What the hell is the MATTER with these people?

by mkr32208 115 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    I posted this some time ago

    I left my youngest son at the grocery store once.

    I got home, put the groceries away,,,,,,,,,always pass out treats.........

    Well, when I came to his treat, (after passing out to my other four kids)

    he was not around!!!!

    I said where is R? kids all look around,

    OMG, I left him at the grocery store

    I drove there and there he was sitting on the counter eating candy

    luckily we lived in a small town of 2,500 and everyone knew us.

    The people at the store were not alarmed, they just understood

    young mom, five small kids at the store.

    Today if that happened, probably all my kids would have been taken away from me.

    hmmmmmmmmmm, interesting.


    So yes, I have lost a kid.

    I was distracted. I had more than I could take care of. The outcome could have been different. Twenty plus years ago in a small town.

    Just keep an eye on your kids........its not about race, age, religion, sex, being overweight, good or bad..........its just about keeping an eye on them and keeping them out of harms way.

    I can't say that it is the same, A kid straying from a child and getting into some kind of trauma, or a parent willfully letting a child in a dark parking lot handing things to strangers, while the child is not attached to your personal body in some way.

    We just do not live in a society that will not take advantage of that kind of situation. If they will come into your bedroom window and snatch a kid sleeping, it can happen anywhere.

    Like I said, I learned from past mistakes concerning care and safety for my kids.

    Maybe one person reading this will hang on to their kids hand, keep them close and keep them safe.

    And maybe, someone will stay home on a Saturday morning with their child and enjoy being a mommy and a child and not feel guilty and not feel like that is not important work as well.



  • coffee_black
    Kids do that sometimes they slip away before you are aware of it no matter how attentive you try to be. Maybe that is what happened to this woman. Everything being said here is based on one experience as told by a third party.

    I know this happens... maybe I was just more paranoid...

    mrk was there...and the woman was having a conversation with someone in the parking lot. She was not even looking in the child's direction. This is how tragedies can happen. She was lucky that mrk wasn't someone with bad intentions.


  • eclipse

    I read the Entire thread as well before commenting as well.

    Losing track of a child in a mall is an entirely different thing and entirely possible and is not due to negligence.

    Sending a young child to talk to strangers (otherwise why would the child come up to a stranger and hand him a tract???)

    and then not even have the common sense to KEEP AN EYE ON them, is inexcusable and negligent.

  • purplesofa

    I also want to think of your reaction if you were approached by a seven year old girl, unattached to an adult or anyone for that matter,

    approached to you in a dark parking lot, to talk to you about the bible.

    Sometimes we see kids selling cookies or raffle tickets at the entrance of businesses in a group.

    This is a completely different scenerio.

    I know my first thought would be ......where is this kids parent? and find it odd that a child would be passing stuff out in a parking lot while it was dark. I would not hear the message.

    but I suppose there are others that would say hey, I got this tract from a little girl today while I was in the wal-mart parking lot. It was dark and there was no adult around, so the message must be very important. I bet the angels were watching after that little girl. Let me read this tract.....I might want to check into this religion and join it.!!! Oh and yeah, oh wonderful she was exercising her right to freedom of religion and speech.


  • new boy
    new boy

    You missed a "Golden opportunity".......

    You should have given the little girl a piece of candy and told her "go tell your parents that this strange man give me this candy and he wanted me to get into his car" ....that would scare the s.....out of them.

  • Gill

    I really don't know what all this shock and horror is!

    Don't you know that this child had two burly angels standing next to her sent by Jehoopla to protect her from all the weirdos out there?!!!

    JWs are told that they are protected by God when they distribute the craptower......and they believe it!

    This child was in no danger at all......or was she?

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    I agree this is dumb parenting.

    I will be reporting them to Child Protective Services for child abuse.

    But, Where do you live that you think this charge would stick?

  • Mary

    I think the bottom line is: in this day and age, parents, and that includes Witnesses, should not let their 7 year old kid distribute flyers/tracts/magazines in a mall parking lot in the dark to strangers. If the mother decided they were going to go out in Service at 7:00am, then she should have remained at her daughter's side while passing out the tracts.

    It's sad, but we live in a scary world where there are simply too many scumbags who would be only too happy to grab a little 7 year old girl from the parking lot, rape her and then murder her. There are pedophiles that purposely case malls and mall parking lots looking for the opportunity.

    Here's a frightening potential scenario: The little girl gives a tract to a man coming out of Walmart. Unbeknown to her, he's a pedophile and has one of his buddies in the van. He takes the tract, and walks over to his van and tells his fellow-pedophile that they've got a golden opportunity to grab a little girl. They carefully search the lot to see if this little girl is with any adult. Then spot someone who they think is probably her mother or an aunt, distributing tracts but they're a fair distance from the little 7 year old, is engaged in discussion with someone else and isn't even looking in the girls' direction. So they pull the van up to where the little girl is, the one guy asks if he can get another tract for his friend and the little girl steps forward to give him the tract. The guy grabs her, pulls her into the van, they take off and are gone before the mother even realizes what's happened. You can fill in the rest.

    I don't know if I would classify this as 'abuse', but it's negligence.......Years ago when we'd go out in Service, we had no problem with sisters working by themselves if there were 3 or 5 people out in the group. You don't do that anymore, or at least you don't in the Toronto area. There's just too many wackos out there.

  • moomanchu

    Allentown PA over 100,000 population city, and not very safe. No school bus transportation in the city.

    Kindergarten through 12th grade, School District says ummm yeah walk to school up to 2 mile aways.

    I let my son walk .4 mile when he turned 10, but others did it right off. (btw big part of why I moved out)

    Yeah, you'll convince a judge being seperated from parents in a Walmart parking lot was child abuse

    or endagerment, get real !

  • Scully
    I will be reporting them to Child Protective Services for child abuse.
    But, Where do you live that you think this charge would stick?

    Who said anything about "charges"? CPS doesn't "charge" people with crimes. That's law enforcement's job. CPS is there to investigate allegations of abuse, neglect and wilful endangerment of children.

    Sometimes a threat is all that is necessary for an incredibly dumb parent to wake up and realize that what they are doing is dumb and not safe and putting their child in harm's way. Sometimes having CPS come into your home and read you the riot act about dumb and/or dangerous parenting practices is what makes people wake up and change how they do things.

    Suppose for just a moment that while this mother's back was turned, someone who wasn't a nice concerned guy like mkr came along and abducted this little girl. Do you think the police officers who would be investigating her disappearance would say "Hey great job, getting your kid out preaching and distributing religious literature before sunrise, to complete strangers, without appropriate supervision"??

    NO. They're going to say "What the hell were you thinking, lady??"

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