Mr. Flipper's Son Hears and Sees Bigfoot- I'm Serious, Not Joking

by flipper 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Nathan, if you put a fairy in a bottle it will disappear when the sun rises. Everyone knows that.


  • FreedomFrog
    What if someone claimed to have captured a tooth fairy in a bottle - wouldn't you want to know about that? It would be evidence of some previously unknown aspect of reality.

    I'm more "agnostic" I would guess and would believe more of something out there, whether it gods/goddesses, if someone was able to show me proof of a fairy...maybe.

    Seeing a Bigfoot would only lead me to believe "ok, there's another primate out there" though not of the "mystical" creatures.

    Bigfoot doesn't grant wishes or give money unlike fairies that are well known for (as far as I've seen) (well, I should say from what I've seen in stories).

    From what I've seen, Bigfoot is just a creature that no ones been able to really catch and prove but could be there and be another life form such as us. Am I right? Is there something to Bigfoot that I'm missing besides that people haven't proved or disproved one way or another?

    Wasn't there a squid a while back discovered that was extremely large that had people in awe and many didn't know they existed because they lived way down deep...deeper than most people could go? From my understanding, this squid was only found because one died and floated to the top surface. I'll go and do a research on it but I think there was.

  • Abaddon

    People have known of the Giant and eollasal Squids for ages; they recovver bits of them in Sperm Whale stomachs. A complete specimen is something different and very rare, but they live in (to humans) inhospitable extremes so encounters are very unlikely.

    Thus there is no comparison between Bigfoot (lives in an area that should allow enough encounters to give hard physical evidenc but doesn't) and the deep-sea squids (despite the fact they li've in a place no encouners would take place with humans hard physcial evidence exists).

  • funkyderek


    He had seen on the way down to the river and hiking back up the trail back towards his car huge, giant, excrement or in laymans terms, poop, which was bigger than any he had ever seen, not bear or mountain lion poop. I saw pictures of this later, this stuff was the size of a huge Turkey serving platter heaped about two feet wide by a foot deep. It had snails, pine needles, (hope your not eating ), and various other paraphenalia in it and had a tan whitish look to it. I've never seen anything like this, ever.

    While I know a big pile of crap when I see one (sorry, had to say it!), I'm no coprologist. Are you? Is your son? If you've got a good picture it might be worth getting an expert to look at it. Not sure why a primate would be eating pine needles as almost none can digest cellulose.

    He said it sounded, " primate or apelike" was certainly not a mountain lion roar or bear, we've heard those.

    No doubt. Living in that area, you would be familiar with the calls of the indigenous animals. But how familiar are you with primate calls? Did it sound like a gorilla or a chimpanzee? An orang-utan maybe?

    And he said it sounded like it was warning him to stay away from the area.

    That's quite a deduction. Not only is your son able to identify a strange sound as the call of a primate, but he can also tell from the tone what it means?

    My son got within 50 feet of this creature, he said it was getting dark and he could see the outline of the thing standing behind some bushes but could not see very good in the advancing dark.

    Pity. I don't suppose he got a photo? Even an out-of-focus underexposed one? Is it possible that the outline he saw was something other than a large apelike creature? Perhaps confirmation bias filled in the blanks left by the poor lighting conditions.

    My son said as he walked away from this creature the roar was more inquisitive, curious,

    Again, how can your son tell the mood of a sasquatch by the tone of its voice? Could he distinguish a threat, a mating call, a cry of pain?

    Don't get me wrong: I would love for your son to be right in his interpretation of events. Unlike many things I'm skeptical about, if this turned out to be true, it would cause no major problems for my world-view, and I would be genuinely delighted to find that another species of great ape had been discovered, especially if it were as intelligent as some reports would have it. But the evidence just isn't there. There are lots of anecdotes, like your son's, but despite decades of searching no conclusive evidence has turned up of this creature's existence. No mass sightings, no photographs, no DNA evidence, not a single bone. For a population of such large animals to exist for so long in a relatively small are inhabited by humans without any solid proof of its existence strikes me as very unlikely.

    But, as I said, I'd be more than happy to be proven wrong!

  • LearningToFly

    That to me would be a heart attack moment.. gosh! Very interesting experience though.

    I lived in Whitehorse Yukon for 3.5 years before moving here, and heard many stories of people over the time I lived there believing they saw a bigfoot like creature. There is quite a following in that area who actually search and also claim to see UFO's there often. There were people from many walks of life who truly believed that this creature was out there, even though they had never seen it themselves.. so who really knows.

    Thankfully, I never ran into anything like it, nor any other wild creature. I used to mountain bike through the trails there and down the river all the time, and had some people looking at me like I was bonkers for going alone. I did though have a huge can of bear spray attached to my bike just in case and would never have gone out alone in the dark.

  • Abaddon


    How the hell do you get the bear to raise it's arm so you can use the spray?

  • FreedomFrog
    How the hell do you get the bear to raise it's arm so you can use the spray?

    You put your right arm put your right arm down and shake it all around You do the Hokey Pokeyand turn yourself aroundThat's what it's all about.

  • LearningToFly

    LOL Abadon.. it was attached to my bike because everyone told me that it was a must.. but believe me.. if I had seen one.. I'de have peddaled faster than I ever had before..

    Freedomfrog.. ..

  • Simon
    ... suddenly he heard, according to him a horrific deep sounding roar about 50 yards to his left behind some bushes and pine trees
    He said it sounded, " primate or apelike" was certainly not a mountain lion roar or bear, we've heard those. And he said it sounded like it was warning him to stay away from the area.
    He said as he got closer to this thing with every step he took it roared louder and the roar was so loud, my son felt the ground shake. Eerie.
    My son got within 50 feet of this creature, he said it was getting dark and he could see the outline of the thing standing behind some bushes but could not see very good in the advancing dark.

    Sorry, but to me, this makes the story a hoax. I don't believe that the two things tally - if something so big was roaring in such a way then I do not believe anyone would walk towards it!

    You would not advance from 50 yards to 50 feet of a creature roaring like tha IMO.

  • Simon

    I think the Futurama episode about Big Foot was good. No one had ever seen or photographed one and they had no proof he existed. One old lady (?) claimed to have seen him once but it turned out to be the monster truck.

    C'mon people, get real. Yes, most people only see bears and cougars occasionally but this doesn't mean that Big Foot is just better at hiding ... thousands of other people also see bears and cougars regularly (heck, we've had em near where we live!) and there is evidence of them (skeletons etc...). In the Canadian Rockies there are about 50 of each type of bear and 2-3 million tourists so figure out why sightings are relatively rare (we're lucky enough to have seen a grizzly, a black bear with 2 cubs and a cougar).

    There is ZERO, Zilch, evidence for big-foot other than urban legends and stories. He's not clever enough to never be seen but can manage to avoid anyone with photograpic equipment eh?

    And he appears in America but has never been shot? C'mon ...

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