Proof of God's existence

by Blackboo 96 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Elsewhere

    So what you are saying is that, because it exists, the universe must have had a creator. By that logic, one then must ask: Who created the creator?

    If you say the creator did not need a creator, then why not just remove that extra layer and just say the universe didn't need a creator?

  • eclipse
    If God doesnt exist then why do people Kill, steal, lie, and be cruel to others? Evil is proof alone that God and Satan exist. Evil couldnt just come out of no where or evolved. What gives the people the idea's to brutally murder people?

    Funny thing is, we did ask ourselves.

    You ASSumed we haven't asked the hard questions.

    Let's go with your assumption that there is a god.

    So, god created all things, and even in the bible, it says that evil came from god, and that he created an evil son, satan, right?

    Now, here we have a god that created all things including evil, and here we have an earth with lots of wicked evil people on it, mudering, abusing, cheating, lying, stealing from one another...right?

    and where is god when we need him most?

    oh yeah, he's sitting on his thumbs because:


    B) IS DEAD or


    Now you tell me, which makes more sense? There is a god, or there isn't one.

    Perhaps we were started off from a powerful event (big bang)

    or I can believe what you believe:

    that god created earth, created evil to test us, created heaven to provide the carrot for us to be obedient, created misery and pain and anguish, is jealous and angry when he doesn't get worshipped, destroys any humans not doing his will.

    Sounds more like a 2 year old having a temper tantrum.

    Even if this god was real, I wouldn't worship it anyways. He's an evil god who doesn't deserve to be worshipped.

    And if Jesus is god, then Jesus has multiple-personality disorder. I cannot see how the two can be one and the same.

    They are both figments of the human imagination. History has proved this.

    The Bible proves that there is no god because it was written by men.

  • nvrgnbk

    Jehovah called.

    He said to tell Blackboo thanks but no thanks.

    He said He can prove His nonexistence quite nicely by Himself.

  • JCanon

    Ha, ha, ha! That's one thing that I and the JIOR don't have to worry about because we are now seeing the direct evidence of God's hand in earthly affairs, which will increase as Armageddon comes around. It's just like in Noah's day. It's just the word of the prophet who talk to God personally and nothing really direct from God. The prophets tell people and warn people. Then suddenly God shows up with a vengeance and executes all the nonbelievers. BUT, before they actually expire they are totally believers, right? Because they see with their own eyes.

    So this question is only one for those people who don't have a direct connection with God or haven't had some extra-Biblical experience that there's a god, as I have. So I know for a fact that there is a God and that the true God is the Jewish God of the Bible. I also know there is a Satan and angels, whom I've seen.

    Now, of course, you'll say, I'm a nutcase, I'm on drugs, I'm schizophrenic and everything else. But that's not because I am but ONLY because God has decided to stay in hiding and not show YOU any direct evidence that he exists (beyond the nature around us or the heavens above us if you can take a subtle clue from that, even that that is not as direct and specific as actually talking with God). That's the ONLY line here of whether my experience is real to you or not, you're experiencing the same thing. My just relating it to you cannot be comprehended. Thus all I'm really noting here is that, even if a person is schizophrenic or hypnotized or deluded or on drugs, IF they are convinced their experience is real, like a really believable dream, then they don't deal with this question any more. They can't. They have to justify things in the personal experience that is explanable if there really is a God or deal with being deluded and the facts are just too many.

    Take for instance the prophecy in the Bible about this "sign of the son of man." It is supposed to show up for the select "tribes of the earth", the secret anointed, and when they see it, they are supposed to cry and beat themselves in lamentation over that sign. Now the "sign" is an image of the messiah in the form of a dead black child's face, which is why they are crying. But me just relating that to you who have not seen the sign, is just nonsense. You can't relate to it nor can you position yourself to believe it, no matter what I say. But for some reason, God felt I needed it for myself personally to assure myself that all this is real and/or for the JIOR to confirm I'm one of the JIOR, and/or for non-believers just as a teenzie weenzie miracle that proves he exists and that he's dealing with me personally. So he sent me specifically a skyscape photographer to got from me the date and time of "sign of the son of man" that appeared at the time of the second coming. This would be the 7th year since the appearance of that sign so it seemed appropriate if that sign reappeared on that specific date and during those specific times. So the photographer photographed the skies around her own home for that period of time and sent me the pictures. No clouds showed up where I lived. When the photos were reviewed, lo-and-behold, the image of the sleeping black child and the eagle appeared along with a body rising out of the fire to represent Jerusalem/Jews being "snatched out of the fire" (i.e. saved from extermination from the Holocaust)! Thus besides just having my "delusions" and the Bible's chronology, I have this one piece of absolute physical evidence that I believe I was given to personally show people, maybe some who might listen, that indeed there IS a god! And that he is the God of the Bible. Now remember, the SIGN in the clouds is not something personally that I'm just claiming is proof, the sign was prophesied to appear in the heavens in the Bible! (Matthew 24:29-30)

