We've had a load of depressing topics, can we discuss something happy?

by restrangled 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • ex-nj-jw
    My dogs catch opossums, rats and raccoons. I have to call animal control cause I can't deal with bodies that large!

    OMG r, if he ever did that I don't know what I'd do. You would probably hear me screaming wherever you are


  • restrangled

    Hey all, I can't keep up with your great jokes and happy stories but keep them coming please! We need it on this forum.

    Brent R....Your photos were amazing on the other thread.

    I'm laughing about the horse, loving the cat, etc., etc.

    All posts are appreciated.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    That story was just too funny ex-nj-jw! Smart dog to run and drop them in the toilet! You really have to teach him how to flush though!

    My lab cross used to come home with rabbits, groundhogs and during hunting season, whole deer pelts (legs and head attached), or sometimes just the head!

    One night I was coming up the driveway, saw eyeballs reflecting on the headlights. I'm driving, getting closer and they are not moving! Normally whatever is there runs away by this time. I stopped the car, got out to see what it was, and it was a deer head!

    Thankfully the two I have now aren't smart enough to hunt! lol


  • Angry_Kangaroo

    I love fall. Up here in Tallahassee, we get changes in the seasons (unlike central and south fla.). The mornings here have been crisp, and there is a little fall nip in the air- nothing really cold, but a good sign that muggy summer is over! A church down the road has a pumpkin patch. I drove by there the other night, and it was slightly chilly out (low 60's brrr!) and the church lawn was covered in pumpkins, and they even had a scarecrow out. It looked so pretty, the night was gorgeous, it just made my heart happy.

    I love fall!

  • restrangled

    Oh how I long for 60 degree weather! It has finally dried out here but still in the upper 80's during the afternoon....for this Chicago native it is just a small taste of hapiness.

    No leaf color changes here....just green to dead on the ground and in the pool to vacuum out! If you have some fall photos, post them PLEEEEAAASSSEEE!


  • ex-nj-jw
    One night I was coming up the driveway, saw eyeballs reflecting on the headlights. I'm driving, getting closer and they are not moving! Normally whatever is there runs away by this time. I stopped the car, got out to see what it was, and it was a deer head!

    BB - I wouldn't have gotten out of the car! Although I've lived here in the "country" for some years now, I'm still a city girl, born and raised in Newark, NJ - I don't know how to deal with this crap! You guys are better than me!

    I also love the fall AK, the mornings are so crisp the air feels so good! It's especially good when you throw in a hot flash


  • journey-on

    Okay, here's one:

    A Riddle for the Day...

    Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.

    Michael J. Fox has a small one.

    Madonna doesn't have one.

    The Pope has one but doesn't use it.

    Clinton uses his all the time.

    Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.

    Liberace never used his on women.

    Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his.

    Cher claims that she took on 3.

    We never saw Lucy use Desi's.

    What is it?

  • restrangled



  • journey-on

    A last name.

  • restrangled



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