Mr. Flipper's Son Hears and Sees Bigfoot- I'm Serious, Not Joking

by flipper 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    flipper, reading your sons story sent chills up my spine. i had a similar thing happen to me in the swamps here. i've never told anyone. even the guy i was hunting with.

  • flipper

    Bigdreaux- Really??? Will you pm me about it if you feel comfortable? I promise it will stay between you and me. I fully understand the need for confidentiality. Have already had one poster pm me a experience and I promised them I'd keep that confidential. I'm a man of my word. Would love to hear your story. It's your call my friend

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Your son needs to get back there and recover that pile of crap - it would be the first concrete physical evidence EVER and would provide DNA samples that could be used to place the critter on the pappropriate evolutionary tree. That crap could be worth it's weight in GOLD.

  • lonelysheep

    First, Mr. Flipper--you write so well. Thanks for the laughs from your post.

    Well, that is one area this skeptic chic doesn't have a 'this can't be' attitude about. Though I don't like the term Bigfoot because of all the Hollywood personas associated with it, I do see 'it' as a possible unknown bear-type species. How could research be done on a creature whose whereabouts are not known and is without positive evidence, as mentioned below by Nathan:

    Your son needs to get back there and recover that pile of crap - it would be the first concrete physical evidence EVER and would provide DNA samples that could be used to place the critter on the pappropriate evolutionary tree. That crap could be worth it's weight in GOLD.

    Exactly. Talk about crucial $hit.

  • jaguarbass

    They talk about big foot a lot on George Noorys late night Coast to Coast show. People believe in big foots, Flying saucers, Ghost, etc. And they tell stories like your sons.

    Some people say big foot is the missing link. He is the creature that the Gods used to produce us.

  • flipper

    Ok everybody, thanks for all your replies, very interesting! Keep em' coming! Their great! I'll respond:

    JOURNEY ON- I do have faith in my sons accuracy. He is a straight up guy going to college. But I'm also prepared that if we don't see Bigfoot on this upcoming trip, I won't be devastated.

    PEC- Your cartoon Bigfoot is cool! Thanks! It reminded me of the drawing that John Lithgow's dad drew for him of a Bigfoot in the movie, ' Harry and the Henderson's ". Anybody remember that movie? It was a cute film, pretty funny!

    NVR- That Patterson film footage you sent is great! Thanks again so people can see! I got over my Moosehead experience last night!

    ON THE WAY OUT- I listen to Coast to Coast all the time as I'm driving at 2:00 A.M. to do my jobs. My son knows to be discreet about who he talks with about the experience. He doesn't even want to talk to the BFRO people about it because he doesn't want them going up to this place before he can ,to find Bigfoot.

    HORTENSIA- Sorry you can't go with us, but I'll be sure to let you and everybody know what happens on the upcoming trip.

    HONESTY- East Tennessee? Wow! Can you P.M. me some information on the sightings? Or news clippings or something? Others have said the smell was pretty bad of the creature too. I also feel in time there will be better film footage of one. But I hope to dear God nobody kills one, that would be a tragedy!

    BRENT R- Yes. I've checked out the BFRO reports for this particular area and there have been at least 10 to 20 sightings in this general river area in the Sierra mtns. in the last 15 years or so. And that is just the sightings which were reported. As I said in my thread, a lot of people are afraid to come forward with their stories out of fear of being ridiculed. As ex witnesses, we know fear does strange thing to people! My son wants to report it but does not want to draw attention to the spot or location. It's a good point you made about being in the mountains and we don't even see common animals that often, bears, mountain lions and even coyotes. So I can imagine how secretive an ape could be if it wanted to!

    HORRIBLE LIFE- I've heard of sightings in SE Oklahoma! Saw some footage on a documentary once on t.v. Can you pm me some more information on the Bigfoot sightings in Oklahoma? They have a Bigfoot festival? Cool!

    THREESTARS- I'll have to check out the novel you mentioned. Your story sounded good! Interesting stuff. I've been in the Inyo high desert Sierra area before backpacking! Nice obscure looking country.

