A 'cure' for homosexuality?

by ThomasCovenant 62 Replies latest members adult

  • saywhat29


    I love how something that has been around for a really long time in some form or fashion, before bible times, during bible times and after bible times is not 'natural'. Like it's one thing where something is an isolated case but if its cross-cultural and has been around for a long time... and othe animals do it... then how is it not 'natural'? I mean thats what I want to know. Oral sex isn't natural so you can never have oral sex again! So many things we do that isn't 'natural'- when our kids get sick we don't let them die off, and we take care of our elderly... but homosex?1 OMGZ, the unnatural! I understand that religious folks really have no choice but to say its 'unnatural' because it makes their God make sense- I get it. Because if there was a time when their god didn't make sense and they'd have to think about him/her/it critically and rationally their realities would apart.

    But anyways....

    If there was a pill for being poor can we take that too?

    BUT if I can try to not make this 'personal' which is hard then... I wil say that homosex is just another difference in what is human. we are tall, short, different colors, age differently, and what not. and have you ever notice that you cannot take a pill without side effects? You think we can get rid of us and not pay some price for it? Like, if you did get rid of all the ays through pills or some form, I can imagine what it would be like...

    The theater would die. Cause yeah.. who own's that?! Your favorite priest and pastor. yep, he's gone too- you think just any man can live a life of celibacy.. or appear to? The environment would get worst because the lesbians are the big champions of it. Feminism? It wouldn't be as strong without the women who really don't care or need a man in the first place. Body-building would disappear 'cause you gota be on some level kinda gay to appreciate that sport. and your sex lives would suck because at the end of the day a boy who loves boys is gonna know more info aout what really makes him hapy and a woman who knows the spot on a girl's body that will make her scream is gona have a edge over any man. Heteros are kinda programs to 'Insert A into B' while we come up with a the kinky dirty stuff.

    You guys need us.

    Plus, I never get what people say when they think homosexuality is a form of birth control though. Actually don't you think its interesting that when you start to allow the homosex, the heteros feel free to do whatever the hell they want and often you can have oh I don't know-Overpopulation? In the world right now do we really believe we need more people? I mean even cultures where most people have homosex, they never had a problem of having babies. Isn't that scary heteros.. that if the whole world turned fag and there were no more of you guys (and really, it'd probably be all peaceable 'cause you guys do start a lot of wars.. but hey, I forgive you. I have straight friends. They like cook for me and stuff) that we could continue on?

    sperm. Egg. yeah we get it.. BFD, I thnk we could manage without the heteros don't you? I mean if homosex ever dominated, we still have cups and turkey basters.... and the bisexuals will never go away. And alcohol will ALWAYS be around.

    Just sayin'.

  • tonic

    Actually, homosexual behavior is COMPLETELY natural. It happens in the animal kingdom all the time (I watched a documentary addressing that)...and has occurred in human behavior as far back as can be traced. Perhaps it's unnatural people have come to think that the only natural path for a being is one in which there is an all-important desire to pro-create. I can attest that if there were a "CURE" for being gay, I would have found it long ago...as I tried EVERYTHING: including the ridiculous psycho-therapy that supposedly de-gays a person. My "therapist" actually admitted that there is nothing that will remove homosexuality...ever. The therapy itself had no focus other than complaining about one's childhood. There are many contributions this world needs other than more children...and I would hate to imagine what the world would be like if there were no gay people.

  • KW13

    Homosexuality is the brains default for a homosexual the same as Hetrosexuality is for someone hetrosexual. That Simple and i doubt that the millions of Homosexuals feel that they need any form of medication or 'help' to cure it unless they find themselves and their sexuality so intolerable - if that is the case its usually what other people have said about them being gay not what is right or wrong.

    As for Pedophiles, they are a whole different ball game and nothing to do with Homosexuals. Homosexuals are people, Pedophiles are Animals.

  • Dansk
    Pedophiles are Animals.

    Don't insult the animals!


  • littlerockguy

    Why would homosexuality need to be cured? So we could be accepted more by a predominately intolerant narrow-minded society?

    And if homosexuality is so "unnatural", why am I approached more often by so called normal married straight men instead of other gay men? Define "natural" for me please whoever says that homosexuality is "unnatural".

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Here's a perspective from Gore Vidal that someone sent me a while back:

    New Statesman and Society

    14 Aug. 1992. Pp. 12-13.

    Men and Sex


    Semen-shooters and egg-layers were not made for each other, and love is just a myth invented to disguise the dull instinct to reproduce, says Gore Vidal.

    Recently, while assembling 40 years of bookchat, I noted with some alarm—even guilt—that I had never really explained sex. True, I have demonstrated that sex is politics and I have noted that the dumb neologisms, homosexual and heterosexual, are adjectives that describe acts but never people. Even so, I haven't spelled the whole thing out. So now, before reading skills further atrophy, let me set the record straight, as it were.

