JW apologists struggle with KM article...

by drew sagan 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Dagney

    I do think this is mainly aimed at Stafford.

    How do you think this KM will affect the R & F JW?

    My opinion is very little, based on the JW's I know. Very very few have anything to do with the internet other than booking vacations. Behind closed doors they may grumble about reporting hours, anti-education, 1914 etc, but in the light of day, they do not want to rock the boat that is their lives...all the while praying incessantly for the "end to come" to validate their decisions.

    What do you guys think?

  • return visitor
    return visitor

    My opinion is very little, based on the JW's I know. Very very few have anything to do with the internet other than booking vacations. Behind closed doors they may grumble about reporting hours, anti-education, 1914 etc, but in the light of day, they do not want to rock the boat that is their lives...all the while praying incessantly for the "end to come" to validate their decisions.

    What do you guys think?


  • ?me?

    to say it again, everyone knows that "not endorsing " means "everyone who is a good little JW, better not". the elders(and wifes) and pioneers and servants (all of who disperse most of the info at the meetings) will take that line and interpet it as "no way you could ever do that and be a jw". just goes with the other unwritten but understood laws for "true" christians and good jw's...... no beards, no rated r movies, don't sit at a bar, service every saturday is mandatory, go to 98 percent of the meetings, always study for the meetings, etc, etc, etc, the WTS is always right. i have noticed this worked when the WTS "changed its name".... did everybody notice? anybody who is hardcore JW now refers to the people in NYC as "the slave, the faithful and discreet slave, or slave class. NEVER the wts or bethel, or even worse wbts.... it drives me crazy....... they gave themselves a new more powerful biblical title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • orbison11

    creating Web sites and chat rooms for the purpose of exchanging and debating their views,’ or ‘holding conferences and producing publications to present their findings,’ you are NECESSARILY and by definition ‘detracting from what Jesus Christ is accomplishing THROUGH HIS CONGREGATION ON EARTH TODAY.’

    i found this very interesting....if one has spare time for idle chatter, then one could spend more of their time spreading the good news
    ah, same ole same ole


  • endlosung

    I agree, There is no way the society will alow any one or group to "clarify what they really mean.
    I have seen this done in one form or another over the years and when found out they always have a talk on how not to run ahead of the information given by the wachtower.

    There have always been a bunch usualy from brooklyn bethel who think they have an "inside track" on the FDS, and they are no more tolorated than saddam would some one trying to tell people what he really though.

    Not then not every. These are usualy suckups of the first order, they think they can somehow get closer to the powers that be by sucking up, but there is no room for anyone but rank and file. You must be a mind numb kool-aid drinker of the first order and only take orders, even stepping out of line to say Hiel Hitler will get you into the stalag. You must shut up and do as you are told.

  • the dreamer dreaming
    the dreamer dreaming

    not recommend... [not inspired]

    lead by christian conscious [Jehovah guides us]

    sure we are not inspired, but has that stopped us from ruining the lives of those we tell the congregation to shun? hell no

  • still_in74
    "the slave, the faithful and discreet slave, or slave class. NEVER the wts or bethel, or even worse wbts.... it drives me crazy....... they gave themselves a new more powerful biblical title!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I noticed this term is used much more frequently at assemblies. In fact at this years DC I took particular notice of Matt 25:45. When the bro read it he referred to the "domestics" as fellow FDS members, that is the FDS are the annointed AND the domestics are the annointed.

    As if the FDS of Matt 25:45 is the "governing body" and the "domestics" are the rest of the annointed.

    Did anyone else get this?????

  • Honesty

    As if the FDS of Matt 25:45 is the "governing body" and the "domestics" are the rest of the annointed.

    Did anyone else get this?????

    The WTBTS published this GOOFY doctrine years ago:

    January 15, 1994 Watchtower magazine

    Pages 16-17 paragraph 5

    Jesus said that during his royal presence, he would identify a faithful body of followers, a "faithful and discreet slave," and would appoint it over all his belongings. (Matthew 24:45-47; Isaiah 43:10) In 1919 that slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians. Since then, as represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it has been the center of theocracy on earth.

  • TopHat


    Jesus said that during his royal presence, he would identify a faithful body of followers, a "faithful and discreet slave," and would appoint it over all his belongings. (Matthew 24:45-47; Isaiah 43:10) In 1919 that slave was identified as the remnant of anointed Christians. Since then, as represented by the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, it has been the center of theocracy on earth.


  • fedorE

    Can You imagine some brother with a website is talking in a group with other elders present,"Yeah thats a great point br Elder im going to put that on my website....good point, good point, Thanks alot!." I wonder how many times those words were uttered in KD halls.

    Now not only will he shut up that he has a website but he has to hide the fact! That is if he hasnt hidden it already and feel totally guilty. Lotsmore ex JWs on the way out! If he does take it down he feel totally OWNED!!!

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