Opinion peice on Athiests

by SickofLies 203 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    My best friend is a Athiest, he isn't preachy at all and is a very honest person. I trust him more than my JW family

  • skyking

    I have spent some time and scanned down through this thread.

    To state I am agnostic/not an atheist. I do not like blinded people. Bible thumpers make me sick. Practically every friend I have is a bible thumper. Bible thumpers at least most of them are dumb. Why because facts mean nothing to them. For example for years on this board I have asked one simple question:

    Gen 1: 27 God Created man and woman then in 1: 31 it says that completed the six day......

    Then look at Gen 2:19 says Adam was created. What the Hell?

    Every bible thumper has said in Gen: 2 he was giving a more in-depth description of creating Adam. This is Bull the bible does not say that. It states clearly that on the: On the six day he created man and woman: Then created Adam Two different words that mean man. actually Ha-Adam which literal transalation is "The Adam"

    Look at the original meaning of man and you will find the Bibles word for man is different at times. One is a human that can blush, the other is a human with color. The original black man that you see in Africa can not blush. But the bible thumpers do not like this because it opens a big pile of worms. Only light colored man can blush.

    So without changing the bible you either have in chapter one the Neanderthals or a different race of man than you have in chapter two.

  • serotonin_wraith


    6 = weakness of man; manifestation of sin ; evils of Satan

    Says who?

    66 = idol worship...maybe 6 + 66 = the weakness of man

    Again, according to whom?

  • skyking

    What happens here is this we do not understand the original scriptures. Ha-Adam can mean "Earth-thing" so at Gen2 the Earth-Thing was created.

    Today our language has changed Bad is Good, Wicked means good. If was to write a book today stating that ROCKY ROADS ICECREAM tasted Bad and wicked. A thousand years from now looking at the dictionary of the day we would conclude the Rocky roads ice cream taste really awful.

    So we do not know if GOD was referring to the same man in Gens1 and in Gens2. The only way you can conclude that it is the same man is that Gen1 and Gen2 was written at a different date not at the same time. This way you could have two different words that mean the same man.

    Here again Bible thumpers do not like this either.

  • skyking

    I like to heard myself type I guess. The answer might be that Gen. was not written by Moses but in exile in Babylon. Then the differences in the wording of man can be explained. Other wise you must assume that God created at least two different humans.

    The original book of the bible that was around at the time of the Gen. says exactly that that many type of humans were created by the Elohim's

  • SickofLies


    You make some good points, I also consider myself a agnostic-atheist, meaning I am unsure about the existence of any god or gods, while I don't discount the possibility that an intelligent force could exist, I see no evidence for such an intelligence and so I live my life as though there were none. However, even if I were to assume for the sake of argument that an intelligent force created the universe that does not validate any of the modern day religions as you have already pointed out, each individual religion can easily be disproven by showing the mountain of evidence contradicting the so called 'holy books' that are out there in existence.

    I am constantly dumb founded by these so called 'bible thumpers' who talk about Jesus as if he is their best friend, this is just sad, even religious people would admit the only source we have on the life of Jesus comes from literature. I'm not saying that falling in love with a fictional character isn't possible, it happens all the time. I've even grown strong attachments to characters in some books I've read and thought about them for days afterwards. But when you spend you whole life obsessed with a fictional character and refuse to even glance at the multiple lines of evidence that suggest Jesus’ character at best has been greatly embellished by the people who wrote about him and at worst a complete fabrication (which is what the strongest evidence supports).

    When people come and try and argue that 'you cannot disprove god' the reason no one takes them seriously is because they are not trying to make an impartial statement about some possible unknowable being, they are in fact arguing for a very specific god with very testable claims about who he is and what he has done or can do. Yet these cowards are two afraid to come out and say what they really believe because even they know how idiotic it sounds.

  • wanderlustguy

    That's it, this thread has become entirely too long, I'm becoming a bible beater.

    * rummaging around looking for my bible*

  • BurnTheShips
    When people come and try and argue that 'you cannot disprove god' the reason no one takes them seriously is because they are not trying to make an impartial statement about some possible unknowable being, they are in fact arguing for a very specific god with very testable claims about who he is and what he has done or can do. Yet these cowards are two afraid to come out and say what they really believe because even they know how idiotic it sounds.

    Sick, (and I do think you are SickOfLies, only not in the manner you think)

    Just you don't have to make any accusations (and if my spelling is poor blame it on the Scotch). I am not making any impartial claims about an unknowable being. My claims are very partial! I am speaking about a very specific God! As for the testability of claims, what testability do you seek? Science only concerns itslef--only can concern--itself with the natural realm. But God is not of this realm, he is of the supernatural realm. Science and reason can point us in his direction, but they cannot furnish proof. Therefore the knowledge accessible by science can not prove he exists. The proof I have presented on this thread (the Cosmological Argument) is philosphical, not scientific. To test the existence of God is to try to use a sledgehammer as a screwdriver, wrong tool for the job. As for calling me a coward, that is easy to do on an internet forum. This is what I believe (OMG you have really called me out!!), and it is not idiotic:

    I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Creator of heaven and earth,
    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

    Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
    born of the Virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate,
    was crucified, died, and was buried.

    He descended into hell.

    The third day He arose again from the dead.

    He ascended into heaven
    and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
    whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
    the communion of saints,
    the forgiveness of sins,
    the resurrection of the body,
    and life everlasting.



  • myelaine

    dear serotonin_wraith...

    "Says who?

    Again, according to whom?"... good morning!...so...it seems old concepts and theories hold no weight with you...you just want facts? let's start with a fact then...the number 1...prove to me that there is 1 "inch" > < there. And I don't want any theories or concepts, just proof. love michelle

  • wanderlustguy

    I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Creator of heaven and earth,
    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:

    Who was conceived of the Holy Spirit,
    born of the Virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate,
    was crucified, died, and was buried.

    He descended into hell.

    The third day He arose again from the dead.

    He ascended into heaven
    and sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,
    whence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church,
    the communion of saints,
    the forgiveness of sins,
    the resurrection of the body,
    and life everlasting.



    I find it interesting that you say the above and yet your avatar is designed by the same artist involved in the Church of Sacred Mirrors who promotes a different set of beliefs altogether.

    Personally I like it and my beliefs run along the same lines, basically that we are all the same thing, connected yet with the illusion of being seperate. The same guy who designed your avatar does his work while under the influence or immediately after ingesting salvia divinorium, a hallucinagen used by shamens for elightenment. Salvia trips usually include some visions like your avatar, your body turns into eyes, which supposedly symbolize the "eyes" we have through our nerves in our body, which can be trained to feel even more than the tiny sensations we all are used to as kids.

    If what you say you beleive is true, it is an interesting paradox and I wonder how you reconcile the two.


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