    First, the bad news: men and women are not alike. They have different sexual roles to perform. Despite the best efforts of theologians and philosophers to disguise our condition, there is no point to us, or any species, except proliferation and survival. This is hardly glamorous, and so to give Meaning to Life, we have invented some of the most bizarre religions . . . alas, we have nothing to compare ourselves to. We are biped mammals filled with red sea water (reminder of our oceanic origin), and we exist to reproduce—until we are eventually done in by the planet's changing weather or a stray meteor.

    Men and women are dispensable carriers, respectively, of seeds and eggs; programmed to mate and die, mate and die, mate and die. One can see why "love" was invented by some artist who found depressing the dull mechanics of our mindless mission to be fruitful and multiply.

    Apparently, the first human societies were tribal: extended families. Then the pre-nuclear family was invented. Skygods were put in place—jealous ones, too. The monotheistic religions from which we continue to suffer are fiercely grounded on the only fact that we can be certain of. Man plus Woman equals Baby. This, for many, is the Natural Law. Inevitably, if unnaturally, natural lawyers thought up marriage and monogamy and then, faced with the actual nature of the male and the female, they created numerous sexual taboos in order to keep the population in line so that the senior parts in the earthly firm could keep the rest of us busy building expensive pyramids to the glory of the Great Lawyer in the Sky.

    But as a certain Viennese novelist and classics buff, Sigmund ("It's all in the vagina, dear") Freud, noted, all those fierce do's and don't's have created discontents, not to mention asthma and date rape. In fact, everything that the Book (from which comes Judaism, Christianity, Islam) has to say about everything else, including real estate, is wrong too. But today's lesson is sex.

    The male's function is to shoot semen as often as possible into as many women (or attractive surrogates) as possible, while the female's function is to be shot briefly by a male in order to fertilise an egg, which she will lay nine months later. Although there is nothing anywhere in the male psyche that finds monogamy natural or normal (the scientific search for monogamous, exclusively heterosexual mammals has been sadly given up, wile our feathery friends—those loving doves, too—have let the natural lawyers down), the monogamous concept is drilled into the male's head from birth because, in the absence of those original tribal support systems that we discarded for the Book, someone must help the woman during gravidity and the early years of baby rearing.

    If one starts with the anatomical difference, which even a patriarchal Viennese novelist was able to see was destiny, then one begins to understand why men and women don't get on very well within marriage, or indeed in any exclusive sort of long-term sexual relationship. He is designed to make as many babies with as many different women as he can get his hands on, while she is designed to take time off from her busy schedule as astronaut and role model to lay an egg and bring up the result. Male and female are on different sexual tracks, and that cannot be changed by the Book or any book. Since all our natural instincts are carefully perverted from birth, it is no wonder that we tend to be killers of our own true nature.

    It is a fact that, like any species, our only function is replication. It is a fact that even the dullest and most superstitious of us now suspects that we may have overdone the replicating. Five and a half billion people now clutter a small planet built for two. Simply to maintain the breeders in the United States, we have managed to poison all our water. Yes, all of it. When I was told this by a member of the Sierra Club, I asked, so what do we drink? And he said, well, some of it is less poisoned than the rest.

    Despite the fulminations of the Sky Lawyer's earthly representatives, some effort is being made to limit population. But the true damage is already done, and I would not bet the farm on our species continuing in rude health too far into the next century. Those who would outlaw abortion, contraception and same-sex while extolling the family and breeding are themselves the active agents of our destruction of our species. I would be angrier if I had a high opinion of the species, but I don't, and so I regard with serenity Pope and Ayatollah as the somehow reprogrammed agents of our demise, the fate of every species. Hordes of furious lemmings are loose among us; and who would stay them, particularly if they have the Book to throw?

  • Dansk

    I was going to say that I hope more men will be gay so that there will be more women for the rest of us. But then I realised the lesbians probably balance things out. Aw, shucks!


  • DevonMcBride

    A close friend of mine is homosexual and has been with his partner for 20 years. If there was a "cure" or a pill that could change him, he wouldn't take it. He is happy with who he is and what he is.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I think everyone should watch the video I posted above, about gay penguins. It's highly entertaining.

  • BFD

    I wish there was a cure for narrow minded ignorance.

    That is the crux of the issue right there, thanks, clam.

    TC, after I re-read your post I realized that I may have jumped to a conclusion too soon. However, I do not care for the analogy that homosexuality is a disease to be cured.

    Homosexuality is not a disease to be cured. I am sure that if there were such a pill that there would be people who would choose to take it as an easy way out. I would not. I prefer to live my life the way I was created.

    The fact is homosexuals face many internal challenges and hatred because of close minded people/society who just don't understand. The ones that crack under this pressure and try to deny themselves usually wind up living a tormented existence or worse commit suicide. Even worse than that are the ones that will live a lie, marry have children and then perhaps come out later in life causing undue pain and suffering to spouses/children. I've seen it happen. How is that fair?

    My opinion is that most people who take offense with homosexuals are uncomfortable/unsure of their own sexuality. Ted Haggard is one comes to mind. Another one is that right wing pervert Senetor that got caught and pleaded guilty to cruising in a bathroom. Now that's sick.

    Homosexuality is a completely natural way of living and I would not want to live in a world filled with "Stepford Heteros".


    saywhay- you always slay me!

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