How accurate can the Bible really be?

by Snoozy 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Twitch

    How accurate can the Bible really be?

    As accurate as those who wrote it and those who believe it IMO

    There are many nuggets in the rough for those less enchanted with the literal perhaps.

  • writetoknow

    The Bible was written intentionally ambigious and insufficient

    So that we would turn to God and trust Him instead of men

  • Blueblades

    My concern is whether or not the Bible has come to mankind from "GOD?" It's internal writings reveals that it is not from "GOD?" That has been proven, it has been proven that it is a history of a people, and we can expect inaccuracies to be found within it.


  • eclipse

    The Bible was written intentionally ambigious and insufficient

    So that we would turn to God and trust Him instead of men

    That makes no sense!

    The bible is SUPPOSEDLY god's WORD, so if God's WORD is CONFLICTING and completely INCONSISTENT,

    does it makes sense that he would even WRITE IT in the first place if all he needed to do was put it in your heart to search him out?

    Seems redundant and foolish to me.

    Here, let me write you a letter that makes no sense, contains some pearls of wisdom here and there, but tells you that I am coming at an uncertain date and time and to just be ready, and then I NEVER SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN...

    when all I had to do was pick up the damn phone and CALL YOU with a straight forward message.

  • writetoknow

    when all I had to do was pick up the damn phone and CALL YOU with a straight forward message.

    You sound upset at the bible, God, or me or all of the above?

    I didn't state God was ambiguous! What does the word anbiguous mean: having an obsure or double meaning difficult to classify.

    That the would fit Jesus perfectly when he walked the earth he spoke in parables and there were a number sacred secerts in the writing and much to all of are disappointment it was hidden for certain groups of people.

    Now if we are to assume that is the bible or the writings/letters put together into a bible/book is the WORD OF GOD, that its not Christ as the written word states that it is Christ he is the living Word of God then it is not hidden at all the bible is the largest publized book in the world today and has been for many years.

    And with a little help dispite what the witnesses teach people can understand the bible (without their help) and see the contradiction. And that is why there are thousands of religions and different opinion within every religion over the interpretation of verses.

    As the witnesses teach the written word is frozen Holy Spirit and as you read it you understand God. The bible teaches without God's Holy Spirit you cannot understand Christ the Word or the written word it will be confusing and full of contradictions.

    As it is written: God has given them a spirit of stupidity eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear to this very day. Rom: 11:8

    'For this reason I speak to them in parables, because they listen and neither hear nor understand.' Matt.13:13.

    Physcial people that are without God's Spirit are rule and law lovers everthing written must be in concrete perfect law. Sadly, The same was true at Christ time and the very things they were seeking did not appear in Christ his actions and teachings contradicted the Law and so they killed him and discredited him.

    Christ own appostle could not fully understand his words until he was ressurected and the Holy Spirit was poured out. Then we have disciples that were transformed into people of great faith lead by God's Spirit to write their thoughts about the Word of God Christ.

    Nicodemus a teacher of the Law could not understand Christ and what he was talking about; Christ stated to him the wind blows where it wants you can neither see it or understand where it comes from. You must be born again.

    You have all these JW's ex or otherwise thinking they understand the bible like a law book then they find out the people running things didn't tell them the truth and their law book falls apart. What they fail to understand is the book the bible/letters is about faith that was to lead them to Christ and the Holy Spirit was to teach them the deeper things of Christ and perform many other function to make them a new creation. Being made new under laws was a physical self ability to will oneself to obeying the Law. Under the Holy Spirit it was a gift from God and the help to over come problems so they could understand the new law the law of love. God love them while they were yet sinners love is above Law that demands justice. Love is spiritual not a physcial things and you cannot understand God without Love a love from above. No more then a child can understand a parent they never see or hear from but read about the parent in a book that most everyone puts down.

    A person with God Spirit is His temple it more then a damn telephone call as you state. Moreover, if we were God I am certain things would be black and white and that is the whole point isn't it worshiping men and demanding answers really don't work with God or the society or man it is love that endears oneself to others not law.

  • jwfacts
    God cannot be seen by mans physical eye and nowhere in the new testment can a person have a relationship with God and Christ without walking by faith. Morevover, faith is another gift of God and He gives it in the measure He chooses to give it it also cannot be demanded through intellectual knowledge.

    A billion testimonies would not convince a person that has no eyes to see and a billion deaths of Christain will not change a person that does not want to see. Blessed are those that know they are created and experience God's unending love.

    Lovely theory, but why would you believe God restricts himself to just Christians. Over 3 billion people do not know Christ, yet mystics of all major religious tenants have these same experiences that they attribute to God, or Holy Spirit, or the Divine Ground or however they have been taught to view spirituality based on the religion of their birth.

