Man gets charged for lemonade he made at a resturant!

by Dragonlady76 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Need some facts sorting out here!

    In the UK you can order tap water (ie from the water supply!), or there will be a jug on the table for you to help yourself - for which there is no charge, but they don't usually put a lemon slice with tap water, just ice.

    Or you can order mineral/spring water for which there is a charge, and you can ask for lemon with it.

    Will this guys water have been free or would he have already paid for it anyway? Or did they 'upgrade' the 'plain water' bill to 'lemonade' (in which case, he may actually have only been charged a few cents for the sweeteners)

    If he'd already paid for the water, that's mean to charge him for making lemonade. However if the water was free, I might call him a cheapskate but still wouldn't charge him - bad business sense if it's the usual thing to do there. Plus, how many people get refunds for not using sweeteners?!

    "The customer is always right, even when they're wrong" and all that...

  • Finally-Free

    Anyone who tries to charge me anything without prior notification doesn't collect. Period. Anyone who tries tacking on an extra or hidden charge risks getting nothing at all from me.


  • MadTiger

    Miserly behavior will not make a business prosper.


  • Dragonlady76


    If he wants to charge for tap water and lemon wedges great, put it in writing!

    He should have also charged all the other diners for their water and lemon wedges too, but he was singled out!

  • Junction-Guy

    Same here FinallyFree, nothing gets my blood boiling hot then when Im being overcharged or other items sneakingly tacked on.

    Chinese restaurant employees are very friendly, but some of their owners are absolute buttholes. I have seen them argue with many a customer.

    We were told to do similar sneaky things at the chinese restaurant I worked for in Kentucky. It bugged the crap out of me, one night I walked out on them, threw my apron on the ground. I told them off.

    I later went down to the unemployment bureau and successfully collected unemploment. Everyone thought I wouldnt get it, but I knew I would.

    I told that lady at the unemployment office that no american owned restaurant would get by with these violations, then why should they? she agreed and I collected.

  • FreeFromWTBS

    The restaurant owner was "Penny wise Pound Foolish". The guy was a regular that they ticked off for two lemons and two sweetnlows. If you have a restaurant with low profit margins then you can charge for things that are not generally charged for in other restaurants but you should notify the customer. I worked in a burger/fried fish type place and we charged a quarter for lemons for water but we told the customer.

  • nvrgnbk

    Exactly, F-F!

    I am a business owner.

    Here's how you get business...

    You quote a number.

    Client agrees.

    Complete work, surpassing expectations.

    Charge just a little less than the quoted number.

    They love the job and feel like they won the lottery.

    NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER charge one penny more than the agreed-upon price.

    If a surprise presented itself, it's incumbent upon the business owner to have foreseen that or at least addressed it prior to starting the work, making clear that additional charges may apply.

    Business is 10% knowing your job/ 90% knowing people.

    I hope this moron has to get a job at a Chinese restaurant.

    I'll bet his employees are indentured servants as well.

  • erandir
    Many people are cheap skates. Condiments are only included in the price at the discretion of the restaurant. There is no requirement for them to be there. I once knew a man who would go into the Dairy Queen and make a salad out of the burger toppings and lemonade as described here. You really think the burger he paid for included all of this?

    JohnDoe, are you calling my wife a cheap skate?

    Well? Are ya?

    I'll have to agree with you there...cuz she is! But don't tell her I said so...I do that enough myself already. I hope one day she gets charged like that because it would be hilarious. I would take her side and not want to pay, of course. But you gotta admit. It is kinda funny to see someone like that get called!

  • Junction-Guy

    Oh yeah these owners that I worked for constantly berated the employees, and would make remarks about "lazy americans" "stupid hillbillies" etc etc etc. One woman walked out in tears and promptly keyed the guys car.

  • Dragonlady76
    JohnDoe, are you calling my wife a cheap skate?

    Don't feel bad, he called my hubby one too!

    My husband wears his cheapness like a badge of honor, so no offense taken on my part.

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