Is the World Really More Violent Today?

by nvrgnbk 60 Replies latest jw friends


    Our village has not been raided for two full moons..The Barbarians lay waste to all settlements west of the Great Mountain Range..Our Women and Goats are safe at this time.........LOL!!...OUTLAW

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis


    I needed a good laugh today. ty

  • Forscher

    I think it is

    I suspect that two factors are in play. The first is, as has already been noted, that technology has made killing alot more efficient at all levels of society worldwide. The second is that there are alot more people to kill.

    I have no doubt that the world wide carnage has many people horrified and has much to do with the political struggles to come to grips with it and put a stop to the killing at all levels. I also have no doubt that any being capable of creating the universe we see is also quite capable of seeing what would happen down the road and including prophecies of that rise in violence. Shoot, even pundits over a hundred years ago did that when they saw the invention of ever more efficient munitions.


  • Dagney


    For the common everyday man living in any cosmopolitan city, the world is less violent, man is less violent. In fact the quality of life even with the shinking "middle class" in most areas is many times better than it was in 1914, 1814, 1714...

    The weapons are more deadly to be sure. And frightening now is suicide bomber scenarios, but IMHO, mankind overall is less violent than any other time in history.

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    WWII was the deadliest time on earth. Between 50-70 million people died as a result of the war and resulting famine. Nearly 10-15 % of both Russia and Germany's population were wiped out.

  • jaguarbass

    A quick perusal of the Bible reveals an extremely violent world.

    Any brief study of human history reveals acts of barbarism and bloody atrocities dispersed across millenia .

    Is the world of today perhaps safer than ever?

    nvrgbk. I think that depends on your perspective and which Ivory tower you live in. I work in a jail and I see a lot of people that have been shot. I know a lot of people who's friends and family have been shot. I think this is because of economic conditions, a lot of poor people have to live in neighborhoods where drugs are sold. And violence goes with drug deals.

    I dont know if the drugs are bad or the system is bad. The system is poor youth sell drugs for money because there are no jobs or the jobs dont pay as well. And people get ripped off and shoot each other in the process. So as I see it the drugs are not the culprit. It is the government trying to control revenue, just like in the days of prohibition, that causes trouble.

    When I lived in the suburbs of Cleveland in the 60's I felt very safe. Living in Florida today, I feel like every wacko in the world passes through here at some point. So my perspective and time frame are not so good.

    Then there is my perception that US Governments m. o. for ruling is there must be an enemy for the people to rally against. They have picked the undefined ambiguous enemy called terror and the dingbats having a war against it. He's fighting the boogie man. And in the process scaring a lot of people.

    I dont think the world is safer today than ever. No. there are attrocities going on and have been. George Bush is wreaking havoc in Iraq hes got them blowing themselves up and the ones that dont blow themselves up he has his soldiers shoot.

    It's possible that one can create a safe world for themselves. But the world I see is scary and more dangerous than the one I grew up in. 3 out of 4 people in Florida have a gun in their car. When they get pissed off some of them use it. It didnt seem that way in the 60's in Cleveland. I was a teenager and it was not the information age. But I dont remember hearing about road rage, car jackings and shootings in the street.

  • jaguarbass


    My dad used to say that when he was young, nobody locked their bikes and it was very very rare that a bike was stolen.

    Can we make a comparison with honesty compared to violence?

    When you look at terrorists blowing themselves up in the middle of crowds, you wonder if mankind got more violent, or if their violent ways just change a little.

    Thats because you Rag heads would cut the thieves hand off when they stole. We dont do that here in Amerika.

  • jaguarbass

    i do think people are more brazen now, but, in a few years, these will be the good old days were gas was ONLY 3 dollars a gallon, and we could still walk around not feeling too threatned. just my thoughts.

    Bigdreaux. I remember the good old days when I started driving and gas was 32Cents a gallon back in the 60's. And a man could make 10 dollars an hour in Cleveland putting roofs on houses. Today 10 dollars an hour is above average pay in Florida. A loaf of bread was 29Cents. A phone call or bottle of coke 10 cents. Your family doctor would come out to your house if you had an earache for 20 dollars.

    Most things were made in AmeriKa. Cars, tv's, toys, radios, motorcycles. boat motors. Tools,

    Hell, they even used to print our currency in Amerika.

    I think we were sold down the river when Daddy Bush came up with Nafta and exported all of our jobs.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hey, Never:

    Some pretty compelling stats and arguments here. I'm starting all over in my head about what is and what isn't - it's that way once you realize you've been used, as you well know.
    I'm sure not tossing and turning over the "if" and "when" of big "A" any longer!



  • freetosee

    I have not read all the posts, but watching the news may give that impression. But I think that's what makes the difference -the media. I wouldn't want to be living in the dark ages or in bible times. Entertainment has become more violent today in comparison to older movies where you wouldn't even see the one that was murdered. Then again today's movies are nothing like the Colosseum, where people were eaten alive!! fts

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