What will be the Reaction to Barbera Anderson`s New CD?

by OUTLAW 74 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • quietlyleaving

    I hope it instigates a separating work

  • LearningToFly

    First of all, I am so pleased this CD has been put together, the issue of pedophilia/child abuse within this organization can no longer be hidden from the masses. What I wish to see happen, in my idealistic mind, is to see the organization publicly apologize to all who have been hurt by their policies in handling abuse issues. Will this happen? It is doubtful! Like the invidividual abusers, they seldom admit to wrongdoing, nor apologize, and simply say.. "I am so sorry". It is also doubtful that the organization will suck in their pride, and image to do so either.

    When it comes to the individual members it will certainly be more difficult for them to ignore this issue, even if they are told not to have anything to do with this information. Once this information is viewed by the public, it will be very difficult to go out in the service, or stand in front of a mall with a magazine without having the general public not say anything to them about it. I can gaurantee this will come up, and it cant without a doubt not leave questions in the minds of witnesses spoken to about it.

    As well, there are likely many within the organization still, who have experienced this horrible wrong, or have personal connections with others still in who have not left. Many who have likely buried the experience in their minds, to survive. This CD will open up old wounds for these people, (sadly so) the ones who buried their experiences, or chose to accept the organizations policies on it, I believe they will be the ones who will in the end who will want to be heard in making sure this CD is acknowledged within the organization.

  • Mary
    What will be the reaction of the WBT$?..

    I predict that Uncle Teddy will be so upset, he'll go out and buy himself a new T-Shirt:

    UncleTeddy.gif picture by sam3217

  • Seeker4

    Awakened wrote: "I think I would also think that it was horrible how these case papers were made public, when some of the 16 may be innocent, and chose to settle the case in order to lighten the burden for the WTS, and now their names would be made public."

    Not sure what you mean by some of the 16 may be innocent - those were 16 victims, not perps! And as you'll see, there is no question about the guilt of the several abusers in these cases. The criminal trials had already taken place, I'm sure, and those would have been covered by the press.

    Public records are public records.


  • Awakened07

    OK - I've tried to read up on this, but I must have misunderstood. Anyway, I was describing how I may have reacted if I was active. I went to silentlambs to research, but I guess I'll have to go back and read some more. There were so many links there it kinda became a little confusing.

  • BizzyBee

    At the very least, it is one more thing that the WTS has to warn the flock to ignore. It is becoming a very long list, isn't it? (Thus the Sept. KM.) They are circling the wagons tighter every day. I expect that the awareness of some JW's is increased every time their leash is shortened another few inches, and many will just finally and quietly remove the dog collar completely before they strangle to death.

    Field service is going to become like walking into a field of land mines, what with the potential dangers of apostates and an informed public behind every door.

    The WTS must devise a completely new tactic - re-invent themselves, if you will - if they are to survive.

  • Seeker4


    Yeah, things got busy and complicated, for sure. And I do know what you're saying about how the Witnesses might react.


  • JK666

    It will sure be interesting if this becomes a big news story. Just imagine the JW's peddling the October Awake on child abuse while the poop is hitting the fan!



    Mary..Love Jaracz`s t-shirt..The picture dosen`t show him wearing his Adult Diaper though..LOL!!..The GB is going to go through alot of those in the weeks and months to come......................Yes,I agree.The "Field Service" will become a "Field of Land Mines"..The general public hate Pedophiles!..And..Your average Jehovah`s Witness will protect the WBT$ at any cost..That,will be a volatile combination..Many JW`s may be highly motivated to avoid "field service"...OUTLAW

  • skeeter1

    The worldly person will have a hard time opening/answering the door when a Witness knocks. Could be a pedophile at the door "casing" your house looking for the next child.... Or, it could be a JW pedophile in Chicago's airport placing cameras in the bathroom?

    I know 2 pedophiles in the congregations I was in. When I was 17, a witness girl I knew was molested by her elder uncle. The panel of elders who investigated told her & her family not to tell ANYONE about the matter. She told me.

    In the end, I think every witness knows of a few pedophiles. They blamed these "few bad apples" and did not link it to the top of the organization. I think the court documents will show that Bethel actively engaged in covering up this mess, to the detriment of the victims. The October 2007 Awake! could not have come at a better time!


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