What is your opinion of prayer?

by journey-on 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • BlackPearl

    Many have said prayer is a waste of time, it doesn't work, etc. etc. So...even if I have proof, via some physical proof, such as the request in the prayer included something tangible....you *still* wouldn't believe it? I have had such proof, and I *know* that a loving, caring heavenly father exists and that he is eager to help the one asking. I know because I have experienced so many times a prayer that was answered, I can attribute the results to none other than our heavenly father. I have had situations where my first thought was, "that's a coincidence, that couldn't really happen by Jehovah's hand", or could it? Yep, I've had those conversations with myself and the *only* that comes up is, Jehovah did in fact, answer my prayer.


  • journey-on

    I am not good enough to pray to a powerful being

    Eclipse....You are part of the creator's creation... it's not a matter of being good enough. It's simply communion.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    BP - I'm happy that you have had your prayers answered. I've heard from others that have had the same experience.

    What I don't understand though is, why are some peoples prayers answered and not others?


  • PEC

    How many times do you think a believer would pray in ten years?

    My guess would be about 11,000, three times a day.

    So, for the ten years, from when the Doctor's found, my mother's brain tumor and when she died from it, God ignored her 11,000 times.

    God allowed her to slowly lose control of every bodily function until she could no longer breath and then died.

    As I said earlier in the thread, I talk to myself sometimes; but, I don't expect any answers; because there is NO GOD.


  • heathen

    I think it unfair for people to demand the escape from death. I don't look at death as a bad thing , the apostles didn't look at it that way . The apostle Paul sounded as if he couldn't wait to die just so he could be with God.If you were in the early church you were expected to maintain integrity in the face of death . The hope is a resurrection for those not alive during the conclusion .IMO You don't just ask for things and give thanks either , you have to repent as well.

  • sweetstuff

    What's "God"?

    Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it?

    God's the guy that ignores you.

    Love that movie.

  • Missanna

    the only time i pray is when i feel like i need more strength than i have at that moment to get through something. I think whatever is out there, if they're watching out for us then there is no need to pray and ask them for things. They should know what we need if they are looking out for us. Basically i pray when i have tried everything else and i need to strengthen myself. sometimes i do say a little thanks to "whoever" for the things i do have.

  • sweetstuff

    I dont really pray anymore, (have on occasion) but I have to admit, when I was deciding years ago whether or not to leave the borg, I did pray to God, alot, telling him if its a bunch of crap to please enlighten me, and bam one thing after another showed me I was in fact in a mind controlling cult. So, maybe I have had a prayer answered. End of the day, if the person who prays feels peace or calm because of it, does it matter if anyone is in fact listening?

  • eclipse
    End of the day, if the person who prays feels peace or calm because of it, does it matter if anyone is in fact listening?

    That is the beauty of prayer....no one needs to be listening for it to be helpful

  • changeling

    As I've mentioned before I like my teenaged daughter's point of view: "Prayer is a pep talk you give yourself".


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