Just a little Update...(with pictures)

by RichieRich 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    HS I'm not sure that I consider tattoos as in fashion per se. Certainly I will agree with you they are more socially accepted, but the vast majority of my friends are not tattooed.

    All of the women however are pierced. I'm not what the history of piercing goes back to in Western culture, probably a "fashion" that has lasted quite a long time. I am not pierced. I in fact agreed with my father's decision and do not have my ears pierced because pretty much everyone has them done and I wanted to be different. The tattooing therefore for me was definitely not following a trend, if I had been thus a victim to fashion (which as you acknowledge we have all been) then yep I'd be sorely disappointed and looking for the nearest laser when the fad ended. But as I had it done as a purging and as marking the end of the first chapter of my life it will ALWAYS be relevant to me personally, no matter what fashion trends are in existence.

    To an extent Richie has used body to mark milestones and also as memorabilia of his past, as well as finding some peace through pain and having a lot of fun with it. I too worry that maybe has had too much done, but he looks in the mirror and likes what he sees and isn't that is what most important. If we like who we are then there were always be ones who appreciate us back. I just really think the tarring every person who has a tattoo with the same brush isn't fair. For some of us its been a highly charged, spiritual and cathartic process as well as contributing to a visual identity. It certainly wasnt because a handful of silly girls at college decided to get dolphins stamped at the base of their spine and we couldn't but resist the urge to do the same.

    Respectfully (as I know you do have Richie's best interests at heart - sometimes I want to throttle him too, but he'd have way too much fun ;-0


  • RichieRich

    So before I reply...

    I'll just say that I showed my girlfriend what you guys were saying about her... and she was ecstatic with it, and started asking more questions about JWD. So I gave her my password and set her free to peruse this site as she saw fit. Well, she's spent about 12 hours reading every topic I've ever posted. She says it's now helped her to understand my JW upbringing better.

    So we were spending some time together tonight, and I decided to pull up the thread, and see if anyone else had chimed in... and low and behold I see all these knock down drag out fights over little ole me.

    Rosalee, if you honestly believe that my body modifications are detrimental to my future, then consider this: you also insist that they're permanent. So if I've already screwed myself up beyond the point of safe return- then why bitch at me about it? It's like handing out pity cigars in the lung cancer ward. Your logic is flawed. Another poster on here once used the phrase "you don't know a fallacy from a blowjob." It seems fitting here as well.

    To all who care to read it- here's my answer to your "concerns". I've posted them here before (although with only 200 posts under your belt I'm sure you're not speaking from a wide knowledge base), but after this I refuse to repeat myself again.

    As "weird" as I look, I'm not too far away from normal. All I have to do is don a suit. That big nose ring? It comes out. The lip piercing? it comes out as well. The ears? One quick procedure and a week later you'd never be the wiser. The tongue? I don't stick my tongue out at people, and I don't open my mouth when it's not my place to do so.

    So you're right. I'll have to wear a suit everyday when I grow older. Oh wait. I was planning on doing that anyway.

    Now, yes, I don't run around in long sleeves and pants every day of my life. So what? I can't get a job at McDonald's. And I'm sure Burger King is out of the question as well. Poor me.

    What strikes me as funny, and everyone else (BigWilly, CHL, White Dove, etc) who have spoken up as fellow members of the tattooed community I'm sure will agree, is this:

    The only difference between tattooed people and non tattooed people is that tattooed people don't care how many tattoos you have.

    I've never once tried to tell someone without tattoos that they were less of a person because of it. Why is it ok for you to do it then?

    As far as my age goes, I don't think there's a question in the mind of anyone who knows me that I'm at all immature for my age. I've probably had and lost more in life than you'll ever have. I'm not complaining, but I don't want you to think I'm a child who's making spur of the moment decisions. I'm no dummy. Time has proven that again and again.

    I also love how you insist that I'm an accident waiting to happen. Are you implying that I'm mentally unstable? If you truly believe I am, then why do you insist on making repeated jabs at me? Again with the sympathy cigars in the cancer ward.

    And as far as "fads" go... Tattooing has been around since the Neolithic. Otzi the Iceman was discovered to have tattoos as well as stretched ear piercings. So assuming that tattooing .was a common practice in the fourth millenium BCE... that means it's been around 3 times longer than Jesus. So that church you go to on Sunday? Yeah. It's a fad.

    I'm sure this will get jumped all over, and I'll stop in when I get moment to see what you're babbling on about then. Have a great day.

  • eclipse

    Richie, Very well said.

    I have no tatts and no piercings (ears closed over many years ago) my canvas remains blank for now...

    I love tattoos....I love all forms of body modification and adornment....

    crumpers is absolutely right, I would rather walk up to a heavily inked /pierced guy than a seemingly non-inked, non-pierced man in a business suit to ask for directions or help because chances are, the inked guy will help you and not give you the brush off because they're too busy.

    Does Danny have any tatts? Does Trevor? hmmmmmm.....my paranoid schizophrenic relative that doesn't take their meds and is looney tunes, (has threatened to kill family members because of perceived wrongs), does not have any tatts/piercings either....so what does that say???

    I guess it says they're well-adjusted mentally because they haven't gotten inked /body modification done.

  • Clam

    Hey Eclipse - I'm pretty sure Trev has a heart tattoo with the name "Linda" embossed.

  • megsmomma

    Richie....that was a very dignified answer. That is the "you" we all know and love....and the "you" some people are too ignorant to even give a chance. Those are the people who don't deserve to know you.

    I am very glad your girl-friend got to see this site and read all about you. It is like a diary. I think she is a great person for wanting to know all she can and understand what you've dealt with through the past few years. I am sure you do the same with her.

    I have to laugh at people like Rosalee....who tells this board we are all bad people and thanks us for showing her that the "real love" is in the organization...yet, she keeps coming back here to judge others and put people down. I am guessing she needs some help before she "snaps".

    I hope you continue to be happy and healthy and give your woman a from Megsmomma!!


  • sweetface2233

    Hi, Janet! How is school? I've been trying to get Richie to come to DC for a visit. You are welcome to join him. I'd love to meet you

  • Crumpet

    I want to say hi to Richie's girlfriend too! I've seen your pictures and you are adorable. I really hope I get to meet you in December when I come over!

  • purplesofa


    I would assume that the kind of tatttoos being removed most is drunken tattoos, gang affiliation, and prison ones.

    I dont know what kind are being covered.


  • Rosalee


    This is the first time I've addressed you.

    The only point I am trying to make on this thread is that everyone but H_S jumped on the bandwagon praising you for mutilating your body.

    Maybe instead of an accident looking for a place to happen, you are more like someone lost at sea ... no adult direction or supervision.

    I know you think you are completely 'grown up' now but in a few years if you read my words, you may see the sense in them.

    I don't put you down for your decisions ... I object to few posters here trying to give you the direction you need.

    Some of my best friends and rellies have tattoos ... I don't dislike the person. You have to admit you are taking things to extremes ... why?????


    Good for losing the weight.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Richie, I'm not going to make any bones about it--I find your body modifications disgusting.

    That's not the point of this post though. I think you ought to consider law school. You've got an excellent ability to argue and make points. I think you would be a great litigator. Furthermore, that would occupy your time with something a little more important than mutilation. ;-)

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