How accurate can the Bible really be?

by Snoozy 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • serotonin_wraith

    writetoknow, I could mention that trust is not faith (because in the end trust is reliant on the evidence), I could mention that the particular god you want to believe in has already been disproved or I could mention that in my case, I never had faith in the WTBS so I was never hurt enough to lose my faith. It's something I was never stupid enough to have. I could mention all those things, but this video sums up my feelings pretty well-

  • erandir
    erandir accurate as the Society tells us it is...that's how accurate!

  • hibiscusfire

    writetoknow: With a Christain that has Gods Spirit there is a peace that surpass all knowledge. But to a physical person wanting an iron clad contract with God, that is, finding fault toget out of the contract. The child of God understand that words can get in the way of a relationship, but love is trust and love never fails. Love does not require a contract because it is base on love not on performace.

    Great message writetoknow! Keep them coming! What you posted there is true.


  • Anti-Christ

    That is why a person cannot understand God without His Spirit it is not possible accept on a logical factual bases and that make no sence. It does not add up there are too many contradiction for a factual physical human mine to accept.

    That is why God is Love that is "spiritual" and not understood no more then a parent loving their child can logical be explaned without it become dry fact and make a person look foolish for do so. And that is why history has shown amazing examples of courage and sacrifice by people loving God. It make no sence to the physical person that counts cost of love.

    Furthermore, that is why people that have a personal relationship with God and His Son cannot be understood by people that don't. Knowledge is not enough nor is knowledge a personal relationship. And that is why Christ stated that he would send his followers a comforter in the Holy Spirit that would teach them all things. And that is why people that have the Holy Spirt can see God and feel His love for them and it is as real as a Fathers love for His children. That is, the Holy Spirit can't be seen but felt and it comforts doubts and fears.

    With a Christain that has Gods Spirit there is a peace that surpass all knowledge. But to a physical person wanting an iron clad contract with God, that is, finding fault toget out of the contract. The child of God understand that words can get in the way of a relationship, but love is trust and love never fails. Love does not require a contract because it is base on love not on performace.

    My question is how do you get this spirit? If the "contract" is not accurate and the religions are not accurate then how do you get god's spirit? To become his children what do we have to do? Are we borne as god children?

    Matthew says Jesus was born when Herod was King of Judea. Luke says he was born when Cyrenius was Governor of Syria. He could not have been born during the administration of these tow rulers for Herod died in the year 4 B.C., and Cyrenius, who, in Roman history is Quirinius, did not become Governor of Syria until ten years later. Herod and Quirinius are separated by the whole reign of Archelaus, Herod's son. Between Matthew and Luke, there is, therefore, a contradiction of at least ten years.

    If the people who wrote the bible were inspired by this spirit could not get Jesus time of birth right then what else is wrong?

  • writetoknow

    Thanks for the comments. The imformation about Christ birth can be explained but it won't give a person faith or trust in God or His word. Trust does require evidence, evidence for a Christian is God's Holy Spirit which is not visible to the human eye so the evidence you require can't be had by demand.

    God Holy Spirit is a gift that cannot be demand or received from intellect it is a gift given when a person humbles their self and ask God for forgiveness and is willing to submit to God's direction. God cannot be seen by mans physical eye and nowhere in the new testment can a person have a relationship with God and Christ without walking by faith. Morevover, faith is another gift of God and He gives it in the measure He chooses to give it it also cannot be demanded through intellectual knowledge.

    A billion testimonies would not convince a person that has no eyes to see and a billion deaths of Christain will not change a person that does not want to see. Blessed are those that know they are created and experience God's unending love.

  • Anti-Christ

    Thank you write to know for your answer, but I have an other question.

    Moreover, faith is another gift of God and He gives it in the measure He chooses to give it it also cannot be demanded through intellectual knowledge.

    How did you get this information?

    God Holy Spirit is a gift that cannot be demand or received from intellect it is a gift given when a person humbles their self and ask God for forgiveness and is willing to submit to God's direction.

    The fact that you say these things and that you believe these things is because you received knowledge trough what you call god's word. So knowledge is necessary to even begin to have faith. For me to ask I have to believe but to believe I have to ask. Did I get that right? To humble myself and to ask forgiveness I have to believe I am a sinner and I have to believe in Christ sacrifice. How can I know this if I don't use my intellect?

  • Mrs. Witness
    Mrs. Witness

    Lore--Mr. Witness actually thanked me for the printout and told me that it was proof that I loved him. Then he proceeded to say that he would not be reading them or double checking them. See, I told him about the two versions of creation in Genesis 1 & 2 and he went running to his reference library (and I'm sure an elder or two) and came back to me with the decision that because chapter 2 starts with "Thus" that the second telling of creation was just a re-telling of the first. I said "yah, written by two people and put together by a third..." Anyway, long story short, I told him that he needed to think for himself, blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum, yadda yadda. Then he finished tieing his tie and left for his meeting. I also sent the list to a friend of mine who's some sort of Chrisitian (Church of the Calvary?) to see what he had to say. Of course, he started right off defending everything...

    Again, thanks Lore! I got a kick out of their counting skills. Another one for you, and it's subtle, but in Matthew & Mark, there are differences in reasons for divorce. I had to write a paper on it for a NT class at college. I wish I still had my paper, but I don't and don't remember the specifics, but basically, in one book, the only reason is infidelity and in the other one, it's infidelity and something like "if she is displeasing in any way". As with most everything in the Holey Bibley, "displeasing in any way" is open for interpretation!

