What the hell is the MATTER with these people?

by mkr32208 115 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Leola28..Is it abuse to Force your Child,into Forced Free Labour for a billion dollar publishing company?..Is it abuse to punish your child,for refusing to want to do it?.....I`m not grabbing this out of thin air..I lived it..It wasn`t a happy life.....I was one of those kids...OUTLAW

  • lola28

    Well that does it parents, never let your child go into a parking lot. Purps is that the best you can do to support your argument?


  • purplesofa

    Well that does it parents, never let your child go into a parking lot. Purps is that the best you can do to support your argument?


    Im done.......do what you want with your kids........I will look after mine, lord knows I have enough on my plate.

    Lola, you are 23, you got alot to learn kid.


  • lola28

    Outlaw, your experience and what you live through is not what millions of jW children go thru, did you ever consider that? Did any one stop to think that maybe this little girl does really enjoy street work and that maybe she wasn’t forced into it? You are projecting your feelings onto this child, neither your nor I know what her circumstances are yet many are making the assumption that she is being forced to go out preaching and the truth is we don’t really know that for a fact do we?

    Purps, my age is not a factor in this, I know enough to understand that just because I don’t agree with the way someone is raising their children it doesn’t mean that they are doing it wrong or god forbid committing child abuse, it simply means that they are parenting the best way they know how and I have to trust that they are doing what they feel is best for their children.

    Again how many posters did this same thing to their children? How hurtful would it have been to have someone call them neglectful parents and child abusers? Don’t try to tell me that because I’m 23 I’m an idiot that doesn’t fully "get it" I may not be a mother but I do have common sense and you don’t have to be forty to have that.


  • Rosalee

    Well said ... Lola.


  • coffee_black

    Lola, as a parent and grandparent who has had this done to me...and who has done this to my children, I would never have them out of reach, in the dark, approaching strangers under any circumstances. That is puting them at risk.


  • lola28

    Thanks Rose, I just think you might have had a valid point and it really is a shame that no one tried to have an open mind about what you had to say.


  • coffee_black

    and one more thing... At 6:55 AM on a Saturday morning, this was long before a meeting for service. I really doubt there were other jws with them at that time of day... it is possible but not likely.


  • Scully
    Take care when wrestling with a pig. The pig will probably enjoy itself, and both parties will end up covered with mud.

    This thread is taking a time out.

  • Scully

    Carry on. Remember to play nice.

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