We've had a load of depressing topics, can we discuss something happy?

by restrangled 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw

    OK JO,

    I've used my allotment of brain cells for today and part of my brain is still focusing on the moles in the bowl! What's the punch line?????


  • journey-on

    A last name. (laughing at ex-nj-jw.....check two posts up.)

  • ex-nj-jw

    OHHHH! got it! That was cute - it's a shame I couldn't figure it out or just read instead of spaz'n out


  • BrentR

    Brent R....Your photos were amazing on the other thread.

    Thanks! I had to take advantage of the clear day. This was the sunset Sat evening. I posted it late on the other thread so it probably got missed.


  • restrangled

    Brent...that photo is beautiful.....could you do me a favor and send it to ErynW.......?

    She just posted that she is dieing of cancer.....I can't stand it....she answered this supposedly "happy topic" several times about her cat...what is happening here? I tried to bring some happiness to this forum but too many are hurting and in pain. Apparently it is not the proper time to start such a post.

    Take care everyone.


  • Mary

    OK, if this doesn't bring a smile to your face and make you laugh out loud....nothing can. Here's some old clips with Tim Conway and Harvey Corman. I remember watching the Carol Burnett Show when I was a kid and laughing my ass off at these:




  • flipper

    Restrangled- Mr. Flipper here. Tried to post a picture of Mrs. Flipper and me, but I'm dumb as a rock when it comes to transferring pictures from our home computer to JWD. Tried and tried, it's tough. Anyway you'll just have to imagine. Mrs. Flipper looks like a cross between actresses Mariska Hartigay and Calista Flockhart, and I've been told I look somewhat like George Clooney. We'll get this picture thing figured out yet !

    Anyway, yes we love our 2 black labrador retrievers and 3 cats. But here is a cool hash brown/ country fried potato recipe for ya ! Love to make this for Mrs. Flipper or my son when he visits from college. O.K. You slice your potatoes thin slices, add cilantro, red onions, portabella mushrooms, roasted red bell peppers from the jar ( mezzetto brand if possible) , real garlic, red chili garlic sauce ( glass jar at store ) just a couple spoonfuls though if using about 5 or 6 potatoes , dill weed, regular or lemon pepper, seasoned salt or regular, then keep turning and flipping over, takes awhile if ya like them crispy, but perhaps 20 to 30 minutes on medium heat in frying pan. But I guarantee you, your taste buds will explode in delight ! As your cooking just mix it all in together, keep flipping with spatula. I think your husband will want them again! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • life is a bowl of cherries
    life is a bowl of cherries

    When everyday, we hear about Lindsey, Paris, Nichole, and other celebs. getting in trouble, this struck me as wonderful. She is actually making a difference in these childrens lives. Test scores have gone up. She is a role model for these children.



    (CBS) On Friday afternoon, fifth grader John Gonzalez takes home more than homework.

    When John and his little sister meet up with their mom outside Normandy Elementary School for the quick walk home, they both carry an extra backpack - what's inside will help sustain them through the weekend.

    “You guys have a menu, see - there is mashed potatoes, cheese ravioli..." their mother, Anita Velasquez, told CBS News correspondent Sandra Hughes.

    The food, store coupons and menu are all provided free to the struggling family as part of the Blessings in a Backpack program. For Mom, it’s just that - a blessing.

    “You want your kids to eat healthy every day; some days you have to scrap up what you can,” she said.

    In the heart of South Central Los Angeles, the school is often the only place poor kids ever eat a good meal. At this school every student qualifies for free lunch and breakfast.

    School psychologist Cynthia Brockman-Coleman says now that the kids are eating well over the weekends, Mondays are completely different.

    "Being hungry and anxious about food and worried about food that is something they don't have to worry about that," Brockman-Coleman said.

    Test scores have gone up 33 points, and attendance has increased too. But more importantly... “We see parents getting more involved in the school,” says teacher Spencer Schumacher.

    The backpacks started going home when teachers saw that so many kids came to school hungry on Monday. But unlike school meals paid for by the government, the bill for the backpacks goes to just one person - the former Disney star Hilary Duff.
    “Putting her stamp of approval to education really motivated the kids,” Schumacher says.

    At Normandy Elementary there is no embarrassment about who gets the backpacks because everyone does, all 1,000 students. And a fifth-grade class assembles them, too.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Just thought you might be interested in my property class last Friday, since you want to hear non depressing stuff. Plus it's a good chance to brag a little. ;-)

    You'd really like the professor--a young guy about my age who is a Harvard graduate. He's very
    enthusiastic and is rather like a little yipping lap dog running around the classroom
    excitedly with an abundance of energy--very smart, very vocal, and very entertaining.

    Anyway, we've reached the section on estates and future interests. This is an extremely
    difficult area of property that is rather like learning a foreign language, and the
    concepts are perplexing and difficult to master. Anyway, he gave us a diagram last
    Wednesday to help us memorize the stuff and told us we "didn't have to know it," that the
    diagram was for our benefit.

    Friday roles around, and halfway through the class he gives us a quiz. The quiz
    consisted of two parts, the first part was drawing the diagram and the second part was
    answering questions. He gave us the first part and told us that we were not to alter
    what we put down after he gave us the second part--that we were on the "honor system."

    I did fairly well and got most of the diagram. I can't begin to convey the sense of
    foreboding and impending doom law school quizzes and exams have, but suffice it to say
    that the students were all sick.

    Anway, we finish the quiz, and he didn't take it up. He said this was for two reasons.
    1)We learn the material when we're forced to under a quiz scenario. 2)Students usually
    bomb the first quiz and he didn't want to hold us accountable for it--especially when he
    had told us we didn't have to know that material. (we do have to know it, he was just
    ensuring that we wouldn't be completely prepared for that quiz)

    Then, he goes on to enumerate 3 kinds of people. 1)People who are geniuses and aced the
    quiz even though they hadn't prepared. He gave these people one star on the board and
    told them to post that quiz on their refrigerator as a reminder than they're geniuses.

    2)People who made mistakes, but did not alter the firt part of the quiz once they got the
    second part. These people (which included me) he gave two stars and said that we should
    also post our quizzes on the refrigerator to remind us that we have what it takes to be a
    good attorney. We may not have had the answers the geniuses did, but we were honest and
    showed integrity and did not change what we put on the first quiz. He said that we
    should be proud of this and it was a good litmus test of what kind of lawyer we would
    make. I must admit this vote of confidence felt extremely good, not only because he
    meant it, but because it was true.

    3)These were the dishonest people--the people who made mistakes but changed what they put
    on the first part of the quiz. He said he hoped there weren't any of these people in the
    class, but if there were that they too should put the quiz on their refrigerator as a
    reminder that they had to change. He said if we would cheat on something as
    inconsequential as a quiz, that we would be in jeopardy of serious wrongdoing when the
    stakes are higher. He said that you are destined to unhappiness if do not change such
    ways, and to keep that in mind.

    I think this was the first time I've felt like I really do belong in law school. I
    passed his litmus test, and I did pretty well on the quiz despite not being prepared.
    Even though I didn't know all the answers, hardly anyone else did either. Pretty cool,
    huh. :-)

  • restrangled

    MR Flipper...happy birthday again and thanks for the recipe....I will make it tomorrow or the next day!!!!!!!!!


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