What is your opinion of prayer?

by journey-on 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigdreaux

    i like when someone prays "for me" then after they say ahmen, they look at me, and i just stare back

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Sometimes when I see a really hot woman walking down the sidewalk, I will pray for a wardrobe malfunction. God has yet to answer me.

  • bigdreaux


  • nvrgnbk
    Steve Buscemi "The Island"

    What's "God"?

    Well, you know, when you want something really bad and you close your eyes and you wish for it?

    God's the guy that ignores you.

  • Uncertain

    1. God knows what I need better than I do

    2. God will do things his way, I can't sway him with my words or thoughts.

    3. God knows what is in my heart (the GB tells him, right?) so I may not be as sincere as I think I am.

    4. So, knowing all those things, I often pray. It organizes my thoughts,helps me analyze situations and I think prayers of thanksgiving are just plain polite.

    5. I bow my head courteously when someone is leading a prayer, but they are usually not speaking for me, no matter how well-intentioned they may be..

    6. The Lord's Prayer (Mat 6:9-15) leads me to think that if I cannot forgive debts or traspasses, my prayers are very hypocritical.

    7. Asking in Jesus' name is admitting he is a mediator available to all, not just to the John class.

    And, I suspect the coffee I got at Caribou several hours ago was not decaf.

  • Hortensia

    I don't believe there is a god, but I find I pray anyway. Interestingly, I never could pray as a JW, I had a total block, and even had a hard time saying the word "jehovah." I just couldn't pray and felt terribly guilty. But once I realized I don't believe any religion, don't believe there is a god, not sure of anything, in fact, I found prayer flows easily. I'm not praying to anyone, or anything. Doesn't make sense, I know. In fact, I find myself wanting to say "god bless you" to people in need, but I don't know what I mean by that as I am damn sure there is no god to be blessing anyone.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    If you prayed right now, or didn't pray, to a deity of your imagination, the result would be the same.

    If you live your life being a good person, and never prayed at all, you would be loved by many, and God would be scum for destroying you.

    Wishful thinking doesn't get many results. Positive thinking, and action, based on real things gets results.

    There is a story I told once before, but it was long ago, so I will tell it again.

    During the second world war, in Nazi Germany, the Nazis were rounding up Jews to be taken to the gas chambers. A father and son were together, and knew what was about to happen. A German soldier ordered the father onto the train, and the father, got down on his knees in fervent intense prayer as witnessed by his son, asking God to stop this evil from happening and as a servant of the most high to save them from their iminent fate. After the prayer was finished, he received a nice clean bullet hole right between the eyes. This is a true story , and the son who survived the camps to tell about it, was so disgusted with God, he lost all faith and never prayed again.

    That is how I feel about God!

    GQ, is now giving me the silent treatment, because of a thread in which a talented young child prodigy was giving God the credit for her talents. I stated how unfair it was that God give this one person such incredible talent and yet the unfortunate children like YOUsiff in Iraq gets his face burned off by thugs. Thats ok dear, I forgive you, and I don't even beleive in God. You don't know where I have been. Don't judge me sweetheart.

  • LearningToFly

    Well.. I dont pray. But.. I do have conversations.. or I call them thoughts.. with anything that could be listening.. lol! Most often.. I'm telling "it" off

    Seem's to me.. I'm the only one listening, no one has ever answered me.. good thing.. I think ide run to see a doc if I got an answer at this point in life.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    Oh Christ, LTF, that made me laugh

  • LearningToFly


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