We've had a load of depressing topics, can we discuss something happy?

by restrangled 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse
    That's why I was so happy he hit the box. He had dunlap syndrome, his butt done-lapped over the edge of the box. He finally figured out if he just turned around....

    I am laughing so hard, and smiling from ear to ear,

    I can just picture your cat finally turing in the correct direction to get his kitty-butt in the box

    big kitty needs a bigger box lol

  • exwitless
    I pissed out my kidney stone last Wednesday!

    Wow! That's hard to top!

  • restrangled

    Ernwy...He is Mr. Handsome boy in my book.....36 pounds? Thats crazy!

    My mom had a Persian live until he was 19 years old, he would get up to 28 pounds in the winter and was a real pistol. During the summer months he'd drop down to 19 pounds with out door activities. One summer he got chased by the next door neighbors dog.

    He had a stroke and couldn't walk after that. She had to have him put down. His name was Mooglie. A huge beautiful black cat.


  • ex-nj-jw

    Okay, this couldn't be better timing - this just happend:

    The dog 120lb black lab was worrying me to go out, I let him out and not 10min later he's banging on the door to come back in, I notice something is in his mouth but he runs past me straight to my bathroom, of course I'm chasing him because he's hiding something and I want to know what , I catch up to him just as he's dropping 2 baby moles into the toilet , I scream; he looks at me like WTF, flush the toilet already , in turn I'm looking at him like if you're so damn smart you flush the toilet!

    Hubby and kids come running (all of us are scared to death of rodents) the dog is barking and looking between me and the toilet I guess wondering why I won't flush the damn thing, hubby and kids are like I'm outta here you deal with it! I flush and the damn things won't go down, meanwhile - the dog rolling around on the floor like he just accomplished some great feat, hubby is gone to play golf, kids are in their room with doors closed, I have to pee and won't use my bathroom because I think the damn baby moles are gonna bite my A$$!

    I know, I know - I'm a whimp!!!


  • restrangled

    Dear Ex....

    Oh I'm laughing and sorry....Moles are so cute but they're rodents and I know how you feel. They're blind, did you know?

    My cat leaves them at the front door all the time to deal with.

    My dogs catch opossums, rats and raccoons. I have to call animal control cause I can't deal with bodies that large!

    Before I got the dogs I use to feed the bigger fellows and would snicker with delight when they showed up.

    Now I squeal with horror when dealing with the dead bodies!


  • restrangled

    Exwitless.....congrats for your hard work....good for you!!!!!!


  • snowbird

    We're all in this together It's time we made it clear Falstaff is America's ... Can someone finish it?

  • Angry_Kangaroo

    I just got my GED. And I finally got my driver's license, and bought my first car! Also, I got hired by a temp agency...woohoo no longer unemployeed!

  • restrangled

    Nosfer.....Wow, glad you are still here. I have heard that is extremely painful. Take care and I hope you don't have to go through that again.


  • restrangled

    Angry Kang....

    All great strides and good for you....keep it up. Great news!

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