The Borg is Hounding Me Now !

by Maddie 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • R.Crusoe

    Amazing how strong you've been! I wish you all the love possible and hope you improve soon!

  • flipper

    I made a typo error in my take to you. I meant to say , " They don't bother " me anymore. Sorry, I was writing too fast

  • llbh

    Hi Maddie,

    This i think, u have to work out whether they are probing, or hunting.

    If they are trying to probe be evasive. If they are hunting u r probably sunk

    I know your real concern is your son and grandchild, see what their take is

    If I can help phone me. A very good friend of mine lives near us both and is a former elder ( I will never reveal who he is BTW to any lurkers) and knows the local scene.

    My heart goes out to you


  • sweetstuff

    So sorry for what you are going thru Maddie, if it comes down to push and shove, have you considered using the baptism angle? That you do not consider your baptism as valid due to the fact that when you were baptized you were told that this "generation would by now means pass away", that "millions now living will never die"?

    I think that's the route I would go, in telling the elders in that situation that I simply do not consider my baptism as valid and that having sought legal advice would be in a legally sound position to sue if I was disfellowshipped/disassociated for a baptism that is not due to doctrine I had based my baptism on at the time changing. No elder can argue that their doctrine regarding 1914 has not changed. As soon as you mention anything to do with legal advice, my bet is the elders are not going to want to touch it with a ten foot pole. I wouldn't even get into the doctrine or dogma per say, but rather you're belief that your baptism is not binding or valid. Just an opinion to think about. Wishing you the very best outcome, (((((hugs))))).

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    dear Maddie, you know how I feel. Don't meet with them, don't play their game, don't confirm to them that they have the power that they think they do - FRUSTRATE THEIR PLANS! Your life is really none of their business and they have no right to harass you, which they will.

    You have told your son how you feel so you are being true to yourself. By not attending meetings you have sent a clear message to others and by being 'inactive' it screws up their figures!

    I wish you all the best whatever decision you make, you know where I am if you need me.

    And remember to smile :-)

    We love you.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Everyone has to do what is best in view of circumstances and personal choice in these things.

    I will say, that when I DA'd, after three years of holding off the posse, it was the single most refreshing moment in my post-JW history. Closure came that day. I was totally honest that day. I quit caring if someone would see me, or hear of me doing things that were not allowed by JW's. I took the reins and control that day.

    Maddie - I wish you well in your choice here. Unfortunately, one cannot leave the Jw's without pain - the nature of cults I fear.

    Good luck. [[[[[[[[[[[Maddie]]]]]]]]]]]]]


  • OnTheWayOut
    I just feel that we need to stand up to them if they are eventually going to be brought down. That's just my opinion.

    Do things on your own terms and time. If you are ready to DA or say something, then do it.
    If you are unsure of the next thing you are ready for (as this thread indicates) then don't meet
    with elders. They will force your hand. Only when you are ready to do what you want to do,
    proceed. You owe them no excuse. "I am unable to meet with you. Why? I am just unable.
    Good day."

  • Sunspot

    Dear (((((Maddie)))))....

    Isn't it WONDERFUL to feel all this LOVE coming frm your spiritual leaders! (Full sarcasm ON)

    I am inclined to lean towards what Jgnat offered, providing that your hubby can and will stand up and let his feelings be what they are. You can always rest for the moment knowing that they will see HIM as the "heavy" and hopefully, for the time being, get off YOUR case. It will buy you more time to figure out just how YOU wish to proceed with all this.

    They are holding your family relationship over your head, and have done the same with each of us facing this situation. I refused to meet with them too...I saw no NEED to. They had LOST their power over me many months before....they just weren't aware of it then.

    My heart goes out to you....the WTS is SO unfair.



  • Maddie

    SWEET PEA - I thank you for your advice dear friend and I know you really care. Don't worry I won't let them win if I can help it.

    SWEET STUFF - I would never of thought of contesting my baptism because of the generation change. I would love to say it just to see the shock on the elders faces. Hugs back.

    OTWO - Thank you and I shall be very cautious even though it's not in my nature.

    SUNSPOT - Thank you Annie and hugs to you too

    JEFF - I long for closure too

    JK666 - Serenity is very important to both of us John and I value your suggestions. It's not easy at times like this.

  • Maddie

    MR FLIPPER - I have decided not to play their mind games so thank you for helping me decide. Many posters, like yourself, have advised me not to meet with them because you understand the way the borg machine operates better than I do. Thank you for helping me with this problem, it really makes a big difference to me.

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