The End of Jehovah`s Witness`s

by OUTLAW 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    The current management of the Watch Tower Society doesn't like Jehovah's Witnesses. That's obvious by reading the publications and listening to the convention manuscripts being read. The Witness people are like adult children still trying to please an abusive parent.

    Hi Gary,

    As always, I enjoy your reading your posts. Always with a nice angle with keen insight.

    However, with the one quoted above, I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe too deep for me. Please pardon my ignorance, but can you elaborate a little more on what you mean by the publications and convention manuscripts indicating the dividing line between the WTS corporation and the JW religion.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • steve2
    Steve 2, you don't like that I am donating my time and effort..TOO BAD...SO SAD!. I

    Whoa there r! You had earlier asked a very good question about how long the Watchtower can continue. I took your very good question seriously, but acknowledge my answer may have touched a raw nerve.

    But the basic message remains valid: The Watchtower depends for its continuance on people's capacity to keep supporting it. Sometimes that capacity to support is directly involved in keeping the organization going; other times, that capacity is indirectly supportive - as when we support people who, in turn, support the Watchtower.

    No offence was meant. I too give emotional and practical support to a very close JW family member that seems to help her keep going in the organization. So, yes, I in my own way help maintain her involvement in the religion!

  • garybuss

    You wrote:

    Hi Gary,
    As always, I enjoy your reading your posts. Always with a nice angle with keen insight.
    However, with the one quoted above, I'm not sure what you mean. Maybe too deep for me. Please pardon my ignorance, but can you elaborate a little more on what you mean by the publications and convention manuscripts indicating the dividing line between the WTS corporation and the JW religion.

    The Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania is the parent corporation. They are the owners of everything. Those who control that corporation are the owners. Those who write the literature and convention manuscripts work for the Pennsylvania corporation either directly or through one of it's over 100 corporations.

    That's the Society.

    The higher up I go, the less the WT people like Jehovah's Witnesses. The Watch Tower Society is a publishing, real estate development, and convention sponsoring business. The Watch Tower Society by nature is a political action organization. The focus is on the world's bad "governments" and the good news is the establishment of God's "government". It's very similar to the radicle Muslim's agenda. The Watch Tower's much more of a political party than a religion.

    The Watch Tower's message is a political message not a religious message. Religion is used to keep it legal. A political party called a "society" would not be legal in most countries but a religion with a political agenda is legal in the United States.

    The radicle Muslims say all governments except a Muslim government is bad. The Watch Tower Society says all governments except the Watch Tower's (God's) government is bad.

    The Watch Tower's agenda is the overthrow of all governments and all big business and they plan to rule the world in a new world order with a one world government managed by them.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are unpaid labor and customer base all rolled into one and they are dispensable. Look for a few to be dispensed with in the next couple years.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Thank you GARY!

    Well put and concise. I had an inkling of what you first posted but didn't want to misinterpet it. Thanks for clarifying.

    As always, your posts are well appreciated.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • hybridous

    Not to be a hanger-on who bothers the crap out of people, but...

    Look for a few to be dispensed with in the next couple years.

    I'm very curious as to what Gary meant by this. If you find a moment to spell it out for me, sir, I'd be grateful.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    I'm very curious as to what Gary meant by this. If you find a moment to spell it out for me, sir, I'd be grateful.

    Not to be intrusive and to be considered anyone's spokesman, but I think I can take a stab at answering your question. Of course I stand to be corrected by Gary.

    "Look for a few to be dispensed within the next couple of years" probably means how the WTS corporation can use up their human resources. For example, the Bethel layoffs. The corporation uses what it needs and discards their current and future liabilities. In this case, human flesh and blood. The WTS uses unpaid laborers, but nicely worded as "volunteers".

    There is no committment to them at all.

    Like I said, I stand to be corrected.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • cultswatter

    Later that night night when her lights went out of sight

    came the wreck of the watchtower fitzgerald

  • garybuss
    I wrote:
    Look for a few to be dispensed with in the next couple years.
    You wrote:
    I'm very curious as to what Gary meant by this. If you find a moment to spell it out for me, sir, I'd be grateful.

    There is a tightening in the organization. More rules, more enforcement . . . a purge. The more the Witness people don't comply with instructions, the more rigid the Society becomes. The members only Watchtower study makes two meetings a week to demand compliance.

    Some elders will up the inquisitions, some won't. I expect the Society to start demanding that active Witnesses start to fractional shun inactive members. Sort of like the marking policy only tougher. They are already warning of "false brothers" in the Watchtower study.

    We'll see. I think 2008 will be a very interesting year for Tower watchers like me.

  • watson

    Gary wrote:

    Some elders will up the inquisitions, some won't. I expect the Society to start demanding that active Witnesses start to fractional shun inactive members. Sort of like the marking policy only tougher. They are already warning of "false brothers" in the Watchtower study.

    We'll see. I think 2008 will be a very interesting year for Tower watchers like me.

    This is one of the reasons I still enjoy going to meetings. Watching the evolution of things. I am currently experiencing some of what Gary suggests.


    This is a cool thread,thanks for all the replys!.....It is thought provoking to separate the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society" from the "Jehovah`s Witness`s".....Jehovah`s Witness`s are simply another one of the "WBT$`s Business`s".....What happens when there is not enough profit running a Religion called the "Jehovah`s Witness`s?".....What happens when there is not enough free labour from Jehovah`s Witness`s to run "The Jehovah`s Witness Religion?"..And..What happens when the WBT$ unpaid employee`s(the Jehovah`s Witness`s) are leaving in droves?.....The infra structure of that business collapses.....The WBT$ would be better off,selling whatever assets they have in the Jehovah`s Witness Religion..And..Put their money into another more profitable business.....The manpower to run the Jehovah`s Witness`s is dwindling very quickly.....The WBT$ is going to have to make a decision...OUTLAW

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