    FEDOR E- As I said to others, I'm a big COAST to COAST fan too. And yes, I've also heard the reports that the Bigfoot tend to respond better around women. Apparently they are intimidated by our male hormones. So, with that in mind, we are taking Mrs. Flipper on the Bigfoot hunting expedition. Don't worry, she's a mountain girl, and she's lookin' forward to it. Very experienced mountain chick.

    ECLIPSE- Yes, my son is a cool young man! I believed every word he said too. He was so blown away from the Bigfoot whistling back at him!

    DJK- We might not see Bigfoot or we might. I'm prepared for either eventuality.

    BUMBLE BEE- Bigfoot Ale. I'll have to try that instead of Moosehead!

    FROZEN ONE- Your U-TUBES made me laugh so hard I about peed myself! Great stuff!

    LONG HAIR GAL- Yes a lot of Native Americans have reported seeing it for years. The fact that you mentioned no bones have been found is interesting. The scientists and experts have addressed this by saying that no bones of more common animals are rarely found too. Not many bear, or mountain lion bones are ever found. In a recent report on the show Coast to Coast , one caller called in about some large 8 ft. long bones being found on an island on the great lakes area near Micgigan and Minnesota. The bones were taken to be examined by scientists at a lab, however there was a hush, hush put on it in the media and nothing was reported publicly about any findings. So the evidence of lack of bones does not mean the Bigfoot don't exist. Big bones are rarely found.

    NATHAN NATAS- You are indeed correct. That crap could be worth millions$$$. Hey, I do janitorial for a living, so on our upcoming expedition I'll put the crap in a bag to take back. I'll be the expeditions scat scientist. LOL

    LONELY SHEEP- Thanks for the kind words. I enjoy writing and conversing. Can you tell? You were dead on about the excrement though. We will definitely be on the lookout for large poop on this next trip.

    JAGUARBASS- Coast to Coast, great show! Listen all the time! Lots of people with those stories of Bigfoot. One story on a recent show one guy up in the Northwest saw a Bigfoot staring at him while he himself was taking a $hit in the forest. What can you do in that circumstance ? Can't run off when your doing your business! Gotta wait! Betcha that was an intense bowel movement! So JAGUAR, God used the Bigfoot to create us? Wow! That explains why pictures of Jesus Christ were showing him with beards, and lots of hair! Learn somethin' new everyday! Peace out, Mr. Flipper thanks for your responses keep em' comin!. Fun thread!

  • Kudra


    I never know what to think about these experiences. Some -like your son's- sound legit.

    I went to school up in Humboldt County and the head of the Physics department actually made a presentation on the proofs for "bigfoot"...

    one was that skeletons of reclusive secretive creatures such as mountain lions are rarely EVER found and we know that there are thousands of them lurking in the mountains so the fact that a "bigfoot" skeleton has not been found should not be too surprising.

    I grew up hiking in that area and recently hiked the John Muir Trail portion of the Pacific Crest Trail. I did not see anything awry but that section of the trail is heavily traveled (by humans).

    I have seen bears, and standing up they can look humanoid. Their roars sometimes have a variety of different sounds too. I think that collecting the poop would be your best bet. Or going back at the time of year when your son first saw the creature.

    What a creepy eerie experience! I backpack alone a lot and it gives me the chills...


  • flipper

    KUDRA- Thanks for the response. It does give me chills too, and I've backpacked all through the Sierra since I was a teenager. I've only seen bears two times. Once in 1989 running across a road near Stumpy Meadow Lake in the Eldorado Ntl. forest, and one came and visited a campground at French Meadow Reservoir up in that same area in 2003. Never seen a bear in the back country though. Saw a teenage mountain lion in 1987 run across the road when driving a road to cut firewood in Trinity county near Weaverville, but have never seen one since.

    So I believe if we haven't seen these creatures that much, then Bigfoot sightings are ever rarer. Remember we are alledgedly dealing with an animal that is very intelligent and has excellent skills at evasiveness

  • Cicatrix

    Never did, but always wanted to. I used to live in perfect Sasquatch country- the middle of a national forest.

    Don't think I'll see many here in the farm fields, though.

  • flipper

    CICATRIX- Well, you never know, you might see an alien make an imprint in your cornfield though like in the movie " Signs " with Mel Gibson. Stranger things have happened. Peace, Mr. Flipper

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