by V 62 Replies latest members adult

  • V

    Q8) As to oral sex...

    My new favourite pickup line... "As to oral sex..."

  • oompa

    Thanks for the WT review....I need it in my files....I may expound in great detail on some of this If I get a mike...thanks....oompa

  • MissingLink

    This ban on oral/anal sex between married couples came up in a talk a few months ago. It was said that ones practicing this would not be in the new system. After the meeting one very nice and funny (and extremely honest) MS wife was saying to everyone "Well I guess me and my husband aren't going to be there". I thought it was so funny. I didn't want to speculate if they were doing it oral or anal. I'm going to make a point to go on Sunday just to see how they react this time.

  • R.Crusoe

    When in A&E or ER one is given opportunities to demonstrate on a lifesize dummy to give the kiss of life. Maybe it's the next big thing for KHs to have as part of their ministry school?

  • Insomniac

    This was terrific- got me smiling before my first cup of coffee, even!

  • lisavegas420

    Great job Richie. I love the into too. I only have one question, you said....

    Jesus also drove a Buick

    Where did you get your info? I always thought he drove a Chrysler


  • WTWizard

    After that embarrassment on Nov 21, the Watchtower Society can't really say that some people's conscience is unreliable. I guess protecting pedophiles by silencing the victim is a conscience matter now.

  • zack

    These guys in writing are laughable, aren't they?

    Glad to be free!

    Thanks, Richie.

  • tinker

    Thank you Richie Rich for your commentary. I enjoyed your clever insight.

    Thank you Leolaia for your scholarly comments. Your understanding and explanation of Greek and Hebrew words is very enlightening for my undereducated pea brain.

    The points on the three Hebrews accepting pagan names was certainly a bit of information I had never noted. My mother used that story often when I was a child. I will look for an opportunity to toss that gem at her.

    Also noting the prevalence of Roman art depicting oral sex, yet the Bible writers never explicitly mentioning nor forbidding it, is brilliant. Can't wait to use that one over dinner with the in=laws and the on going 'bedroom rules' conversation.

    I would like to nomiate leolaia as a guest WT commentator very soon. I see there are some open spots to fill. Would you please consider doing it, please, Pretty Pleast Leolaia.

  • Leolaia

    tinker....I am in talks to perhaps do the comments one week sometime next year.

    Regarding the names, Abednego < Akkadian Abed-Nabu "servant of Nabu". Nabu was the god of wisdom and was the namesake of Nebuchadnezzar, or Nabu-kudurri-usur "Nabu protect the crown". So Abednego accepts a name that claims him to be a servant of a Babylonian god, but in fact, when it comes to actual worship, Abednego refuses in ch. 3.

    Sadrach and Meshach are more obscure names, probably because they are Persian instead of Akkadian (i.e. Chithraka and Mishakqa, possibly Misha- is a theophoric element for Mithra).

    Daniel's name Belteshazzar is claimed in Daniel 4:8 to include the name of the god Bel, but I forgot that this was an incorrect etymology provided by Daniel. In Akkadian, this name is actually Balat-shar-usur "Protect the life of the prince".

    These youths were "educated in the literature and language of the Chaldeans" (1:4), including matters of exorcism and dream interpretation (v. 17-20). They did not object to getting involved in this kind of paganism, but rather made a stand on keeping their food ritually clean (v. 8). They also are presented as accepting prominent government offices in the "administration of the province of Babylon" (Daniel 3:12), and that was not against their conscience as well. Rather, they made a stand on clear overt idolatry, and when they remained steadfast, they still had no problem accepting promotion to higher government offices afterwards (v. 30).

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