We've had a load of depressing topics, can we discuss something happy?

by restrangled 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    John Doe, I am proud of you...very good job!

    I have worked for many attorneys...mainly tough ones, that did not want to deal with what a client had to say.

    I was told over and over not to read their statements. But everytime I did, it benefited the attorney or firm I was working for. I was actually yelled at for reading a client's statements.

    You want to know the funniest thing ever?

    There was a 6 million dollar lawsuit, (the biggest for the firm) and I was the main Secretary handling the case.

    I was told everything had been gone over, but I knew better. I pulled out the 3 foot thick file and started reading. Low and behold the guilty party admidted to being a JW to the police who had disappeard. I informed the attorney and he was shocked. No one had seen or read this. .....of course he was quickly found due to my research....I told them ....look at the local KH and they found him.

    I helped write the demand letter with the attorney and the settlement was 4.5 million dollars with the firm collecting 40% plus costs...(amounting to 50 percent) This was my first of several million dollar cases by the way. The next case was 6 million dollars, and I wrote the demand letter myself. They settled for the full amount. the attorney was on vacation the entire time....Do you know what the law firm was paying me......$10.00 an hour.

    Attorneys are, how do I put this,.....Axxholes in General and treat their secretaries as such and think they are special boys. The secretaries generally handle most of the work.

    When you start your practice look me up, will you?


  • Es

    today i got to hear my baby's heartbeat, it was beautiful. Im nearly 4mths pregnant now


  • ex-nj-jw

    Es, it is special no matter how many times you hear it or how many children you have. Very special indeed! Thanks for sharing.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Restrangled, I do think I would have been demanding a bonus! ;-)

  • JWdaughter

    Mentioned on another thread, but it belongs here. . . My sister invited me on a trip to Australia with her family in 2009! My air and hotel paid for. But the happiest thing is that my sister loves me, she really, really loves me!!! (This has been growing in the years since she had her first kid, but in the last 2 years we have been really growing close. I'm ecstatic about that, the trip is just a tangible bit of bonus)

  • erynw
  • Kudra

    JK666- that's pretty funny

    Looks like you're doing better??

  • life is a bowl of cherries
    life is a bowl of cherries

    erynw, that man looks like a cross between Danny Bonaduce, and Donald Sutherland.

  • restrangled

    You all are top notch!

    JD, I was promised a bonus but my attorney forgot... I went in with another secretary and he forbid us to do it again....needless to say...we received our bonus..$500.00 cash each...he was hoping we didn't have the nerve. (Nothing doing) I eventually quit the firm, but the attorney and I and my former workmate are all friends. We meet for lunch abour every 2 months.....


  • Nosferatu

    Sorry to ruin this thread, but something really bad has happened...

    ....I had to boot into Windows :(

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