poll for the ladies....

by sweetstuff 121 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff

    ROLMAO @ Mary's comment, hehe.

    Yeah, we are all about the bank account, as I sit in my house paid for by my rich ex and drive my mercedes to the school to pick up my kids. What a crock of $hyte! Newsflash boys, we'd rather a poor man anyday who treats us right, over a rich jerk who doesn't have a clue.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I guess you'll never have to worry about landing a woman then eh?

    Probably not, but I've got important things to worry about. ;-)

  • brinjen

    Brown hair, brown eyes, if he's got the 'three day stubble' thing happening, even better. Height and weight aren't so much an issue. Something like this;


    Mr Brinjen

  • sweetstuff

    Oh yeah, now that's what I'm talking bout!! Yummmmmmmmmmm!

  • memario

    this is a pic of me just last year. Tall, dark and handsome just ask BB


  • sweetstuff

    He's pretty darn wonderful too! I dont' like those big muscle boys either, they look retarded, like they have hairspray under their armpits. A little toned and fit is great, obsessed with it? No thanks. It's all in the smile and eyes anyway.

  • restrangled

    Ok here was my dream guy growing up....my husband looked the same only with pale blue eyes, taller and a wonderful personality.

    This dates me big time!


  • momzcrazy

    I have to say.. I love this!!!

    sweetstuff- I'm telling Keith you like him!!! CMA's tonite and he's in town...

  • Tara

    I like guys that have integrity, are taller than me (I'm 5'4"), can make me laugh, treat me nicely (and by nicely I mean with respect, not things).

    I took a test once on a dating site that said I prefer 'teddy bears' and that is true. I like big guys. Nicely trimmed beards and moustaches are a plus.

    John Doe and FA won't believe me, but money has never been a requirement. The love of my life was 5' 6", funny, stocky, dark haired, mustache and beard, harley rider, a mason (job).

    He broke my heart.

  • sweetstuff

    sweetstuff- I'm telling Keith you like him!!! CMA's tonite and he's in town...

    LOL, feel free!

    Although this guy would MELT me, I love his voice, couldn't find the official video, but its his voice, oh boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfQFGcXs_XE

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