Creationism is Stupid, Stupid, STOOOOPID!

by Farkel 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tijkmo
    You wouldn't know a syllogism from your butt.

    just as you evidently wouldn't recognize humour/humor if it kicked you on the shin

  • MegaDude
    If such a "creator" exists, he/she /it is like evolution either amoral, or has a consciouness immune to the suffering of his "creation". The word "creator" after all has imbued within it the idea of thought and personality.

    That's certainly one way of looking at it. Another explanation would be that the creation had a choice and exercised it in opposition to its maker. Instead of willy-nilly destroying his creation, he is simply letting it run its full course to prove a point, to build a body of evidence that makes the point irrefutable.

    It is impossible to accept that a "creator" exists without suggesting that "it" has some sort of purpose in creating everything.


    With creation, whether it be art, music, society or a universe comes a moral responsibility toward the "created". Unless of course the "creator" is sociopathic in inclination.


  • VoidEater

    I've known a few stoners in my life, and you sir just might be a stoner.


  • hillary_step


    That's certainly one way of looking at it. Another explanation would be that the creation had a choice and exercised it in opposition to its maker.

    Getting back to your cancer analogy. Cancer cells show no less beauty in their "creation" than do kittens playing with bundles of wool. They are both a complex "design" and incidentally, both kill for a living.

    What choice does a person make, who falls ill to beautifully "designed" but lethal bacteria that has been around long before mankind existed to even upset his creator? I am not quite with you here.


  • VoidEater

    he is simply letting it run its full course to prove a point, to build a body of evidence that makes the point irrefutable.

    Makes God out to be rather...human (I see shades of Him being vindictive, petty, insecure, unable to exercise power, helpless, limited in ways of communicating). This kind of "proving a point" seems to be unique in human experience, where the people the point was being proven to have been dead 6,000 years, and where the conclusion will be done long after we are all dead as well.

    What exactly is His point?

  • TopHat

    Have you ever thought, that our creator is the Greatest Scientist of all. No human can duplicate Life from nothing.

  • Shawn10538

    I appreciate the first post. Nice job in my opinion.

    Brother Apologist,
    nothing surprising coming from you ol' chap. Since you already have your mind made up on things, as all good apologists do even before they begin an examination, why do you bother to contribute to these threads? We already know what stance you are going to take on everything. Save yourself some time, and us the hassle of scrolling past your incessant dogged defence of all things Biblical. We already know you are going to cling to your precious cherished beliefs down to your last drop of blood, in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Your response to your cognitive dissonance is typical of religious types: defend your stance to the death. Never change your stance. Just keep coming up with new rationalizations, explaining away, justifications, appeals to authority or "original languages" or some pseudo-scientist, obscure quotes and comments from other apologists etc. You and JCanon must be buds.

  • TopHat

    WOW Shawn! I don't think anyone's belief in a Creator is all that important to attack. Just as your belief in whatever!

  • BurnTheShips


    I tend to agree with you on this, we need to be open minded, but don't you think that many of us here "have our minds made up" and post to debate or confirm what we believe? For example, the topic poster evidently is convinced of his viewpoint hence the vehemence of the subject line.


  • MegaDude
    Getting back to your cancer analogy. Cancer cells show no less beauty in their "creation" than do kittens playing with bundles of wool. They are both complex "design" and incidentally both kill for a living.

    It's my understanding cancer cells are caused by abnormalities in healthy cells. Agree they both kill.

    What choice does a person make who falls ill to beautifully "designed" but lethal bacteria that has been around long before mankind was here to upset his creator? I am not quite with you here.

    No choice at all IMHO. That being because you're the recipient of the physical and emotional genetic inheritance of your family line, like everyone else living today.

    Why would a creator be upset at people? He shouldn't be, unless he has some sort of high standards. As a species, humans seem utterly incapable in coexisting in a healthy and mutually beneficial manner.

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