Watchtower's Secret Agenda

by cyrano 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • bluesapphire

    Charles, I have a response to this comment made by you: "Cross and crown was a lutherian, an adventist, a catholic, a knight templar symbol, why not a russelites's symbol too. Are the lutherian, the adventist, the catholic, the knight templar and the bible's student all freemason?"

    As a matter of fact, the freemasons have admitedly infiltrated MANY organizations and religions, including those you mention. So it could be that these symbols are found in the religious literature to identify the author as a freemason. And it could also be that Russell was a freemason and was identifying his affiliation in his literature. I know that the Catholic Church has been openly targeted by the Masons. In fact, the RCC views freemasonry as an enemy, yet there are many priests, bishops and even popes who have been/are freemasons. There is much literature on this subject available, some of it written by former masons, which discusses the goal of freemasons to infiltrate and destroy the RCC.

    I believe it is not a far fetch of the imagination that Russell was part of the long-standing goal of the freemasons to destroy the RCC. Just look at the fact that for its 120+ year history, the RCC has been the single most attacked organization by the WTS. The WTS has spread deceitful propaganda full of half-truths and lies about the Catholic Church for its entire history. This in itself is a trademark of freemasonry.

    Perhaps we will never have CONCRETE evidence to prove that Russell was a full blown authentic member of the freemasonry organization. But WE DO HAVE evidence that he at the very least supported the same ideals (uhummm) as the freemasons. Admittedly, the evidence is lacking that he formally belonged to the group.

  • Dino

    Well Skally, notice that a Russelite, Mason, and a Troll have called you to task! MA, I dont give a dump what you think about me , its obvious you hate everybody on this board. Ive been seriously involved in the UN thing, but I do have some observations which our french friend cant answer with one-liner witticisms. Charles, publish something,with real references, I will read it. I promise. Once again I am not dogmatic on the subject. RR, no offense about the bible student thing. You seem like a nice fellow. You have a perfect right to defend your beliefs. Dino

  • TR

    "I yam what I yam, and I can't takes it no more!"- Popeye


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Stealth
  • chasson

    Hi bluesapphire,

    As a matter of fact, the freemasons have admitedly infiltrated MANY organizations and religions

    They have inflitred nothing, since the beginning Masons are from all the christian's religion, especially in France from the Catholic's church, because Freemasonry is not a religion, so they don't care from where religion you are coming from... This is the church in France who has spread that freemasonry was against the church, and 150 years after this accusation, yes, the ATHEIST and FRENCH's masonry
    Of the Grand Orient de France (and only this obedience in the world not the other masonic's obedience)was against catholic's church.

    This is an exception which has raised AFTER the accusation of the catholic's church against Masonry and not BEFORE !!!

    But WE DO HAVE evidence that he at the very least supported the same ideals (uhummm) as the freemasons.

    What is the ideal of freemasonry, destroy the catholic's church ? You don't explain me how some catholic's movement like the daughter of Isabella have the cross and crown symbol and how some church or priest's garnment have this symbol too ?

    This urban legend was spread by some Pope, and after by Monseigneur Jouin or Leo Taxyl.



  • chasson

    To add something about the cross and crown's symbol, something in french but you can take a look of the picture:



  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini



    Part 4: Freemasonry, Order of Illuminati, and other Secret Societies condemned by the Roman Catholic Church



