So, why are YOU up at this hour?

by AlmostAtheist 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Well right now it's about 7:30am est and I've been up since 6:45, had to drive oldest to school for a trip meeting (he's going to DC with his class). Got home, daughter was ready to catch bus and youngest son was up already (I was hoping he was sleep such luck.) Now I have to watch up the second son to get him ready for school. I wish I could go back to bed.

  • LouBelle

    it's friday 2:50 in the afternoon in South Africa. I'm at work, but I ain't working.

  • Dansk

    Well, according to my watch it's 12.40 p.m. I was up at 7.05 a.m. to make wifey a cup of tea. But, it is England here


  • Dansk


    My goodness, I thought you'd fallen off the planet!! Great to have you posting again.


  • noni1974

    Well it's 7:45 am and I'm still up.I'm about to got to bed right now.Good night.

  • LouBelle


    I've been so busy with work and work and work. How are you??? Seriously How are YOU? I'm very happy to see you here!

    Plus I decided to take some extra time away from all things to do with being an Ex JW so that I could focus on my way forward ;o)


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    It is 2:30 here in CA. working at my desk, and playing with the computer.

    Purplesofa---You are so funny, I can't stop laughing.

    Erynw----How can you be Bored? Every where I look on the computer, you are lol

  • ninja

    I'm back home about half an hour from work.......started 5:30 am....finished 10:05 pm.......drinking cider to wind me down now..........

  • jaguarbass

    I'm up right now 3:05 Saturday morning because I just finished playing a rock music show at 1pm. Drove home and am now working on a 6 pack of Yuengling. I work midnights at the local jail and have the weekend off. So I'm chiling here in front of the computer, Im on beer number 4 and will probably crawl into bed when I'm done with beer number 5.

  • RisingEagle
    jaguar bass: and will probably crawl into bed when I'm done with beer number 5.

    For goodness sakes just don't spank anything!


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