Moshe calls bro Sinutko- Grrr!

by moshe 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    Sunitko is the typical example of these Watchtower men. They will NOT accept responsibility for the things they have said in the past that turn out to be wrong.

    They are a very ARROGANT bunch of men who, as it turned out over time, said NOTHING at all of value!

    They are WORTHLESS!


  • Dogpatch

    "They are WORTHLESS!" but entertaining nowadays! Dogz

  • Gerard
    "I never promised it [1975] would positively happen"

    Right, he only said it will hapen, beyond any doubt.

    Should we send him some macaroni Kraft dinners?

  • crazyblondeb

    Should we send him some macaroni Kraft dinners?

    Those are too good for him, how about romane noodles?

  • yknot

    I guess my over indoctrination is coming out.......regarding 'opportunities'

    Hell why didn't you invite him to join JWD.....ain't anyway that he privately fully buys the WTS BS!

    That would have been a nice apostate feather in the cap of JWD!

    Perhaps next year if we go to Florida I will knock on his door with the good news of this forum and it's sweet salvation!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Good one ,

    Yep I was one of those folks that swallowed the 1975 propaganda since I was raised a jw, after realizing it was just a marketing ploy to help circulate

    more of their literature and make more money for them, I was gone.

    Bullshit still smells even when you wrap a pretty ribbon around it.

    " The Truth " was whatever what was written by them was devised for selling and marketting and it worked well

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