    Freemasonry, Order of Illuminati, and other Secret Societies condemned by the Roman Catholic Church
    Secret Societies condemned by the Catholic Church
    Freemasonry Condemned by the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts
    Return to Part 1: History of the Hebrew Manuscript on the Origin of Freemasonry
    Return to Part 2: Origin of Freemasonry
    Return to Part 3: Origin of the Order of Illuminati
    Go to Part 5: Documents Show Freemasons and Illuminati as Igniators of Wars and Revolutions
    Go to Part 6: Freemasons and Illuminati Set up Apparatus for the Establishment of the One-World Government
    Go to Part 7: Freemasons and Illuminati set up apparatus for the establishment of one-world government
    Return to The End Days Menu
    Freemasonry, Order of Illuminati, and other Secret Societies condemned by the Roman Catholic Church
    I. Secret Societies condemned by The Catholic Church
    IReactions by the Catholic Church are swift following the revival of the ancient Masonry in the new Freemasonry in England in 1717.
    On April 28, 1738, Pope Clement XII in his Pontifical Constitution "In Eminenti" condemned Freemasonry as being Counter-Church and Counter-State. Thus said Pope Clement XII:
    "Let us meditate upon the serious evils which are usually the result of those kinds of Societies or centers, not only concerning the peace of temporal States, but still more as regards the salvation of souls. Those Societies are not in agreement with the civil and economic laws of the States.
    "In order to close the widely open road to iniquities; which might be committed with impunity and also for other reasons, just and reasonable, that have come to our knowledge . . . We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid such Societies, assemblies, reunions, aggregations or meetings called either Freemasonic or known under some other denomination. WE CONDEMN AND FORBID THEM BY THIS, OUR PRESENT CONSTITUTION, WHICH IS TO BE CONSIDERED VALID FOR EVER."
    Pope Clement XII also extended the penalty of excommunication to any of the faithful who joined Masonry:
    Pope Benedict XIV in 1751 affirmed in his Pontifical Constitution "Providas" that the condemnation of Freemasonry was IRREVOCABLE and was to be applied to the FUTURE as well as to the PRESENT."
    Pope Pius VII in his Encyclical "Ecclesiam a Jesu-Cristo" in 1821 reiterated against the Freemasons the condemnations pronounced by Clement XII and Benedict XIV.
    Pope Leo XII published his Encyclical "Quo Graviora" on March 13, 1825 condemning the society called Freemasonry, as well as all other Secret Societies.
    Pope Pius VIII in his Encyclical "Traditi", published at the time of his advent on May 21, 1829 renewed all the condemnations of his predecessors, repeating that all Masonic Sects are issued from the "WELL OF PERDITION."
    Pope Pius IX renewed the condemnation in the following terms:
    We hereby confirm before you the Constitutions of Our Predecessors and in virtue of Our Apostolic Authority we hold up to reprobation and We condemn this Masonic Society and ALL OTHER SOCIETIES of the SAME ORDER which, although different in appearance, but pursuing the same aim against the Church or legitimate Civil Power are constantly being formed. It is Our order that all Christians of any standing whatsoever, of any rank or high appointment and OVER ALL THE EARTH should be informed that the said Societies are forbidden and reproved by US, and incur the same sentences and condemnations as those that are specified in the former CONSTITUTIONS of our Predecessors."
    Pope Leo XIII published his magnificent Encyclical "Humanum Genus" on April 20, 1884. He writes:
    "Today evil doers all seem allied in a tremendous effort inspired by and with the help of a society powerfully organized and widely spread over the world, it is the Society of Freemasons. In fact those people no longer even try to dissimulate their intentions, but they actually challenge each other's audacity in order to assail God's August Majesty.
    "It is now publicly and overtly that they undertake to ruin the Holy Church, so as to succeed, if it is possible, in the complete dispossession of Christian nations of all the gifts they owe to Our Savior Jesus Christ.
