I’m only mostly dead.

by seven006 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • coolhandluke

    Damn Dave

    You have no idea how your story inspired me. I remember reading it non stop one day at work. I remember that I had to email you and thank you for it. I miss reading your posts. Look forward to more. For what its worth, you have my utter respect.


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I'm on a Mac so if anyone wants to make the link I gave above clickable for me, please do.



  • fifi40

    Hmmmmm......what I really want to know about you is whether you 'still think sex is stupid'?.......not sure which of your answers is the correct response.

    Are you doing the Gerson therapy?..........if so 'Yuk'........my dad did it......he had Motor Neurone......sometimes maybe a little steak is in order


  • R.Crusoe

    7006 Dave, Interesting reading your post about diet and how you respond personally to food depending on how your body reacts to it. It seems to me this is also true of other inputs in our daily lives. It is true that if I ever get into a habit of running, that after about 3 times a week for 6 weeks my whole metabolism changes and so does a lot else. It is ok to keep it up until something goes pear shaped - like responsibilties for others or whateva - and especially when too much is put upon you psychologically and you have to stand on your own where thoughts are concerned! When someone understands - really understands and is actively interested in the core of who you are and how you think and feel and then is proactive in your situation, it is like life has value - true value and you are able to maintain programmes which are positive for yourself and others around you - like a team who keep each others lives maintaining happy positives! I feel we all need this holistic essence to our lives and when we do not have it for whatever reason, each of us are shunting along on less than the 4 cylinders needed to maintain a smooth ride that soon has us feeling the same way. I hope you have people close who you feel close to! Also it struck me what you said about diet helping with your condition, and whether you had ever tried that Aloe Vera drink called 'bits n peaches' for a trial. There are other flavors but that was the only one I could keep taking and wanting more of! It is claimed that Aloe Vera has a vast number of the amino acids required by the human body for all sorts of cell funtions etc. and even some that the human body struggles to manufacture for itself. Ray

  • Quentin

    Don't know you well, but it's always a pleasure to read your posts...whenever you've posted any have really enjoyed your artwork...

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Dave,Good to see you back.

    I was wondering about how you were doing a few weeks ago! Your Bethel posts were and will prove to be JWD Classics. I look forward to more of your posts.

    My mom has been dealing with a neurological disease for about 15 yrs now, Myastemia Gravis, not very nice. So I have some idea what you are dealing with and my heart goes out to you, man. Getting old sucks, don't it? My gramps used to say that life is a terminal illness, no one gets out alive. At 54 I am beginning to understand his sarcastic humour much better. Although I am in pretty good shape with no vices other than a couple glasses of wine every night, I am getting to that point where, as Gramps would say . . . It takes me all night long to do what I used to do all night long . . .

    Peace Bro, you seem like the kinda guy I could crack a few cold ones with

    Get better, dammit

  • justhuman

    mostly dead too

  • Nosferatu

    Nice to hear an update from you Dave! Here's another miracle MS cure for you:


    I know it works because Judge Rutherford said it did:

    The article by Dr. Coolidge concerning the application of radium as a vital force is interesting to me. About a year ago I suffered from a severe case of pleuro-pneumonia, and Dr. Coolidge was my physician. During the period of convalescence he provided me with a radio-solar pad, or belt, which I wore with great profit to myself. I have since recommended it to others, who have likewise benefited by it. This pad I understand is manufactured by the Radium Appliance Company of Los Angeles,California, and the process of manufacture is to diffuse through a mass of paste by the power of electricity a small quantity of radium, and out of this the pad is manufactured. If the pad is held in the sunlight for five minutes, it can be taken into a dark room and will photograph itself. In other words, it absorbs the energy of the sun and transmits that to the human system. I believe that this will prove very beneficial to humanity; and so recognizing it, I am glad to call attention to it.
  • Mrs Smith
    Mrs Smith

    Hi Dave

    I just wanted you to know that your story about your stay at bethel was one of the first threads I read on this forum. It had me hooked. Look forward to reading your post, you're a wonderful story teller.

  • Sparkplug

    Morning Dave!

    Have I told you how much you make me smile?

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