Mr. Flipper's Son Hears and Sees Bigfoot- I'm Serious, Not Joking

by flipper 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Simon has a point. Everyone in America has been shot at least once.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Flipper,

    Wow, thank you for sharing this very creepy story with us!! You won't get any wise cracks from me, as I have always believed there was something out there. My brothers used to make fun of me until one actually came acrossed one as an adult! Here is his story.

    This story happened a number of years ago, but it was my brother,..about 18 or so at the time, and his friend, his friends Mom, Uncle, and Grandma were coming home from somewhere on Mt Spokane, Washington.

    Aparently they could see down in a opening a little way from the road this large apelike creature..that they all swear was bigfoot. They stopped the car and watched this thing walk off. I cannot recall all the details about this story, but they were out in the middle of no where. cars hardly travel there, and if it was a human wanting to scare someone, they were sure out in the middle of no where trying to do it! THe odds would have been very slim that they would have ever even seen a car that day as this is very moutainous territory.

    Anyhow..they all saw it and couldn't believe what they were seeing! Here sat a car load of Witnesses in disbelief as to what they were witnessing! My little brother and his friend sing a little different tune about bigfoot now! Like I said, I was always made fun of by my siblings, and even to this day my sister won't believe this story..but my brother who is now full grown and is a Emergency room EMT and Fireman will go to his grave defending this story.

    This experience sure made a believer out of him!! And they used to tease me!! In this incident it was a range of ages who saw this creature. It wasn't like it was a car load of kids out drinking etc.. So there is our family story of bigfoot.

    Also..when I was in my early 20s I was waitressing and two very serious men sat up at the diner counter. As I visited with them, I learned they were headed north on a bigfoot expidition. I asked alot of questions, and they were very knowledgable and sure convinced me. They were older, and like I said were very serious about the subject.

    Well..I look forward to reading more creepy stories about this subject!! Again..thank you for sharing!!


    Lady Liberty

  • flipper

    SIMON- Mr. Flipper here. First of all in all due respect, you are certainly free to have your opinion. But your solo vision of what goes down on this planet is not what speaks for everyones experience. In answer to your question, Why did my son keep walking past the animal? It was the only way to get back to his car ! And also, do you know my son's character ? I'm afraid not ! So please, before you start disrespecting me or my son by saying my son would be dishonest , you perhaps should explore more of these stories.

    I have had since starting this post at least 6 or 7 if you read all the posts , of people claiming to have seen or heard of reports of seeing these creatures in Canada, United States, all across North America . I have had 2 posters private mail their experiences and if you read them you would know they are telling the truth , they saw something legitimate, it could not have been made up by seeing the fear in their descriptions. But you know the reason these people want to remain anonymous ? It's because of people like yourself who refuse to admit that anything exists outside of " your " world ! So, yes, you are welcome to your opinion, that's fine, but people are not crazy who have experienced these things ! Also, yes there has been documented film footage of this creature on documentaries on the learning channel and other educational shows. There are lots of unknown species of animals being discovered these days, we just need to be open to the possibility. Peace out to you, Mr. Flipper

  • funkyderek

    Mr. flipper:

    I have had since starting this post at least 6 or 7 if you read all the posts , of people claiming to have seen or heard of reports of seeing these creatures in Canada, United States, all across North America .

    Nobody doubts other people have claimed to see Bigfoot. There must be hundreds or thousands of people who make such a claim. The problem is, not one of them has any evidence.

    I have had 2 posters private mail their experiences and if you read them you would know they are telling the truth , they saw something legitimate, it could not have been made up by seeing the fear in their descriptions.

    How do you distinguish between someone who is telling the truth and someone who believes they are telling the truth but are mistaken? Most of us use evidence.

    But you know the reason these people want to remain anonymous ? It's because of people like yourself who refuse to admit that anything exists outside of " your " world !

    I can't speak for Simon, but I imagine he would be as delighted and enthraled as I would on the discovery of such a creature. There is certainly absolutely nothing in my worldview that precludes the existence of apes or hominids.

    Also, yes there has been documented film footage of this creature on documentaries on the learning channel and other educational shows.

    I only know of one piece of convincing film, the same one almost everybody here will no doubt be familiar with, and that was an admitted hoax. If there really was evidence, people would believe. Unlike claims of the supernatural, there is no excuse for the lack of evidence, footprints, hair, excrement, bones, photographs etc.