    "As a result, in the space of a century and a half, the sect of the Freemasons has made incredible progress. Making use at the same time of audacity and cunning, Masonry has invaded all the ranks of social hierarchy, and In the modern States it has begun to seize a power which is almost equivalent to Sovereignty.
    "This peril was denounced for the first time by Pope Clement XII in 1738, and the Constitution promulgated by that Pope was renewed and confirmed by Benedict XIV; Pius VII followed in the footsteps of those Pontiffs, and Pope Leo XII including in his Apostolical Constitution 'Quo Graviora' all the deeds and decrees of the preceding Popes on that subject, RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED THEM FOR EVER. Popes Pius VIII, Gregory XVI and on several occasions Pope Pius IX spoke in the same manner."
    Pope Pius X (1903-1914), Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922), and Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) continued affirming the condemnation of Masonry. Pope Pius XII made one specific reference to Freemasonry and Illuminism in his address to the Seventh Week Pastoral Adaptation Conference on May 23, 1958. He said, "the roots of modern apostasy lay in scientific atheism, dialectical materialism, rationalism, illuminism, laicism, and Freemasonry - which is the mother of them all . . . " (Quoted in Paul A. Fisher [1991], Their God is the Devil, American Research Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland, p. 53.)
    The successors of Pius XII approved the Code of Canon Law of 1917 which explicitly condemned the Masons: "All those who enroll their names in the sect of Freemasons or similar associations which plot against the Church or the legitimate civil authorities incur by this very fact the penalty of excommunication, absolution from which is reserved simply to the Holy See." (Canon 2335).
    The revised Code of Canon Law of 1983 stipulates: "One who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or moderates such an association, however, is to be punished with an interdict." (Canon 1374).
    Pope John Paul II promulgated the 1983 Code of Canon Law on January 25, 1983. On November 26, 1983, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith replied to an inquiry whether the Church's position regarding Masonic organizations has been altered, especially since no explicit mention is made of them in the New Code of Canon Law [1983], as there was in the Old Code [1917]. The Congregation stated that organizations were omitted in the New Code due to a different criterion adopted in drafting the code. They were included in broader categories. [See Canon 1374.] The Congregation did not, however, specify the categories it had in mind (it might have been thinking of such canons as Canon 1364), but it insisted that the Church is still opposed to Masonic associations, since their principles are irreconcilable with the Church's doctrine and that it would be seriously wrong to join them.
    [Note: Canon 1364 of 1983 Code states:
    §1. With due regard for canon 194, §1, n. 2, an apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication and if a cleric, he can also be punished by the penalties mentioned in canon 1336, §1. nn. 1, 2 and 3.
    §2. If long lasting contumacy or the seriousness of scandal warrants it, other penalties can be added including dismissal from the clerical state.]
    II. Freemasonry Condemned by the States of New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts
    Paul A. Fisher [1991] reports in his book Their God is the Devil that between 1829 and 1836 the legislatures of the States of New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts investigated Freemasonry and found it to be "a moral evil -- a distinct independent government within our own government, and beyond the control of the laws of the land by means of its secrecy, and the oaths and regulations which its subjects are bound to obey, under penalties of death" (p. 18.)
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    E-Mail: [email protected]

