WHAT do YOU know about JESUS... and His teachings?

by hibiscusfire 286 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo


    I know I am not welcome into their kingdom,

    Oh yes you are! See you when we all get there

    Erm - unless we really were deluded - and then none of us will be anywhere lol!

  • eclipse

    I don't believe that is how it works. Doesn't seem compassionate to me.

    The Wiccans ( I know many) have a good ethic in relation to this...

    They view an attempt to "convert" someone to their beliefs, or to get them to change paths is harmful and covered by the following in the Wiccan Rede...

    These Eight words the Rede fulfill:

    "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

    Thank you AO,

    I agree that what I said was NOT the compassionate view of god

    I guess I consider myself a lost cause to god, so I cannot envision any forgiveness.

    But my point was the same, If I heard a loud voice tell me he was god, well, I would believe.

    I have deep respect for the wiccan ethical code, so thank for sharing it with me!

  • eclipse

    Sad Emo, I respect and really admire your open-mindedness, it is very refreshing

  • 144001
    Jesus Christ is questionably the most dominant and main person in history.

    He'll be replaced by Elvis in about 1,000 years.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    If I heard a loud voice tell me he was god, well, I would believe.

    Now be honest, Eclipse. Would you REALLY believe or would you seek the help of a mental health professional?

    From everything I've seen you post, I have a feeling you'd call a shrink. Just guessing though.

    Open Mind

  • hibiscusfire

    seronin:Why does the story of Jesus get repeated all the time in theists' arguments, we all know the story. Theists hmmmm....I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ because He is forevermore my Saviour and yours too. It's not just "the story" of Jesus. It is not being repeated as you say. It just lives on.....forever. Even if you say "we all" know the story I think you missed something. Maybe it was not taught to you the way it should have been and you don't really know what it means. Doesn't everytime we read something again, we realise, "Hey I missed that part just now!"? Then I am sure, as you say you know about what Jesus' taught you know about "The Prodigal Son". This is about the Father's love to a returning sinner. You can find that in Luke 15:11. In the time Jesus' walked the earth the people were very eager to listen to him and follow him around. He was very special because he gave the people something that is everlasting. He gave them hope. Isn't that what we really need? The Prodigal Son can be you. This is about a man who had two sons and divided his wealth between them. The younger son went on a long trip where he squandered his money. He had so much money that he had many 'friends'. But when the money was gone, his 'friends' were gone too! A famine came and the younger son became so hungry (you know how you feel when your belly is growling at you?) that he had to get a job...one where he had to tend to the HOGS! Still he didn't have enough to eat and wished he can have some of the hogs' food. Of course he was soooo miserable, anyone would be. Isn't that true? Tell me. Well, in a way you can say he swallowed his pride and told himself, "Look at me in this old hog pen! My father has so many servants and they have plenty to eat, and I am here starving like a fool. I better go back to my father and tell him how I have sinned. I will tell him, "Pops, I am not worthy to be your son, so then I would like to ask you to be one of your servants." He went home. Meanwhile his father missed him sooooo much. He was very worried. That was his son after all!!! Every single day he would look out for him. When the boy returned home, his father was so excited and happy that he decided to throw a great party for him! He wanted him to have the best- a robe, a ring, shoes, so on and so on. He did this because he thought his son was lost and was dead. But now he is alive and is found. And of course, the older son got angry and jealous. He became selfish. He approached his father and said, "Daddy, I was so faithful to you all these years and you didn't do all these things for me. Now when that scamp has come back after squandering all his money on wild living, you celebrate! The father knew the older son was jealous and told him, "My son, you have always been with me. Everything I have is yours. I really thought your brother was dead, but HE IS ALIVE!!!! It is right to to rejoice because he has come back. Though he was lost, now he is found." Hey you guys I am not preaching. This is one of Jesus' teachings and it is very significant. What do you think about it? It refers to us returning to our Heavenly Father. Jesus is the way. Hibiscusfire

  • hibiscusfire

    seronin:Why does the story of Jesus get repeated all the time in theists' arguments, we all know the story. Theists hmmmm....I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ because He is forevermore my Saviour and yours too. It's not just "the story" of Jesus. It is not being repeated as you say. It just lives on.....forever. Even if you say "we all" know the story I think you missed something. Maybe it was not taught to you the way it should have been and you don't really know what it means. Doesn't everytime we read something again, we realise, "Hey I missed that part just now!"? Then I am sure, as you say you know about what Jesus' taught you know about "The Prodigal Son". This is about the Father's love to a returning sinner. You can find that in Luke 15:11. In the time Jesus' walked the earth the people were very eager to listen to him and follow him around. He was very special because he gave the people something that is everlasting. He gave them hope. Isn't that what we really need? The Prodigal Son can be you. This is about a man who had two sons and divided his wealth between them. The younger son went on a long trip where he squandered his money. He had so much money that he had many 'friends'. But when the money was gone, his 'friends' were gone too! A famine came and the younger son became so hungry (you know how you feel when your belly is growling at you?) that he had to get a job...one where he had to tend to the HOGS! Still he didn't have enough to eat and wished he can have some of the hogs' food. Of course he was soooo miserable, anyone would be. Isn't that true? Tell me. Well, in a way you can say he swallowed his pride and told himself, "Look at me in this old hog pen! My father has so many servants and they have plenty to eat, and I am here starving like a fool. I better go back to my father and tell him how I have sinned. I will tell him, "Pops, I am not worthy to be your son, so then I would like to ask you to be one of your servants." He went home. Meanwhile his father missed him sooooo much. He was very worried. That was his son after all!!! Every single day he would look out for him. When the boy returned home, his father was so excited and happy that he decided to throw a great party for him! He wanted him to have the best- a robe, a ring, shoes, so on and so on. He did this because he thought his son was lost and was dead. But now he is alive and is found. And of course, the older son got angry and jealous. He became selfish. He approached his father and said, "Daddy, I was so faithful to you all these years and you didn't do all these things for me. Now when that scamp has come back after squandering all his money on wild living, you celebrate! The father knew the older son was jealous and told him, "My son, you have always been with me. Everything I have is yours. I really thought your brother was dead, but HE IS ALIVE!!!! It is right to to rejoice because he has come back. Though he was lost, now he is found." Hey you guys I am not preaching. This is one of Jesus' teachings and it is very significant. What do you think about it? It refers to us returning to our Heavenly Father. Jesus is the way. Hibiscusfire

  • eclipse
    If I heard a loud voice tell me he was god, well, I would believe.

    Now be honest, Eclipse. Would you REALLY believe or would you seek the help of a mental health professional?

    From everything I've seen you post, I have a feeling you'd call a shrink. Just guessing though.

    Open Mind

    Keeping tabs on me are you OpenMindlol.

    That is why I said, it would have to be as loud as a jetfighter passing close to the ground.

    The roar is so deafening, it is next to impossible to generate that decibel level in your mind. If others heard it too, well that would help

    Just as I would believe in flying starships if I saw and heard one with my own eyes and if others saw it with me.

  • hibiscusfire

    Sorry about the big font and the double post. I don't know what happened there.


  • eclipse

    It's ok hibie, we forgive you

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