by deaconbluez 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    As a journalist, I would suggest that you strenghten any assertions by sourcing from documents or persons (i.e Barbara Anderson;Court records in the Public Domain, etc.) with specific quotes for attribution and details, i.e. how many lawsuits were settled, for how much, etc., etc. In their literature, they consistently violate several of the most basic tenets of journalism, i.e. citing sources w/o attribution and wresting quotes out of their orginal context. Dates, places, names, etc. all lend considerable authority to any article. Good luck.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Maybe you could cite some statistics - this was one of the things that struck me when I started my mental exit - when 'in', I was always hearing about the ever-increasing numbers 'flocking' to Jehovah's table (gag), but the reality is far different - JWs are, in fact, a high turn-over religion. Here is an interesting link:

    So, why would anyone want to exit such a 'wonderful organization'? That could be a segue into the actual experience of the exit, such that the organization is a quasi-Mafia type organization where you can join but you can never really leave...(I think it might be good to get into print the all-important change in the BAPTISMAL QUESTIONS - I am almost certain 98% of most Witnesses haven't got a clue what happened there and the repercussions of same)

    I would also stress that the projection of a certain image is of paramount importance to the heirarchy of the organization, over and above any concern for individual members and that the cracks in that image are starting to become ever more evident due to (and then name all the issues) etc. etc. etc. Parallels between the heirarchy of the Catholic Church, which the Witness roundly condemn at every opportunity, and their own multi-level 'marketing' (LOL) system might be apropro as well.

    Also make mention of this board, undergrounds at the various Bethels (of which I have also heard), AWJRB, and the fact that all of these groups must remain anonymous - that in itself is a very chilling and telling fact.

    Just my 2c. Too bad you've only got 2500 words! There is just SO MUCH......

    CONGRATULATIONS and I look forward to your article with keen anticipation! Thanks so much for this!

  • Seeker4


    I'm a newspaper editor, and I'd like to make a couple of suggestions:

    1. Be as even handed as possible. Start with some positive things so it doesn't seem as though you have an axe to grind. Making this a sour grapes, "get the JWs" piece will backfire.

    2. The JWs have bragged for years about their rate of growth, and you might mention how impressive that has been in the past, but use it as a segue into problems that have slowed JW growth in the last decade, and led to hundreds of thousands leaving. Generation change, view of education, UN NGO thing, blood issue, failure of ANY of its prophecies to come true.

    3. Use quotes from outside sources: JWs and ex-JWs. Former elders or Bethelites can often provide intelligent, highly readable quotes about how they became disillusioned with the WT and decided to leave.

    4. Your word length is great for a paper, so you've got room to do some real writing. Yet, don't try to cover too much territory. Stick with stuff that people in general might appreciate - not some obscure point that might only be understood by a hardline JW.

    5. NEVER sound angry or vindictive. JWs EXPECT all former JWs to be bitter, angry and spiteful. Avoid that at all costs. Sound beneficent, calm, reasoned and intelligent.

    I'd be glad to help in any way I can. PM me. This is a great opportunity for a lot of people to hear the truth about JWs.


  • freydi

    $$$$$$$$$ and CONTROL and FEAR

    $$$$$$$$$ and CONTROL and FEAR

    $$$$$$$$$ and CONTROL and FEAR

  • daniel-p

    I would stick to the child molestation cases and the recent court documents unearthed by Barbara Anderson. This is a hugely emotional topic for both wordly and JWs - I don't think there is a better topic to cover to show the JWs are corrupt and no different than any other religion covering up their lies and wicked policies.

  • Snoozy

    I think Seeker had some excellent suggestions!

    I too thought that if you were too negative they would just peg you as a disgruntled XJW .

    Facts and figures..good way to go.

    A few self stories would be good..people like the personal factor. Possibly on shunning? People are very family orientated and this would touch their hearts.

    Government involvement..I don't know..lot of people out there displeased with the government now anyway..might not be too impressive.

    And stick to Seekers guidelines..they were excellent.

    Snoozy..who can't wait to see the finished product...

  • loosie

    pedophiles would stir the community's blood

  • belbab

    Deacon Blues,

    I have read all three pages of suggestions, all of them mention old hat subjects, they, in my opinion. are not news.

    My suggestion:


    That is news, no one has written an article specifically expositing that the internet is tearing the Watchtower organization to pieces.

    It is crumbling from within and being sieged from without. It does not matter what they do, the internet is blocking them and they cannot do anything about it, it is a tsunami washing over them.

    It includes most of the subjects listed in this thread.

    Internet has brought thousands of dissidents together, JWD for example.

    Exposed the pedophilia scandal

    Exposed inner workings of WT headquarters.

    Gathered together information from worldwide sources, such as how many die from blood transfusions.

    Twenty-five hundred words cannot cover many subjects, choose only one subjects limits the article.

    In the words allotted, you can show that the internet is devasting the Jehovah's Witnessesand give a number of brief examples.

    belbab, expanding the ball park.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Seeker4 might have a good suggestion with taking the article slow and not too harsh at the beginning and then put the foot on the gas as it

    progresses. You still have to catch the attention of the readers at first with headings like " Good Morning We're Jehovah Witnesses " or " Who Are The Jehovah Witnesses ? "

    A back ground introductory history might be your starting point and perhaps continually stressing the point of the literature and merchandise sales and how they

    manipulated and exploited the bible belief to support those sales.

    A religion with a commercializing publishing house at its core and mandate.

  • Abandoned

    The questions that Jehovah's Witnesses don't want their bible studies to ask.

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