    The End Days
    "Who is like unto God?"
    Created July 16, 1996. Updated November 21, 1996.

    Yadira Angelini

  • Farkel


    With all due respect, you are pissing on the wrong bush.

    If you really want to see some dirt on Russell, get yourself a copy of his divorce proceedings with Maria and/or get all the articles from the Brooklyn Eagle, et. al. that dealt with Russell during his heyday. THEN you'll be pissing on the much more important bush!


  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini



    Part 3: Origin of the Order of Illuminati


    Illuminati: The Controller of All Masons
    Goals of the Illuminati
    Inside a Grand Lodge of Illuminati in Paris
    Return to Part 1: History of the Hebrew Manuscript on the Origin of Freemasonry
    Return to Part 2: Origin of Freemasonry
    Go to Part 4: Freemasonry, Order of Illuminati, and Other Secret Societies Condemned by the Roman Catholic Church
    Go to Part 5: Documents Show Freemasons and Illuminati as Igniators of Wars and Revolutions
    Go to Part 6: Freemasons and Illuminati Set up Apparatus for the Establishment of the One-World Government
    Go to Part 7: Freemasons and Illuminati set up apparatus for the establishment of one-world government
    Return to The End Days Menu
    I. Illuminati: The Controller of All Masons
    In 1776, Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Catholic Church Canon Law at the University of Ingolstodt, Bavaria (Germany), founded the Order of Illuminati (Lucifer light bearers). Although trained as a Catholic Priest, he believed in Satanism and humanism. Humanism taught that a person could attain great power like unto God with the help from demons. He spent about five years writing on methods of world revolution under orders and pay from the Rothschild Dynasty with the aim of establishing One World Government. He called this government "The Novus Ordo Seculorum" (New Age or New World Order), which is also the title of his book published in May 1, 1776. This Latin phrase is printed on the reverse side of the one-dollar bill together with the year 1776 in Roman numeral at the bottom of the Masonic pyramid. On top of the pyramid is the eye of Lucifer with the inscription "Annuit Coeptis" which means he (Lucifer) has smiled on our undertakings. Most persons believe that the date 1776 honors the Birth of the U.S. No, it honors Weishaupt's One World for Satan.
    In 1785, a member of the order named Lanze, who was carrying the secret documents to the Grand Orient of the Illuminati in Paris (France), was struck by lightning at Ratisbon. The documents on his body were seized by the Bavarian government and now could be seen in the archives in Munich. They reveal the Illuminati activities not only in the French revolution but also the destruction of all Kings and religions, except Jewry. The time table for the 1789 French Revolution was carried out exactly as planned in the captured documents.
    Although the Illuminati order was independent in the beginning, it was grafted, at selected points, onto Freemasonry, like a fungus. Then on July 16, 1782, at the Congress of Wilhelnsbad, Germany, the order was given the reign of control over Freemasonry on a world-wide scale.
    The oath of submission is taken by the candidate for the membership as follows:
    "...I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the Order, in the persons of my Superiors; here making a faithful and complete surrender of my private judgement, my own will, and every narrow-minded employment of my power and influence. I pledge myself to account the good of the Order, as my own, and am ready to serve it with my fortune, my honor, and my blood. Should I, through omission, neglect, passion, or wickedness, behave contrary to this good of the Order, I subject myself to what reproof or punishment my Superiors shall enjoin. The friends and the enemies of my Order shall be my friends and enemies; and with respect to both, I will conduct myself as directed by the Order, and am ready, in every lawful way, to devote myself to its increase and promotion, and therein to employ all my ability. All this I promise, and protest, without secret reservation, according to the intention of the Society which require from me this engagement. This I do as I am, and as I hope to continue, a Man of Honor." [John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1798, pp. 66-67, available from Emissary Publications, 9205 SE Clackamas Road, #1776, Clackamas, OR 97015, (503) 824-2050].
    II. Goals of the Illuminati
    The Illuminati follow 7 main goals:
    Abolition of all national governments.
    Abolition of all religions except Satanism.
    Abolition of the family.
    Abolition of private property.
    Abolition of inheritance by high inheritance taxes.
    Abolition of patriotism.
    Creation of the world government under the United Nations controlled by the Illuminati.
    III. Inside a Grand Lodge of Illuminati in Paris
    The following provides short summary from the book From A Nymph of Satan to a Bride of Christ, by Bother Vincent de Paul of the Immaculate, Heart , T.O.S.F., 1987, published by Third Order, P.O. Box 712, St. Louis, MO 63188 .
    Klotilde Bersone was a ravishingly beautiful girl at 17, who was an honor student and could speak six languages. Her father was a Freemason. He lost 60,000 lires (about $700) in gambling and agreed to sell Klotilde to the Grand Lodge of the Illuminati in Istanbul, Turkey in exchange for the payment of this debt. This Turkish Lodge was connected to 6 other Grand Lodges of the Illuminati throughout the world. Bersone rose from the rank of "Nymph of the Night" to "Nymph Initiated to Secrets", "Illuminati", "Sovereign Grand Master Nymph", and then "Bride of Lucifer" or "Queen of the Illuminati".
