What the hell is the MATTER with these people?

by mkr32208 115 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rosalee

    Actually, if the Walmart is part of a plaza, they do not control the parking lot .. case where I live.

    My local Walmart does not post No Solisiting signs either.

    I would not do what these parents did .. but quite honestly, we don't know all the facts. There may have been other adults very near to this little girl ... she only pointed out where her parents were because that is what she was asked.

    Would we hear all this commotion if it had been a girl guide selling cookies?

  • Scully


    School is not optional. Teachers and bus drivers are screened, and hopefully most of the bad ones are weeded out.

    JW tract distribution is optional. The parents choose to take the kid out, and expose them to strangers - no screening process involved. If you're a warm body, you're a suitable target for JW proselytizing. They think that a kid will get a better response, that a kid will bring out a person's kinder nature. The kid is bait. "Oh look at that cute little African American girl and how she loves Jesus enough to be out at the crack of dawn... aww shucks... I don't want her to feel bad... so I'll take her tract and made her feel good about what she's doing."

    The problem is, predators see her as a different kind of "bait".

  • BrentR

    Why is that surprising since this is the same religion that would allow thier own child to die a slow and horrifying death from blood loss? I hope at least that you drop a short note to the local cong. letting them know what you saw and the extreme risks involved. The parents will not change thier behavior unless they hear it from an elder. If that does not work then a quick letter to the editor of the local news paper may shame them into watching thier kids better.

    Even if nothing changes you will have at least tried if one does get abducted. Think about how crappy you would feel if you did nothing?

  • Rosalee

    Most of you are posting negative comments with out knowing all the facts.

    Just because she pointed out her parents quite a ways off, doesn't mean there weren't other adults near her, keeping an eye on her.

    Not having all the info makes this topic redundant.

  • *summer*


    in all fairness, i believe the purpose of this forum is to allow each and everyone of us to share their opinions on any given subject.

    we may not always agree...still, we are all entitled to voice our views.

    this is what makes a forum alive and interesting:-)

  • Robdar

    You just want to have a reason to hate JW's....Oh, I almost forgot. That's the purpose of this forum!

    And yet, here you are.

  • BrentR
    with out knowing all the facts.

    Most child abductors are not concerned with "facts" . They see an un-guarded child and ten seconds later that child is gone. Every week we see on the news kids that are snatched right out of stores not more 10-20 feet away from thier parents on video. That is what the word predatory means.

  • oompa

    I like your idea the best MKR....but at least make a verbal scene if you see this everybody!!!!!!!!....oompa

  • Rosalee


    Then you just shot down the argument about the parents being so far away.

    According to you, their daughter could have been snatched away even if they were within ten feet of her.

  • Rosalee

    oompa ... you would actually suggest someone "beat the crap out of these people" .... without even knowing all the details????

    This is so sad ..........

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