  • hibiscusfire

    I have read from the Bible and I don't know why people have to hate the things that are so good and pure and true. In today's world nothing really matters to anyone. People just live for no reason at all. What is the point then? The Bible is what we have from God. God exists. He is alive. The Bible is more emotional, spiritual guidance. You cannot just pick and choose what you think is correct. Find out what is missing.

    It has great history, has facts, has geography, teaches about the past and the future. Gives us hope.

    Who so ever has taken out or added to it that is not of God will face the consequences. Copyright.

    The King James Version is still the best bible to refer to even though you may want to find fault. The main subject is about Jesus. He gave His message and had people doing work for Him.

    If you read Proverbs you would see that when people write poems it is because they have been inspired by something or heard someone say something. Our ancestors would have passed down knowledge or some type of history for us...we have this from the Bible. Those are my ancestors...those who lived the experience. Most of you chose to find fault because you have been bittered by the Jehovah's Witness church.

    You will live the rest of your life this way blaming the JW church for your present state?

    Have some faith in God! There is no way you can feel good about anything without Jesus. Don't lie to yourself. Read the bible. If you don't understand it keep searching for the answers. The only way you can do that is to pray for it with tears in your eyes. Cry......cry.....cry!!!!!!!


  • hibiscusfire
    JWFACTS: Lovely theory, but why would you believe God restricts himself to just Christians.

    I do not believe that is what writetoknow meant. God does not restrict himself to just Christians. God is there for everyone. ...the thing is not every one is there for Him.


  • writetoknow

    I don't believe God can be restrict by man in any means. The bible is a wonderful book and I find it a source of strengthen and encouragement. Some of the most wonderful thoughts ever written are within it's pages.

    Man imagine they can restrict God through doctrine. Doctrine is security blanket for those who want an concrete answer for the spirit. They want to define every movement of God Holy Spirit in physical human terms so they can come up with a work to gain eternal life.

    Without faith you cannot please God - faith is the key to having a relationship with God and moving Him to act in our lives. Try if you may faith cannot be put into a concrete box. The act of faith record in the bible are examples of God love for people of faith. That is why David and many other people within the written word did things deserving of death and God through their faith made a away out for them

    A person that wants physcial law says of those acts of faith; this is how God works and if I don't do this or if I do this God must act this way or that way.

    Those that have God Spirit their faith is strengthen not by just the written word but the Word of God Jesus Christ the perfecter of their faith. They daily walk with God teaches them that they can trust Him in all things. Because people take the bible and twist and use it to promote their personal agenda does not change their trust in God. That is something that has been proven to them daily and those that know what I am stating here know that He is faithful and He never leaves us alone.

    He proves Himself faithful in the smallest of acts. The prophets did not know God through His written word they knew Him personally through their daily communication with Him. Those are the stories you are reading in the bible not the other way around the bible forming the prophets.

    That is why Jesus told those listening that they think they honor the prophets but they would be or are the ones that killed them. Why? because their view of the prophets did not fit into the written word according to their understanding of that word.

    And that is why those that have left the orgainzation have nothing because of the concrete word of fact, bible laws - they were taught has been destroyed their house was not built upon the Rock-mass Christ the Word of God. The colapse has been so great they cannot rebuild the house based on works of law.

    So they have love or hate left for God? Until they forgive God and themselves and those that mislead them as Chirst did on the stake their will be know understanding of God. Until they trust God and wait on Him to answer all questions in His time their can be no house of faith built by God - not man. Until they can rest in Him and stop their own works of self-justication through the Law there is no peace or rest for them.

  • avidbiblereader

    Matt 17:20 20 “You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible

    Mark 4:39,40 39 When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. 40 Then he asked them, “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” AND THEY WITNESSED IT WITH THEIR OWN EYES AND STILL DIDNT HAVE IT RIGHT!!!!!!!!

    Luke 17:5 5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Show us how to increase our faith.”

    Luke 18:8 8 I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly! But when the Son of Man returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?”

    Romans 10:17 17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ

    1 Cor 2:5 so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.

    2 Thess 3:2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith.

    Eccle 12: 12,13 12 Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them.
    Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.

    13 Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
    Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the whole duty of man.

    Faith comes from reading Gods Word in a prayerful manner to learn as God teaches not with a critical eye of proving it wrong, there are many books out there to disprove the Bible but it will prevail and the conclusion of the matter is to fear the True God and as Paul said read IT to build faith and remember, faith is not posssession of everyone and Christ already knew that, this is why he asked what he did , when he returns, will he find the faith on the earth. Apparently not!!!!!

    Respecfully, Abr,

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