    The initial setting was in Turkey in December 1874, but it was moved to Paris, France where in the beginning she was raped by the Grand Orient of the Supreme Lodge of Illuminati of France, the American General James Abram Garfield, and became his mistress. Garfield was elected to the House of Representatives while still a General fighting the civil war. He was a hero of Shilo and promoted to Major General. He was the youngest General (30) in the Civil War. He became Grand Orient of the French Illuminati in secret and spent much time in Europe as in America. In December 1863, at the request of President Abraham Lincoln, Garfield resigned as General and ran for Congress. He was congressman for 17 years, rising to the position of Republican House Leader. He was married in 1858 to Miss Lucretia Rudolph, and had 2 daughters and 3 sons. He was elected to the Senate in January 1880, but never served in that office. He was always absent in Paris with Masonic business. Illuminati Lodges wanted him to win the presidency.
    Garfield was elected President of the U.S. in March 1881 and was shot on July 2, 1881 by Charles Guiteau of France at the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Station in Washington D.C. Garfield. He was expected to fully recover after being dismissed from the hospital. On August 11, while recuperating in a seaside cottage he wrote to his mother that he was recovering well and growing stronger every day. He signed it "Your loving son". He died mysteriously on September 19, 1881.
    Klotilde, full of hatred for everyone in the Masonic Lodges, was determined to learn all secrets about the Illuminati, to rise through the ranks, and eventually to reveal these secrets to the world in order to take revenge against those who had violated her womanhood and brought her innumerable misery and horror.
    The original UNPUBLISHED manuscript of her diary was in Italian. It was translated into French and then German in 1931. It was translated into English in 1984 by a holy Jesuit Lithuanian Priest, Father Jonas Gaudze (died in 1985), who was the Superior of the Holy Seer, Portavoz, Mother Conchita, of the Franciscan Minims of Mexico City, Mexico.
    Inside the Grand Lodge of the Illuminati of France
    First, to become member of the Order, Klotilde had to take a dreadful oath. In the making the oath, Klotilde had to kneel down with her head bent backwards, as though offering her throat to a dagger, and to swear the following oath:
    "I swear blindly to obey all orders of the Masonic Lodge, without questioning the reason for it.
    "I swear to not belong to any other religion except the Masons.
    "I swear to not give in to any influence, and to break any opposition (resistance) against the aim (goal) of the Masonic Lodge.
    "Should I become ever unfaithful to this oath, then may all daggers pierce me, which are now drawn against my throat."
    Klotilde discovered a death chapel where 18 skulls were laid on tables and altars. There was a white marble beast with 7 heads, which the masons call "Dragon Hydra". It looked terrible, with some beauty. Some heads looked like lions, some resemble panthers. Some had one horn, while others had several horns. The body was one of a leopard with black stripes. The short strong legs had powerful claws. The Grand Orient (General James Garfield, before he became U.S. President in March 1881) frequently invoked Satan to animate the marble beast. Here is his prayer of adoration:
    "I recognize you as the highest Being, which enlightens our minds and our actions. You also enlighten me especially, and you lead my arm. You have the supremacy of the Universe, and you move it because all is your creation (sic).
    "Heaven and earth belong to you, which are fulfilled with your glory, which are images of your greatness, and superiority. You are the light, strength and power. Show your might, which if wanted, can subject heart and mind. You are the helpful protector of each one of yours, you enemy of the crucified.
    "In your name, I curse God, The Trinity, Christ, and His Virgin Mother. Hear me, the one you possess, and who is one with you!
    "In trust of your revelations, in the faith of your might above all created, visible and invisible things. I have the right to request and receive from you what you know."
    After this and some chants in Yiddish language, the beast became alive. He howled and answered questions. Through this beast, Satan approved or disapprove proposals and decisions made by Masonic lodges throughout the world. And through the nymph of Beelzebub, he encouraged, urged, prodded, and guided the lodges to actions against the Catholic Church. The beast could take the form of a Dragon Hydra with 7 heads (only one of the heads wore a crown), then a man. He even appeared as a beautiful, richly adorned woman. He also showed himself as an Angel of Darkness. He put on these transformations to impress his bride, Klotilde. One time, the beast rained down gold pieces at her feet.
    To be high-initiated, she had to kill a man enclosed inside a hollowed human-size doll wearing a tiara (triple crown worn by Popes), to renounce her all Catholic Dogmas, the Sacraments and Jesus Christ, to be unbaptized, and to accept the Dragon (Lucifer) through the Beast (Beelzebub, the second highest demon after Lucifer, also called the Beast from the sea in chapter 13 of Apocalypse) as her Master.
