What the hell is the MATTER with these people?

by mkr32208 115 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purplesofa

    Theft in Wal-Mart parking lot leads to shooting, police say

    By ArkansasOnline

    LITTLE ROCK — What began as a petty crime Sunday afternoon left one man dead in a North Little Rock Wal-Mart parking lot busy with shoppers.

    The shooter, who witnesses described as a black male, approached a woman sometime before 2 p.m. walking to her car and grabbed her purse, North Little Rock police spokesman Sgt. Terry Kuykendall said.

    As the suspect ran across the parking lot, he turned back and fired at least one shot, which hit a bystander, police said. The shooter then climbed into the passenger side of a vehicle before driving away from the store, located at 4450 E. McCain Blvd.

    Police have no suspects.

    For more information see tomorrow's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

    This article was published Sunday, July 22, 2007.

    Event Calendar

    October, 2007




    The parents are idiots!..Forced child labour for the WBT$....Why do I have the "Right" to say that..I used to be one of those kids.You don`t have a choice as a little kid..You do as your told,or your punished.....A parking lot is no place for a little girl,that early in the morning.Or anytime for that matter...OUTLAW

  • R.Crusoe

    Trouble is these parents will undoubtedly be absolutely convinced the angels are with them because they are warning you all on that parking lot to get on their 'ark' to the new world order as required by God almighty and so no amount of reasoning will help them see your perspective - remember you are the one who needs saving and satan is making you annoyed with them because he is distracting you from seeing their 'truth'. Do you remember thinking that way - I do!!

  • lola28

    You know Rosalee has a very valid point, just because the parents were not close to the child doesn’t mean that there wasn’t another adult nearby. In fact I find it hard to believe that there wasn’t, I know that when we went out in street work and had a child with us someone would always be with him/her, maybe not hand holding but never too far away. Did any of the posters even acknowledge that she might have had a point? Nope. Instead everyone was ready to jump on the child abuse bandwagon. I know posters have very strong opinions about this, and personally I don’t think children should be out doing street work at five, six or even seven in the morning.

    However at the end of the day it is none of our business how these parents raise their children, this is America after all and we do have freedom of religion, right? It is not our place to question how these parents raise their kids, had the original poster indicated that the child was being verbally or physically abused I would be the first to tell him to contact CPS. Just because we feel that having a child out peddling religion is wrong doesn’t mean it’s worthy of child abuse accusations, I think sometimes we throw that out there without realizing that saying that of any parent is quite horrific and street work may not be pleasant but it is a far cry from being beaten down by your mom or dad.

    Please keep in mind that there are kids who are being hurt in monstrous ways by their parents so at the end of the day street work is not child abuse when you compare it to all the other horrible things that so many children are enduring, perspective people, don’t lose it.


  • DJK

    I was one of those kids. No one gave me a choice. I was forced to distribute that religous propaganda. Even if you dont call it labor, it still isnt right.


    Leola28..I don`t know of any Dub kids that had a choice..I didn`t..Forced free child labour is abuse..If you refused you were punished..I know first hand...OUTLAW

  • lola28

    Nor did I say it was, however it really bothers me to see people throw around accusations of child abuse. I wonder how many posters here made their kids do street work, should they also be considered child abusers?


  • BrentR

    There is a difference between child abuse and child endangerment. One is active and one is passive.

    We all see kids selling stuff to raise money for a cause or organization. I am sure some of them would rather be doing something else. What we rarely see is kids selling something w/o nearby adults in a dark parking lot. That is not abuse it just neglectful endangerment.

  • coffee_black

    Lola, I did streetwork as a child...but was right by my mom's side... and never that early in the morning! My kids did streetwork with me a couple of times...but again, right at my side...and at a reasonable hour. Even as the adult in the situation, I didn't know I had a choice...it was all I ever knew. Thankfully, I know better now... and my grandkids don't peddle magazines.


  • purplesofa

    Parking Lot Security

    Security Planning for Families

    by Chris E McGoey, CPP, CSP, CAM

    Parking lots come in all shapes and sizes from the gigantic high-rise or subterranean multi-level structures to the flat lots of a small retail strip-center with only a few stores. While parking lots provide a great service by allowing us access to retail and office centers, they sometimes create a substantial risk. What determines the relative safety of a parking are governed by three factors. They are 1) the nature of the parking lot, 2) the crime history, and 3) the location.

