by V 62 Replies latest members adult

  • moomanchu

    The FDS aren't gettin any - soooooooooo nobody will be gettin any

  • bobld

    Let us imagine,Mark a long time pioneer,elder.P.O. Over time Mark grows in knowledge of the WBTS.

    He does research on the internet and fine JWD forum.There he find the truth about the GB/FDS/WBTS.Yes,his conscience has been refined.He can no longer in good conscience go from door to door preaching all the false doctrine of the WBTS.He learned on the JWD forum all the false dates,blood fractions,1914 generation,144,000 were sealled in 1935 than not yet.Yes,his conscience will not allow him to count all the false hours in service just to qualify for special previleges.All the coverup and court cases about pedophiles is to much for his conscience to take.So he has to get out of this sick mind controlling cult.


  • kurtbethel

    Oral sex, well okay I am game. Every JayDub should do a study of the complete Song of Solomon and come back to me on this topic.

  • SirNose586

    Way to knock it out, Richie! This study is all over the place--they clamp down on this, that, the other, everything! Tons of logical fallacies in there too.

    Okay. I'm psyched. I wanna get on board.

  • Zico

    There will be very young children at this Watchtower. I find that disgusting.

  • heathen

    It seems again they miss the chance to go over the pedophile situation . They do mention kids and oral sex but don't bother to explain why the WTBTS loses allot of money defending pedophiles and paying off victims .Now that's the article I'd like to see . All this business of going to an apostate church for a wedding but then the WTBTS doesn't have to explain their association with the the UN or the joint lawsuits with apostates like jimmy swaggert to anybody .Looks like Richie Rich got me out of retirement on these comments you won't hear threads. YIKES

  • JK666

    First of all, Ritchie Rich did a great job with this article!

    Second, is it just me, or did the part about oral sex seem out of place in this article? It primarily dealt with conscience matters. Yet two paragraphs are about oral sex NOT being a conscience matter. This makes no sense in the article being discussed.

    Third, is how inappropriate this subject matter is in the presence of children. I remember these talks as a young witness, and they got me thinking about sex and dwelling on how much I want to do it.

    Fourth, I liked Bobld's scenario that he added in his post. I will add another that I posted on an adult thread on the subject:

    Let's review the "spiritual paradise" that is the reality of being a wife in the Borg.

    You grew up with a healthy sexuality, and wanted to be a "good girl" and wait until marriage. You followed the party line and would only consider "marrying in the Lord." As slim are as the pickins' are in the congregation, you finally meet and are attracted to a fine young brother. He's on the road to greatness, an Elder, MS, or on the fast track to become one. Things are looking up! He asks you to marry him, and you accept. A long, frustrating engagement ensues. Of course, your dates are all chaperoned, so you are protected from your raging hormones.

    The wedding day finally arrives! You receive the "three fold cord" talk, and get the reception over with, and head off for the honeymoon night with anticipation. After all necessary preparation, you both end up in bed with nary an idea of what to do, or what each of you want.

    And then Romeo starts, and performs the "two pump chump," and it is all over. She is thinking, WTF? No foreplay? What do I do now? At least he is happy, and has rolled off to go to sleep.

    Of course, the Society has given a lot of information about what is bad about sex. But no practical counsel on it.

    So this continues for months or years, and your frustration builds. Now couple that with a dose of "headship" articles, and your life is miserable. He is playing "junior God" by day, and you are not getting any emotional or sexual satisfaction. What is the answer? Go out in service more!

    Is it any wonder that so many JW women leave their husbands and the religion?

    How many sisters NEVER have had an orgasm due to this loving counsel?

    And all of this misery comes directly from the Governing Body and Writing Department!

    I personally believe it is a man's responsiblity to make sure that sex is enjoyable for his partner, not only for himself. It is supposed to be a loving, bonding act, not a selfish one. And performing oral sex on a woman is a wonderful experience. There is nothing more exciting than having a partner have an intense orgasm from your oral prowess prior to intercourse!

    That's all for now, I need to go smoke a Camel.


  • MissingLink
    There will be very young children at this Watchtower. I find that disgusting.

    Oh - I'm going to be sure my wife and kids are at this one and following along. I'm hoping this will shock her to her senses. The kids are still too young to have a clue, but I want her to have a good think about them having this sort of "instruction" 5 years from now.

  • avishai

    What about handjobs?

  • watson

    March 15, 2008 Watchtower:

    "Hand Jobs, A Question of Conscience?"

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