How I handled Child Abuse cases when I was an Elder (1996-2006)

by slmdf 89 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • oldflame

    Hey and then we cannot forget all the women who are abused by there husbands, told by elders that it was them that caused the abuse and to go home and be better wives. Husbands are getting away with beating there wives too, which I think is also just as bad as the child abuser. I have heard stories of wives being sexually abused by their husbands also. There is only one kind of religion that allows these kinds of sufferings, and if they think that these kinds of actions come from God then either God is evil or the watchtower is evil I think I lean more towards the watchtower being the evil.

  • flipper

    OLD FLAME - I agree with what you just said. I have a sister 56 , who was married 20 years to a creepy witness guy who got away with raping her, physically abusing her , a habitual drug user, methamphetamine. He held my sister down so hard at night hurt her so much physically that her kids could hear her screaming from the other room. Her womanly private areas were so messed up and destroyed from this jerks abuse of her she had to have a hysterectomy , and has been in psychological therapy for since 1989 for the emotional damage. Sick and disgusting.

    The elders " pearls of wisdom counsel " to her when ex-husband was abusing her ? They told her, " You need to be a better wife. You must be doing something to irritate him . Just be patient. " Makes me wanna scream at the idiocy of these half-ass retarted elders who think they have a degree in psychology . How patient was my sister supposed to be ? Till the a$$wipe killed her ? So she got out just in time from the marriage, she was pissed at the elders, and rightly so. They were no protection for her.

    And these elders are going to be no real protection for the children, in spite of what the Watchtower drones on about . They have proven they are liars , they will continue to lie to protect their financial a$$e$ until they can run away no more. $$$$$ is the Watchtowers priority, not safety of children. Peace out, thanks for letting me rant, Mr. Flipper

  • wednesday

    yes flipper and oldfame, these kind of things have been going on for many years among jws and legalistic religions where women are viewed as possessions. Most women are aware of this and we all know the standard answer the wts gives-just as you said, subjection, give him his 'due" no matter what, be quiet, etc. I have known so many sisters whose life was ruined by staying married to these monsters that masquerade as men. men who have outright raped a women and had elders feel sorry for them b/c the woman was dressed to entice them or they had been drinking and "the devil made me do it".

    I have heard this excuse-hard to believe but it has been used, and successfully.

  • oldflame

    What gets me is when other religions pull crap like this they are ostracized by the media, but why is it that the society does not get this same treatment ?

  • sacrebleu

    The BIBLE does not encourage leaving small children at risk because of Deut.17:6.

    Deut 17:6 is talking about crimes that would get the death penalty!

    Personally, pedaphiles should get a slow, painful death, but the point I am trying to make is that it took two witnesses to accuse someone of something that would result in their DEATH. It took two witnesses for that. AND if the witnesses were later found to be lying, THEY were put to death. Hence, no false accusations.

    How many people in the US "justice" system have been put to death, THEN proven innocent. With this type of rule in place, that wouldn't happen. They might get life in prison, but not death. Someone who is still alive can be freed if FINALLY proven innocent.

    I don't think this rule is used correctly by the society anymore than most of the other Scriptures they use. Don't blame the Bible, blame the perverts and their protectors. They twist and turn the Bible so violently it is unrecognizable!

    And I agree with those who wrote that the conscience should kick in. God can protect His own good name and WILL come judgment day for these stupid JWs. But children are ours to protect. I would NEVER let a child's innocence be stolen and stand by. The JWs are so cruel and heartless. That's the main reason I got out. THEN I realized they don't really represent God and/or the Bible.

    BESIDES, the old rules don't apply now. We are under a NEW COVENANT. And there are only two commandments. Love God with your whole heart and love your neighbor also. These two cover everything INCLUDING not harming your children or your neighbor's children.


  • dogisgod

    I think he answered that. The Elders have training that protects the society. Not the victims. Elder school (I think) is more about legal do's and don'ts to protect the society as a whole. Elders are not counselors, therapists, Dr;s, Psychiatrists, thay have no real training or background to address these issues. Mostly a bunch of janitors that now have a title.

  • dogisgod

    If it were my kid I would confront the bastard. If he came clean (or possibly not) I would kick the crap out of him. Then push him down a hill and call the cops saying that during the confrontation he fell and got roughed up. I would let the courts deal with him and wait and see how the committee dealt with him (sort of a test) If they didn't do the right thing Invite them one by one to my favorite hill. If you don't take an extreme stand against them you are part of the crime. Saying ,"I repent and feel bad" will not stop them from doing it again. Forgiveness to that statement on the part of the untrained elders ensures it WILL happen again.


    I would like to know what the other elders in these cases thought about the abuse? I had an elder tell me once that kids that had been molested should just "get over it" !!! He could not comprehend the damage that was done due to abuse. It seemed to me that a lot of elders I knew could either sympathize with or understand "sex crimes" by men (not women...that was not tolerated).


  • BIG D
    BIG D


    happy you are a free thinker now, dont feel , guilty now for what you did as an elder, thats the nature of a cults ability to control people, not allowing them exposure to any ideas but their own. conformity!!

    never look at the internet or examine our own religion,and if you do, youl commit apostacy, but ask others in fs to examine theirs all day,

    my own experiences as an ms for many years, were enough to me to turn down elder, my father was an elder for many years, both he and i resigned, it took me 10 more years to convince me they were controlling my mind.

    my father is very dissapointed but still in, agape brother, big d

  • monophonic

    thank you so much for the information and your experience.

    is any of this documented in letters, or was this something that was relayed via oral discussions where elders were to take notes.

    instead of 'announcing jehovah's kingdom' as the WT tagline it should say, 'covering our legal a$$e$'.

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