Anyone else notice many more newbies suddenly???

by Tatiana 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    Is it just me, or has everyone noticed many more lurkers and newbies posting now? I have been reading way too much lately, in light of the NBC broadcast, and it seems as if each time I read a new thread, there's someone posting their first post, or third. Right offhand, I remember leaving-jws, rmcgill_leader, JWDoNotCall, confused and lost, xfdwg97, and another post I just read from mom--something or other. Can't find her now,

    I guess it could be wishful thinking on my part, but I could swear we have a lot more new ones here voicing some strong opinions! I knew it was all worth it, no matter how many names I've been called.

    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall......alt

  • jwfacts

    It seems to go in waves. Last month I was wondering why there were few newbies. My site also received less emails than usual. However in the last week both JWD and seems to be getting more again. Not sure if it is seasonal, based on when the conventions are, if certain Watchtower articles guilt trip JWs into staying away from the internet, or what it is.

    If there are any newbies out there I would love to know what made you sign up this month as opposed to last month.

  • Tatiana
    If there are any newbies out there I would love to know what made you sign up this month as opposed to last month.

    Me too, jwf....I'd LOVE to know it was the pedophile news. That is what most of the "newbie" posts I've read deal with.

  • KW13

    its excellent isnt it, more minds free to do the right thing.

  • Dansk

    While we can't generalise as to age, I've always thought the younger generation of JWs will not tolerate anti-internet propaganda coming from the Borg. Many are being educated. Many look to science. Watchtower's days are really numbered.


  • The-Borg
    Watchtower's days are really numbered

    The lack of love and dull, boring meetings is also speeding up this process.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I've always noticed a steady stream of newbies ever since I joined the forum

  • nvrgnbk

    While we can't generalise as to age, I've always thought the younger generation of JWs will not tolerate anti-internet propaganda coming from the Borg. Many are being educated. Many look to science. Watchtower's days are really numbered.


  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    jwfacts - I'm sure this Xmas will see your site enjoy a record number of hits. All that time on people's hands together with all the recent scandals......

    Roll on 2008, the secret watchtower, the new generation teaching and more law suits against the org!

  • brinjen

    Yes, I have noticed the influx of newbies lately. Good to see the board getting back to normal.

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