5thGeneration spanked his awesome pre-teen girls and is proud of it.

by nvrgnbk 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar
    If you would HIT your child it is not past you to do anything else to them.

    What a bunch of horse feathers. LMAO

  • changeling

    I guess when you don't have a brain in your head you have to proud of something...


  • purplesofa

    I really don't get this thread....

    Why single out something 5thGeneration posted somewhere else, with no reference to it and then want a Discussion on it?

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    I kinda get upset that people seem to not be able to make the mental leap needed to understand the difference between a spanking and a beating. And then to also insult the intelligence and character of posters who spank. Even if though they don't beat or hit (punch, slap on face, etc.) their children. Honestly, it is a world of difference. A (very occasional and only when other forms of discipline aren't working) swat on the butt is NOT a beating. Two completely different things. I was never "beaten". My much older brothers were however. One was beaten with a boat oar once and reportedly was screwed up for several weeks because of it. That is most certainly wrong. I was only ever spanked (and by that I mean open hand on my bare butt for a few swats). I wish I had been spanked more because that is what got through to me as a child, and it would have kept me out of some troubles that I wish I hadn't been in.

    To sum up, "spank" does not always or even most of the time equal "beat", or hit, or slap on face, or use an instrument (wire, branch, belt, etc.) and certainly doesn't equal abuse.

    And no, I don't spank my kid at the moment. Not because I am against it, but because I don't need to for the most part anymore. He currently responds to other forms of discipline. He has not always though. The last time I gave him a few swats on the butt with my hand was because he set the lawn on fire and it would have burnd down the house...I felt at the time (and still do) that it was important to impress upon him that this was a....slightly more serious transgression. Especially since I had just told him 5 minutes before hand not to do the thing he did because...wait for it....it would set the lawn on fire. He did it anyway. I don't feel that a "time out" would have had the same effect.

  • RisingEagle

    LDB, I just read your post to my wife. I share some of the writings on the forum from time to time when they are relevant to us. My spousal unit is a former assistant director of a city recreation center and a former director of a YMCA before and after school program and is now an RN. I am a professional lint inspector, second class. We applaud your balanced view of discipline and methodology, spanking included.


    R.Crusoe...I think you definately lived up to your name!

    NVR...I'm a 5th gener...I THINK THAT SPANKING CHILDREN SHOULD ONLY BE USED IS EXTREME CASES!!! That being said, I'm sure most of my friends that knew one of my sons would vote in a second to make it mandatory!!! LOL! I scolded my dog the other day for running off and then I went and bought him a new toy!!!


  • bikerchic
    I really don't get this thread....

    Why single out something 5thGeneration posted somewhere else, with no reference to it and then want a Discussion on it?

    I've got to say I agree with purps on this. Where is the damning evidence and who are we to judge what a parent can do to their kid.

    Last time I looked we are not living in a dictatorship and what parents do in the way of correcting their children in their own homes should be none of our concern unless it's outright abuse and we have knowledge of it. I am the first one to say protect the children but I don't think spanking your child is a big deal. I got spanked plenty and I don't hate my parents for it. Most of what is wrong with kids today is parents who think they must be their kids buddies instead of actually parenting them and making them behave.

  • ozziepost

    When I first saw this thread with its 'clever' title, I thought it was about 5thG being a pedo - but I guess that "never" never intended that?

  • wanderlustguy

    Is it ok to hit a subordinate co worker if they don't follow your directions? How about the lawn worker who accidentally cut down a rose bush? How about your spouse if they did something?

    But it's ok to hit a pre teen who can understand the language they have grown up in?

  • sweetstuff

    I don't spank my kids, however, when they were much younger, and did something dangerous, i.e. trying to put a fork in an electrical socket, yup I did. It's hard to explain to a 2 year old why they shouldn't "do" that. But a swat on the bum, gets the message across very quickly. Animals in nature do this all the time, a little swat or nip, when their offspring are misbehaving. That is a HUGE cry from beating or abusing your child, IMO. Now that they are older, they can be reasoned with, talked to and physical punishment is no longer needed, by that I mean, a swat on their bum, a child should never be hit anywhere else, IMO.

    When my five year old told me during a hissy fit that she hated me, I tried to time her out, she got on the floor and started howling, yup, I gave her a swift swat on her behind, which did the trick. Then she proceeded to tell me that's "child abuse" the teacher said. Things have gone too far I think, its one thing to discipline your child, with a little smack on the bum. Now kids taunt their parents with threats of calling the police and such.

    My older child I might have spanked a total of three times in her life, different personality, my younger one, probably 8 or 9 times. By spanking I mean, one or two swats on the bum, when they were really out of order. The only time I ever have regretted spanking one of my kids, was when I did it once, not out of discipline, but frustration, because my 3 year old couldn't sit still at the meeting. I remember spanking her bum and starting to cry, asking myself, what the hell was I thinking? She was just a baby and I was angry because she was making me look bad to the other parents, turning around staring at her being "a kid". Most shameful moment of my life. It was the last meeting I ever attended.

    But I hardly think I qualify as an abusive parent either.

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