    There are lots of unknown species of animals being discovered these days, we just need to be open to the possibility.

    When was the last time a previously completely unknown (to science) large mammal was discovered in North America?

  • FreedomFrog

    When was the last time a previously completely unknown (to science) large mammal was discovered in North America?

    Not that it's in North America but would the Saola count? It's species wasn't known until 1992.

    Edit to add...90kg = to about 200 lbs...I think that would be considered a "large mammal".

  • flipper

    FREEDOM FROG- Thanks for your takes and the cool pictures of a rare animal! Proves my point.

    FUNKY DEREK- Hey, I respectfully disagree . You have your take, I have mine. Maybe that's why your funky, I'm not.

    LADY LIBERTY- Interesting experience your relatives had. Sounds authentic, and as I say, with all of these experiences, why would people lie about it? You have to give people the benefit of the dobt, unless it's proven they are crazed maniacs. Which I know most of my jwd friends aren't here! So, I for one accept everything you say, untli it's proven to me I shouldn't . I'm a person who gives people the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for all your replies, it's been and continues to be an interesting thread

  • Abaddon

    Mr. Flipper

    before you start disrespecting me or my son by saying my son would be dishonest

    Why the hell are you being so simplistic? So, there are only two possibilities, lying or telling the truth? Nice you know that your son is a 'perfect eye-witness' and can never be wrong or mistaken about anything he sees or hears. That seems really unreasonable of you.

    I have had since starting this post at least 6 or 7 if you read all the posts , of people claiming to have seen or heard of reports of seeing these creatures in Canada, United States, all across North America.

    I could supply you with thousands of eye-witness accounts of UFO's, demons, miracles, etc.. Doesn't mean they are true and ignoring the simple fact you are exercising a double standard (discounting other accounts of divine, diabolic or alien visitation due to lack of hard evidence whilst accepeting a story only distinguished from the rest in that it comes from someone you know) gets you nowhere.

    Would you believe your son if he saw aliens, or Satan, or Jesus? Just because Bigfoot doesn't streach your personal incredulity doesn't change the fact there is no evidence of what happened, just like every other time someone makes this sort of claim.

    I have had 2 posters private mail their experiences and if you read them you would know they are telling the truth , they saw something legitimate, it could not have been made up by seeing the fear in their descriptions.

    Yup, I knew whenm I read Harry Potter that it must all be true 'cause Voldemort was so scarey.

    But you know the reason these people want to remain anonymous ? It's because of people like yourself who refuse to admit that anything exists outside of " your " world !

    Yes, I see, not beliving in an extrordinary claim that has absolutely no hard evidence is so unreasoinable. I take it to avoid conforming to this description yourself you believe in all wild claims made by people? Send me $25 dollars for lucky used condoms or you are being closed minded!! LOL.

    So, yes, you are welcome to your opinion, that's fine, but people are not crazy who have experienced these things !

    You don't have to be crazy to be mistaken.

    Also, yes there has been documented film footage of this creature on documentaries on the learning channel and other educational shows.

    Which part of 'hard evidence' is so difficult to undeerstand? There are experts who say it is real and experts who say it is not real. There's people who claim they were in the suit. I think you are the closed minded one to have excluded it being a hoax without any evidence to support your assumption.

    Not that it's in North America but would the Saola count? It's species wasn't known until 1992.

    No, it wouldnd';t, unless you are comparing populatin density of whereBigfoot is found to the Cambodean/Laos boarder.

    Bigfoot allegedly lives in areas with enough human population to ensure sightings. It streaches credulity (well, mine at least) that not one of the people who have seen it had a rifle or the that they all didn't think to use it. Human hunters have no difficulty tracking and killing the other primate species, or bear species for that matter.

    Yet people want to believe in a magical creature that evades detection and somehow is the only mammal species in North America to not have been shot at and killed by hunters. Think about it for god's sake, you'all got out of a cult, why stop using critical thinking NOW?

    I have some lucky playing cards I could sell you for $500 if you like...

  • sixsixsixtynine
    There is ZERO, Zilch, evidence for big-foot other than urban legends and stories. He's not clever enough to never be seen but can manage to avoid anyone with photograpic equipment eh?

    Ah, but he has been captured on camera:

  • Abaddon

    I stand corrected!

    Clear unequivocal evidence.

  • sixsixsixtynine

    T-Shirts don't lie!

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