  • writetoknow

    Some people on this earth were told they are a sinner and believed that was true by simply knowing their own nature and experiences in life and put faith in God and have great faith. God can act before an abundance of knowledge is there.

    Moreover, knowledge can also destroy faith if it is not in veiw of knowing God to please Him. That is, if a person was looking for reason to fault you and took every negative thing they could find about you - most likely you would not open up too that person. However, because God is love He often reveals Himself to those that hate him and forgives them for doing so.

    Once again proving that point; isn't that what this site is about people who's knowledge of God has destroy their faith? Knowledge is what JW's worship not God. Furthermore, the defination for knowing God to a JW is never being wrong. Moreover, that is motivated by fear and insecurity. And that lack of trust is why black and white absolutes appeal to them in the first place. Once their knowledge destroy's their faith in the GB what is left? More knowledge to destroy there faith in everything! But they are still looking for that secure place to hid in for protection from every having to take a chance - and God forbid being wrong again.

    Some people actual came into the organzation through faith and when it was shown to them that it was wrong their faith grew in God. For within His written word they found the rest of the story about the things they were to suffer and were unable to bear at the time.

    Because love cannot intellectually be proven in dry fact; thus, there is no logical reason to love, that is, love means being open to hurt and lose and risk. Then all the knowledge in the world will not cause a person to love God or know Him. In fact, a person can have spiritual gifts and knowledge and whatever else, but if they do not have love they cannot know God. Eventhough this is a fact of the bible people still try to explain God they don't personally know by intellect.

    Couple go through this all the time they want a perfect mate to the test and test and test the other person until they walk away. Usually, they say something to the affect that I am tried of this and if you don't trust me by now I am out of here.

    It is an insult to a person that is doing their best not to be trusted. What a person wants that has no faith is a perfect mate and an answer to every problem before it occurs. Love says problems are welcome because it is the person effort in trying to do the right thing that counts rather it be my way or not. And if we love some one we trust that they may come up with a newer better way to solve a problem then us. In fact, problem solveing make us grow and creates new ways of seeing and doing things. Religion wants to solve all problems according to doctrine. God puts trust and faith into His children to find new way of overcoming life problems thus testifying to His love.

    So knock yourself out trying to pin it all down, but as soon as there is another human being that loves God there will be a new way God will deal with that person and their faith. And that is why it was written if we could write all the things Christ "did" the world itself could not contain them.

  • Anti-Christ

    Thank you writetoknow for your answers. I do get the love thing and I think I understand how you can love god. I personally hate the f&%er ( well the biblical god that is) but I have no problem with someone that believes in a god, I just have a hard time understanding how someone who really studies the bible and it's history could believe it to be accurate and the inspired word of a all knowing, all powerful loving god.

  • writetoknow

    Well I don't, we are all taught by someone or something the history of biblical teachings has ran in that vein for thousands of years. Those in power want iron clad answers to control the masses as we can witness in our own constitution.

    I do believe the bible is a wonderful outline of acts of faith, faith that contradict other acts of faith.. I think it took great intellgency and forsight to write it the way that it is to test out hearts and that it does very well.

    For every subject on earth there are people that will take a stand on both sides no matter how unreasonable that stand might seem to me or someone else. The bible is certainly in that catagory. The words of the bible were meant to be a starter and an encouragement the seed sown by the Holy Spirit was the producer of something new the new personality not the one under Law. it is a starter a reminder of a deeper relationship that the Holy Spirit would lead a person into with God. Before the bible was in written form it was shared in word or sometime letters. There was a respect for person that had God Spirit upon them because that is the way the Word/Christ would convey Gods thoughts to His Children

    The real issue was receiving Gods Holy Spirit that seed sown into the heart of a new believer would grow into something? That something was totally new a new creation. That implies something not of this earth but new. It was an uncorrupted seed sown into a corruptable person, by that sowning the person received gifts of the spirit and one of those gifts was faith.

    The Word of God was not the bible but Christ. The appostle or no one you can fine in the New testment thought that the writing of the apostle were the Word of God they knew who he was and had commune with him on earth and by spirit in heaven. Thats how they could test the spirit and let Christ lead them and teach them all things for this life and the one to come.

    No one was to be their teacher but the Holy Spirit they were all brothers of equal standing. Some had different gifts to add to the whole or the body. For that reason Christ could state that they would never be alone. If they were lock up in prison or on some Island they need not a bible or another brother or sister in Christ they would be keep up with the growth of the body along with the rest of its members. By God Holy Spirit leading them into all understanding because the fullness of the Christ was not knowlege it was love leaning the many facet of God's personality working through the body into the fullness of the Christ.

    This work was not physcial and seen by human eyes it unseen and foolish to wise and intellectual person of this world. Without God Spirit the bible simply a book of law. A book of law that maginfies the weakness of other and our own. It is the Spirit that is greater because it is the Spirit that helps one to understand they are forgiven when they fall short. It is the Spirt that comforts when we are weak and cleanses us from our sin daily. It was that Spirit after Christ was rised that strengthen the weak and fearful apostle in the upper room and gave them faith to die for their beliefs.

    This is why those lead by the spirit are free they are not bound by the physcial laws that condemn a person to death and they are not judge by those laws they are judge by the law of a free people. The witnesses set a limit on who could receive God's Spirit. What is left is mundane what Christ left behind! Thus, they have never recieved the real glory of God the fulfillment of all the promises of God.

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