    Before Klotilde became the nymph, she had to sign a pact with Satan in blood. The text of pact is as follows:
    "I renounce the Holy Trinity, the Crucifixional Sacrifice of the Roman Catholic Religion. I renounce the belief in one God. I give up all secrets which are not revealed by the Spirit (Satan), and also the works, which do not originate from him. I give voluntarily to him, all of myself, my body, and my soul! I beg him to take exclusive possession of his ruling domain, my mind, my will, and my thinking. I call upon him to live and act in me as I also live and act in him. In his name, I curse Christ! the only true Catholic Church, and all His Sacraments!"
    In the rituals of initiation to the membership, countless acts of sacrilege were also given to a Consecrated Host stolen from the Catholic Church. One time, an apostate fallen Catholic Abbot (named Mazati) came to the lodge to say Mass and left 120 Consecrated Hosts for the sacrilege committed on Good Fridays. The Abbot had a more powerful way to order the Dragon to appear in the body of the 7-headed beast. He did not follow the rituals of adoration and incantation, which might take hours, but simply ordered the Dragon to appear in the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Every time he used this, the Dragon Hydra revealed himself immediately and the marble beast became alive. Several of the Illuminati began using this new formula, because it was more effective and convenient in spite of the displeasure evidenced by Satan when it was used. On one occasion, the beast revealed that the real reason for the lodge to worship him was money. The beast also revealed to Klotilde all of the errors of all Non-Catholic Sects.
    The high Illuminati of Grand Lodge of Paris included President of France Jules Grévy, his Premier and many Ministers. But the highest among them was James Garfield, its Grand Orient. The Jewish Talmud was used as the Holy Book for prayer and incantation in the lodge.
    As the Nymph of Satan, she became the voice box for Beelzebub (Garfield called him the "Masonry Spirit") issuing orders to the Lodges to kill or to take actions, which terrified many Grand Masters of the Lodges. She committed many murders under the order of the Lodges. Among the murdered victims were King of Italy Victor Emmanuel II and General James Garfield. In the latter case, the charge was that he had violated the rules of the Lodges by loving Klotilde, the bride of demon Beelzebub, and taking her as his mistress, thereby putting personal interest before the Lodges' interest. The assassination of Garfield was assisted by Prince Otto Eduard Leopold Von Bismark, the Chancellor of Germany. Bismark was also a Mason who provided the Paris Lodge with documents to show that Garfield committed treason against Masonry. This attack on Garfield was Bismark's revenge for the brutal knifing of Zemard, one of his Knights of Kadosch, who was sacrificed to the demon Beelzebub at the Paris Lodge on a Good Friday. Lucifer was totally discouraged when the Lodge decided to kill Garfield as the latter was brilliant in bringing ranking dignitaries into the pit of Masonry. Garfield had become one of Lucifer's favorites. Lucifer approved of this order since he must respect human free will. For even Lucifer himself could not control the passions of the Lodge's members. The Beast lamented to Klotilde:
    "I cannot tolerate the human race. Even my own Masons are demonstrating the vileness of human character in its avarice, and vulgar passions. These people do not given him (Lucifer) enough homage and gratitude. But how could these corruptible, selfish and low instinct, addicted earthlings be faithful? They are selfish to me, their master, who is giving them everything. . . . Treason was their element, and unrestrained pleasure was their role. They even defied the 'Holy' Laws of the Masonic Lodge."
    So Lucifer resigned to taking souls with him to Hell whenever opportunity arose. Besides, by his nature, he loved to stir up jealousy and hatred for one another among different factions within the Grand Lodges. To the Beast, death to capture a soul is top priority over the success of the Lodge.
    Jealousy among members for Klotilde's fast rise to the highest position in the Grand Orient Lodge and her sudden speeches outpouring the members' failures and omissions caused the majority of the Grand Council to turn against her. She had made them tremble by her knowledge of their deeds given by Lucifer. The high initiates held a trial and decided to banish her to a brothel in Grenoble. This decision was approved by Lucifer who became disenchanted with her for her beginning dislike of him. Only when Klotilde became pregnant at the brothel did she make the critical decision to escape and take refuge in a Catholic cloistered convent in Paris. There, she became Sister Marie Amelie. She recounted her frightful story inside the Grand Lodge of Illuminati in Paris to her Mother Superior, who commanded her to write it down in 1885 for the public to know. The duplicate authentic manuscript of her memoirs of 1885 is kept somewhere in the archives of a Roman Catholic Covent in France.


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    E-Mail: [email protected]

    The End Days
    "Who is like unto God?"
    Created July 16, 1996. Updated November 21, 1996.

    Yadira Angelini

  • Yadira Angelini
    Yadira Angelini

    The website address from where I got this information... good night ladys and gentelmen.

    Yadira Angelini

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