Proof of God's existence

by Blackboo 96 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sass_my_frass
    If God doesnt exist then why do people Kill, steal, lie, and be cruel to others? Evil is proof alone that God and Satan exist. Evil couldnt just come out of no where or evolved. What gives the people the idea's to brutally murder people?

    No, the existence of evil only proves that evil exists. As it's the fittest who survive, it's the savage, brutal genes that get passed on. It's not the Ghandis and the MLKs that survive and grow, it's the fighters and protectors.

  • Highlander
    The great spaghetti monster is one of my favorite explanations.

    I love bowing to the great plate of spaghetti. I long for it's noodles.

  • nvrgnbk

    I like a nice garlic clam sauce on my spaghetti.

    All hail Satan! God of pasta!

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Who Are You?

    I love your responses. Gave me a good laugh after work.

    Canon and Blackboe,

    I actually think that God exists, but in a way and manner that we least suspect. But your posts are almost enough to make me want to run and not look back.

  • emptywords

    God doesn't make anyone worship him, I think Rom 1:19, 20 says it all

    but to call someone a fool for having a different oppinion is ignorance on you're part.

    many people would rather believe in evolution or chance, because of one paticular question that can't logically be answered for them. "If there is a God why does he allow suffering" it is easier and less painfull for them not to believe and that is their God given choice.

  • emptywords

    Evil comes from Satan who at one time was faithful to God. Enough proof. He had other plans and he wanted to be God in controling things.

    The missionaries go into a native villiage that no other human has ever been, they come across these people, women without tops and men showing their buttocks and eveyone just about naked, dancing around a fire, mothers openly breast feeding their children, and men stretching their penis's as it is their fashion, they have big lips with plates in them.

    The missionaries say, this is evil, they are nearly naked and look at the disgusting things they do to their personal parts, they need to learn about morals, we will introduce them to sin. After being introduced to sin, they wear clothing that covers their intire bodies, they stip the the penis lengthening and lip plates tatooing dancing around the fire and all the other terrilbe satanic sinful things they were doing against the missionaries God.

    These people are intoroduced to things they have never known. The first murder in this tribe accured a few months after the introduction of sin.

  • nvrgnbk

    We need more pasta sauce.

    More cowbell would also help.

  • Highlander

    mmmm... pasta sauce.


  • nvrgnbk

    You are a gentleman and a scholar, Highlander.

  • 5go
    (did i mention i love Rammstein music..anyone else like Rammstein?)

    Du hast mich ?

    Ja ! Zie Rammstein ubergut !

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