    But guess what? Even though I scanned the photo and post it here and there, some people still don't believe. Because they can't. They don't want to. Some obviously do and will because they have seen the sign themselves and there is evidence of that from the "Revelation" Book where that sign was published. But people STILL don't believe. But for those who DO believe in God, I'm just saying that NOW, besides the Bible, our own personal experiences with holy spirit and all that, we also NOW have this physical evidence of God's own concept of the second coming in the form of this sleeping black child's face, and everybody can see the handiwork of the angels in creating this three-part scene in the heavens. The non-believers who need NOT to believe will make sure they see elephants and cars and everything else in the imagery, but that's them. But the imagery is there and it does add to the faith and assurance for those who understand what it is, understand it indeed was created by God himself as the promised "sign of the son of man" to prove it actually is real and that we are actually living in the time of the end close to Armageddon.

    So the question whether there really is a God or that he exists is a no-brainer for me and others who are experiencing these supernatural things now. We feel sorry for the people who God isn't directly interacting with because we know they won't believe unless they see something more, but that's their problem, not ours. We have no doubt!

    Here's a graphic of the "sign of the son of man" provided by YHWH for the me and the JIOR, so that there is no doubt that the sign does appear to some of us:

    And here is a mock imagery in the WTS publication the "Revelation" book of the sleeping black child in the hand of Jesus beside which is a cross-like flying bird figure representing the eagle that appears with the sleeping black face when it appears. This proves that other of the anointed have seen the imagery and tried to influence the WTS that this is the correct understanding of the Bible but they have rejected it, yet included the secret image in artwork likely watch out for those secret anointed in the congregation who see and understand what it is. At least that's as close as I can come to why the apostate GB would commission this imagery to be published in their book. Even though, of course, the book came out before the reappearance of the sign again many years later. So when you compare the two, you know WHAT the sign is, what it means and obviously it must have been seen by others, and it's not a man-originated concept, but one from God--"the sleeping black child" representing the dead messiah at the second coming!

    So, yep, there definitely is a God all right. He definitely exists. And the Bible definitely is his inspired book. God is real to us, though we know he's still a mystery to the unbelievers. God hides from the wicked so they go on wondering whether he exists or not, even though they can just look outside and see all the wonders of creation or look up in the heavens and know there is a powerful being that made these things. But they refuse to use that part of their brain for some reason.

    Oh well! Too bad for them. But it's a great feeling to actually KNOW firsthand at this time that there actually and truly IS a living God and that the Bible is true. That's special!


  • journey-on

    JCanon....does the fact that the face of the child is held in the right hand of God in the Rev. pic, have any specific meaning to you?

  • nvrgnbk


    Why wont God reveal Himself to all of us?

  • BFD

    Um, nevermind.


  • fedorE

    here is the truth .....?

    WE are an experiment. We were created and put on this earth by a superior Race. Ocassionally we see them flying above us from other dimensions in saucer shaped vehicles. They saw to it that we didnt kill ourselves by giving us "holy books" that would keep us chasing our tails. When we started to get smarter and invent weapons of destruction they came by to check up on us .They have made themselves known scarcely throughout history and although a few compartmentalized gov. ppl know about them in the end theres absolutely nothing we can do but enjoy each day to the full. We may never ever meet this superior race.

    Prove that this is bullsh t. Go ahead prove it......U can t prove or disprove a SINGLE DEITY figure nor can u prove or disprove the foregoing.

    (did i mention i love Rammstein music..anyone else like Rammstein?)

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • Anti-Christ

    So JCanon, you are saying that god provides a sing for those who already believe and for people who do not he just makes them believe even less? I find it hard to call that love and justice. Also the bible says that he wants every body to be saved, it seems to me, the way you just explained it, that he does not want that many people to be saved.

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