What is your opinion of prayer?

by journey-on 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • PEC
    I think it unfair for people to demand the escape from death. I don't look at death as a bad thing , the apostles didn't look at it that way . The apostle Paul sounded as if he couldn't wait to die just so he could be with God.If you were in the early church you were expected to maintain integrity in the face of death . The hope is a resurrection for those not alive during the conclusion .IMO You don't just ask for things and give thanks either , you have to repent as well.


    How dare you judge my mother, you didn't know her and if you did you still have no right to judge her. Ten years of suffering. You have the coldest heart, of anyone I have ever met, except TKL, he told my wife that she needed to ask forgivness for being raped. You two are in the same league.


  • minimus

    It's worth a shot if the plane is going down.

  • Hortensia

    PEC - your mother was a very nice, hard-working woman who did the best she could for her family. She was a good person. I remember her well.

    I have to agree with all of you cynics about prayer - no one is listening. The one who described it as self-medicating is pretty accurate. I was thinking about this and another thread this morning on the way to work. The other thread was about the way JWs give jehovah credit for good things, but don't blame him for the bad things. I connected the dots for myself this morning. As a child, we were desperately poor. My mother had three little kids, an abusive alcoholic husband, and many days with no food on the table. Yest she managed to drag us to the KH where we would hear comments like the ones mentioned in the other thread - "Jehovah answered my prayers just in time!" Gas money or food or whatever was supplied just in time. Meanwhile here we sat at the KH, starving, badly clothed, poor, depressed, and wondering why jehovah didn't help us. The answer was either something was wrong with us, which I bought into, or there is no jehovah, which I finally realized. So I couldn't pray, just couldn't, another nail in my guilty coffin. Even though I tried really hard to be a good JW.

    however, now I pray, it's probably just self-medication or a way I have of soothing myself, although mostly prayer comes when I feel grateful and have no one to share it with.

    Tyrone, years ago I read the most interesting book. I wish I could remember the name - I think the author's name was Adam. Anyway he is a total non-believer who wanted to see if he could produce the same results in himself that people get through meditation. He meditated on a pencil, if I remember correctly. I'm going to look through my shelves to see if I still have it and send you the name to see if you have read it too. It was very absorbing as I remember.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    BrentR on p1 wrote this:

    I use positive thought projection but that is a far cry from prayer.

    then Journey-on on p2 wrote:

    I'm reading some stuff that connects prayer and quantum science. Fascinating! It talks about how prayer creates a vocabulary of its own in the silent language of feeling. Thoughts, feelings, and emotions are vibrations like everything else and when aligned in union with each other, these vibrations are projected into the refined substance of consciousness and each has an effect. Prayer is virtually a forgotten technology as of about 1500 years ago. It has sunk into a mere ritual of requests and thanksgiving and we have just about lost the ancient wisdom associated with the "SCIENCE" of real prayer.

    Maybe the two aren't so far removed from each other after all??

    What about this question - how many of you are happy to have other people praying for you?

    I'm happy to pray for anyone - if you don't want praying for just tell me to sod off!!

  • BFD

    JO, I did not read any of the replies.

    I never prayed in my life. Seems odd but I just never had the ability. Now don't get me wrong, I've said the Lord's Prayer and I've prayed to this saint or that saint but only when reading off a card. I call it catholic voodoo and I don't mean that disrespectfully. I have had some undenialbe results from some of these escipades/prayers/chants. I would probably use it again in the future if ever I feel the need.

    Even growing up as JW I never prayed. Only once when I was alone and really scared of demons. I was still scared even after the prayer.

    Now, I listen. I enjoy my all to brief meditation sessions outside, nearer to nauture. I love the mountains. Something about the eternity of it and I am wrapped in this feeling. I am part of the mountain at that very moment. I get the calmest feeling when I am near water, a stream, a river, a lake but best of all the ocean. I love the night sky. I don't pray. I remain still and I listen.


  • moshe

    If I am ever in a foxhole situation, I will pray for G-d to save my butt. It's no worse than using your lucky rabbit's foot.

  • heathen

    PEC - If you took my comments personally and compare me to that other idiot you are an idiot.

  • deborahs_song

    Yes, I pray to my Father in heavens.

  • hibiscusfire
    n...: Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer. ~Author Unknown

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day; give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish. ~Author Unknown

    I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs. ~Frederick Douglass, escaped slave

    Two hands clasped in prayer can do more than a zillion idle hands.

    Give a man a rod and you'll be able to feed him for a life time, give a man the opportunity to meet Jesus and he'll live forever while he repents and gives his life to Him.

    I asked God for wisdom and he gave me problems to solve.


  • IP_SEC

    Like bodlily training, it is beneficial for a little.

    My prayers are just me talking to myself, just like when I was a JW.

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