    Nature of a Parking Lot

    A parking lot is best described by the design and how and when it is used. The crime rate of a parking lot can be affected positively or negatively by its' design. Large high-rise or subterranean structures can have poor visibility because of walls, pillars, and elevation changes. Large flat parking lots attached to a regional mall can offer a car-thief great visibility to watch for security and great escape routes. The time of day, traffic, and the use of the parking lot makes a difference to its' relative safety. As you can imagine, late at night some parking lots can become remote with no available witnesses to watch over the area. A parking lot outside of a nightclub will have different problems than a lot adjacent to a day-use only professional office building. At nighttime, lighting is an important condition that allows us to see potential threats and thereby deters some criminals. You should be able to see and identify someone at 100 feet. If lighting is inadequate, park somewhere else.

    Property Crime

    The most common crime in a parking lots is theft or vandalism. Where else can you find such a selection of automobiles left unattended--it's a thief's dream. The most frequent crimes are auto vandalism and auto burglary. Thieves think nothing about smashing out your car window to steal a stereo, a portable telephone, or some item left on the seat. What they need is a little time and no witnesses. Some parking lots are notorious for auto thefts and auto burglaries. Sometimes the explanation is that they are located adjacent to excellent escape routes such as freeway on-ramps or major high-speed thoroughfares. See our site on Auto theft Facts. Flat parking lots are preferable to thieves because of ease of visibility and ease of escape. Multi-level pay lots offer some deterrence because of the access control and the requirement to pass the video-monitored toll booth upon exit. Valet parking is considered safer because the attendant goes out into the lot for you to retrieve your car. Another benefit is that unauthorized persons stand out in this special parking area that is supposed to be accessed by attendants only. If you are a woman alone, consider using valet parking at hotels and where available, especially at night.

    Remember these parking lot security tips:

    • Park only in a well-lighted and a highly-visible location
    • If you cannot see 100 feet at night, park elsewhere
    • Park in higher traffic areas of the lot, if possible
    • Move your car during the day to improve its' location
    • Remove all interior valuables from plain view
    • Lock your doors and roll up all windows
    • Use a highly-visible steering wheel or brake pedal locking device
    • Use a car alarm and alarm decals, if possible
    • Use valet parking for greater personal security, if available
    Violent Crime

    The most common violent crimes committed in urban parking lots are stranger-on-stranger purse snatch and strong-arm robbery, and occasionally carjackings and abductions. If you think about it, we are all strangers in a large parking lot. Violent criminals can blend in with the rest of us and get in close proximity fairly easily. Criminal predators can walk right by us and we will allow it because of the public setting. Next time you go to a large shopping center sit in the parking lot for a few minutes and observe how easy it would be for a criminal predator to approach and attack you or your family. Shoppers often walk to and from their cars totally consumed by their thoughts and thinking about what they are going to do next. Next time, watch shoppers as they approach their cars fumbling for their keys. They will turn their backs and attention completely away from those nearby to load their shopping bags into the car, and get children and infants installed inside the vehicle. Most shopping center and parking lot abductions and carjackings occur precisely at this point.

    Parking lot robbers are usually opportunists who look for the easiest person to victimize. They cowardly prey on older persons and women most often and prefer to attack them away from witnesses or security officers. These predators like to hang out in the parking lot looking for potential victims. They will pretend to talk on a telephone or watch from inside a car. They will try to get close to their intended victim before they strike. Most victims have said that they never saw the robber approach. You must stay alert at all times. If you see a suspicious male approaching you, change directions. If he appears to follow, look him in the eyes and yell at him to STOP. However, do not stand your ground and confront him. Get out of there, if you can. Run toward other people and point him out. You can always apologize later, if you are mistaken. If no other people are close by, go into the closest store or office building and call the police.

    Family Security Plan

    To protect yourself or your family in this setting the best defense is awareness. Awareness will allow you to anticipate the potential danger and plan ahead for the next time you go to a parking lot. Planning includes selecting a safer time to shop (daylight) and arranging not to shop alone, if possible. You can plan where to park (i.e. not next to a large enclosed van) and park in high traffic areas. You can plan to scan the area for suspicious males before parking and exiting your vehicle. You can also plan not to park or exit your vehicle if suspicious males are in the area. Families should agree in advance to exit and enter their vehicle quickly and lock the doors. Families should be trained to look around their vehicle before approaching and retreat if anyone suspicious is loitering in the area. They should be trained to return quickly to the shopping center and alert mall security or call the police. This all becomes second nature after a while. A little awareness (educated-paranoia) is healthy and can keep your family safe.

    • Be aware and alert to male predators in the parking lot
    • Plan when to go and where to park. Closest is not always best
    • Do not get out of the car if you see suspicious males. Follow your instincts
    • Upon return, scan the area around your car as you approach it
    • Teach your family to enter and exit the care quickly and lock all doors
    • Yell at anyone following you, without stopping to confront him
    • Return to the store or office if anyone looks or acts suspicious
    • Call the police or notify security of any suspicious activity
    For More Information

    Parking Lot Security Family Planning

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