the meetings a few years out of my entire life. Thanks for your concern though.
    Oh, you want me to take it down? I can't. I have a medical condition and can't do any type of labor... Plus, I can't handle any kind of stress and my kids would cause stress over this. Unlike us, Christmas means a great deal to them, being birdfeed worldly and all . Bye."

    PS, how come I can't change my font anymore?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Call them back, invite them over to talk about it over some egg-nog and have christmas music playing in the back ground, offer them some christmas cookies, and say, you know what I know I shouldn't have but I got you a little something, a little early christmas present.

  • MissingLink

    I like mkr's idea. If I ever get called into a meeting my main goal is going to get them to laugh, and have something to tell their friends about, and perhaps some day we can laugh about it again together when they come to their senses too.

  • shell69

    This is not 'if you get called to meeting'

    Rephrase; when you get called to a meeting, coz you can rest assured they will try to have you over this;

    Good luck Shell69

  • Maddie

    Bluesapphire - I would have loved to of seen their faces when they saw the Christmas tree and decorations, but it has left you worrying about it so I'm sorry you have to deal with this. It sounds like you can pass it off as being done by another family member without your knowledge or agreement which seems a good idea. I hope it all goes well for you


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