What are Strangest Grounds For Disfellowshiping You Have Heard Of?

by new boy 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadTiger

    "Drew Sagan was DF'ed for joining the Y just to use the pool by an 0rg that joined the UN just to use the library.

    Now THAT'S nuts!"

    Very nuts. That's the kind of shit I am talking about. Unjustifiable. Hypocritical.

    BTTT for Bethel

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    My room-mate's dad was df'd for something he had done 20 years in the past before he was baptized. On another note, my ex wife and her brother were coached to not get df'd when the they and several others we caught have sex. Not the the brother and sister together lol. Their dad was the PO. The elders always gave the right answer in their questions followed by the word "right?" I remember them bragging about it years later

  • Outaservice

    My sin for which they DF'ed me was 'non meeting attendance'! I told them I was glad, for at least it was not for something serious!

    Why did they feel the need to 'kick me out' when I already was 'not there'?


  • SnakesInTheTower


    to mean " A WANTON DISREGARD FOR AUTHORITY". Or in other words I disagreed with the elders.

    If I ever get DF, thats how they will get me....but they will have to do it in absentia.... cause I aint showing up for Kangaroo Court in the Star Chamber at the Kingdumb Hell.

    Snakes ()

  • new boy
    new boy

    Wait a minute......"This speech is SHOCKING.....who can hear it?"....as I put my hand over my ears..

    Thank God I can still read.

    Now remember friends these are God's hand picked appointed brothers.....They actually pray back in Bethel to see if these men should lead the poor flock.....

    This elders have no pride....no favoritism, and most of all speak for god. Plus they come from all walks of life.....With the best Qualifacations.....many are truck drivers.....janitors.....construction workers.

    How could they screw up?

    I'll never forget my ex-father inlaw, Elder Ben Reagan, Janitor from Newport R.I. This guy looked and acted like Gomer Plye.... He was the dumbest person I ever meet!

    He is on the phone with this poor black sister, that just got the shit beat out of her by her 300 lb. husband....and I swear to God this is what he said to her "You must have done something really wrong for him to have hit you....just have another beer and forget the whole thing!"....his answer for everything.

    Of course the JWs say....imperfect persons who make mistakes.....

    But remember there are NO mistakes in the organization...the "Light only gets brighter"

  • mouthy

    a sister who wanted to divorce her husband when she found out he was having sex with the dog.

    The above sister COULD NOT divorce her husband because it was way back in 1968..She is still in the "LIE" is MY age --has lived alone ever since ..Wonderful woman !!!of course she hasnt spoke to me since 1987 when they kicked me out because I didnt see Jesus come invisably....She is a JEW turned JW....Lost all her Jewish friends by following the "DEAR BROTHERS????" advice that bad association spoils useful habits

  • changeling

    I know someone who was raped by her then boyfriend. Both were witnesses. He had the "gift of gab". He said it was simply fornication and confesed to it. She claimed rape and stuck to her story. She was DF'd for lying.

    She told me the story years later as a witness in good standing. I asked her why she took that abuse. She shrugged her shoulders.

    She is now an active witness. He went down in flames years ago for drugs, stealing and a host or crimes. He is a known criminal in the community.


  • MidwichCuckoo
    a sister who wanted to divorce her husband when she found out he was having sex with the dog.

    What?? Blimey - bet that caused a stir in the Congregation.

  • sacrebleu


    Did you actually know this person? I read about it in a book.


  • sacrebleu

    I FINALLY picked an avatar. It was a major decision. After all, it becomes the identifying mark so that people will begin to get an idea of who I am. Is this a lame post or what?

    How did you all pick your avatars?


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