Opinion peice on Athiests

by SickofLies 203 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    Do you know any other studies?

    I have already provided two (2) sources. The burden is on you.


  • nvrgnbk
    but it is because of the "context" indoctrinated by a Christian religion?

    Centuries of unquestioning obedience to the Church and the "God-appointed" King/Czar was facilitated by Christian theology.

    Skepticism, the antithesis of religious faith, makes one difficult to control by any ideology, be it religious or secular.

  • kwintestal
    I have already provided two (2) sources. The burden is on you.

    I'm sorry, I missed that the first one was done by the University of Syracuse. I thought they were the same one. Let me look at it again.


  • serotonin_wraith


    People can hate religion because they don't view it in a good light. You can happen to be an atheist too, but it's not necessary. If you're going to say it's one ideology of atheism, then I'll say it's one theistic ideology too. Therefore, people hate religion in the name of theism/because they are theists.

  • blueviceroy

    I think it is beyond my ability to think of a more moot subject than this one.

    How many thousands of years have honest thinkers asked the question "Is there a God?"

    The subject matter is completely subjective.The Deeds done in the name of a dogma are the deeds that have been harmful. Muslims believe Allah says blow up the infidel, NO , people say blow up the infidel.

    Just like God doesn't say anything at all, but people say plenty. Like people saying my God is the correct God and you guys are sooo wrong.

    If a person believes more than what his five senses tell him the individual has 1. Had an experience of some sort that convinces them on a profound level where all doubt is removed . 2. Self deluded.

    Can we say one is different from the other?

    Can we honestly say we have proof of anything other than what we percieve?

    I've had an experience that I can't explain but I don't buy the stuff people sell at church or on TV either.

    All religions offer something good , athieism offers something good , but they are polar opposites and that just means they are two sides of the same thing.

    The truth of a human being lies in between the two extremes just as the truth of anything is. The extreme point is just half of something never the whole thing .

    I know something wonderful but I don't know what it is, I know what it is not.

  • BurnTheShips

    Centuries of unquestioning obedience to the Church and the "God-appointed" King/Czar was facilitated by Christian theology.

    Skepticism, the antithesis of religious faith, makes one difficult to control by any ideology, be it religious or secular.

    Prove it!

    People can hate religion because they don't view it in a good light. You can happen to be an atheist too, but it's not necessary. If you're going to say it's one ideology of atheism, then I'll say it's one theistic ideology too. Therefore, people hate religion in the name of theism/because they are theists.



  • kwintestal


    Giving to Secular Causes by the Religious and Nonreligious: An Experimental Test of the Responsiveness of Giving to Subsidies

    Catherine C. Eckel

    Virginia Tech

    Philip J. Grossman

    Saint Cloud State University

    Although evidence indicates that religious persons are moregenerous on average than nonreligious persons, little work hasbeen done to determine if this greater generosity is a generalpattern or is, rather, specific to church-based institutions.Limited research addresses if, or how, religious and nonreligiousgivers respond to subsidies. This article uses experimentaldata to examine differences in the amount and pattern of givingto secular charities in response to subsidies by self-identifiedreligious and nonreligious participants. The results indicateno significant difference in either the amount or pattern ofgiving or in the response to subsidies by religious and nonreligiousparticipants; however, giving by religious participants is significantlymore responsive to income changes than giving by nonreligiousparticipants.

    The study states that the last line (in red) is due to church's practice/encouragement of tithing.


  • BurnTheShips
    an we honestly say we have proof of anything other than what we percieve?

    Can you honestly say what you perceive is all that is?


  • serotonin_wraith


    All religions offer something good , athieism offers something good , but they are polar opposites and that just means they are two sides of the same thing.

    The truth of a human being lies in between the two extremes just as the truth of anything is. The extreme point is just half of something never the whole thing .

    I think it's fair to say there is either a god/gods or there isn't. Halfway would be... half a god?

  • blueviceroy

    No I can't . Although I do percieve a great deal with my five senses and my other one , the one that can't be located or understood or quantified in any way

    Consiousness can't be defined although many attempt to quantify the nature of consiousness it's never been adequately defined even though it is the one thing we all have in common.

    I can not percieve my conciousness I can only experience it. It is the one thing tangible in this existence that we possess as individuals that can not be seen or touched yet we "feel"it none the less. It deiifers from thought and emotions as it is an independant entity.

    So as far as I'm concerned there is more to life than we can percieve , but I'm unwilling to allow others to label my experience and call it by what they percieve it to be.

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